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88 Databases found

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AAPG Datapages combined publications database This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) AAPG/Datapages combined publications database, AAPG/Datapages combined publications search
Abstracts in Social Gerontology This link opens in a new window
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
AccessEngineering This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Access engineering, McGraw Hill's AccessEngineering, McGraw-Hill's digital engineering library
AccessMedicine This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) McGraw-Hill's AccessMedicine,, McGraw-Hill's, McGraw-Hill's Access Medicine, Access Medicine McGraw-Hill AccessMedicine
ACLS humanities e-book This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Council of Learned Societies humanities e-book ACLS HEB ACLS humanities ebooks
Alternate Name(s) ACM conference proceedings, ACM journals and magazines, ACM magazines and journals
ACS Publications This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Chemical Society journals books ejournals ebooks
  • Access to select content
Acta Sanctorum This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Acta sanctorum database
Alternate Name(s) HeinOnline Acts of the Parliament of Canada (Annual Statutes)
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DNSA, Digital National Security Archive
Alternate Name(s) US policy, ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DNSA, Digital National Security Archive
AFI Catalog This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Film Institute catalog This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Africabib / The African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) in Leiden, The Netherlands
African Diaspora, 1860-Present This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
African News Agency This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ANA
Age of exploration This link opens in a new window
Agricola This link opens in a new window
AHR net This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Design in form Design inform Designinform ReView Arts + architecture ProFiles (AAP) Design Abstracts Retrospective (DAR) Research Sources: Posters Arts:Search AHRnet Art history research net
Alberta Airphoto Collection This link opens in a new window
Alberta Law Collection This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Alberta Gazette, Alberta Legislature, Bills, Debates, Hansards, Jounals, Ordinances of the Northwest Territories, Revised Statutes, Municipal Bylaws of Alberta
Alberta Native Bees This link opens in a new window
Alberta Stock Exchange Bulletins This link opens in a new window
Alt HealthWatch This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Alt-Health Watch Alt Health Watch EBSCOhost Alt HealthWatch
Alternate Name(s) Gale Primary Sources
America: History and Life This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) America: History & Life America, history and life America, history & life America history and life
Alternate Name(s) AAS historical periodicals collection
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) HeinOnline American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), Hein Online American Assocation of Law Libraries (AALL)
American Ballroom Companion This link opens in a new window
American fiction, 1774-1920 This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Gale primary sources
Alternate Name(s) Gale primary sources, American historical periodicals series 1-6 digital archive, American Antiquarian Society historical periodicals collection
American History in Video This link opens in a new window
American Memory This link opens in a new window
American National Biography Online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ANB online
American Periodicals This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
American state papers, 1789-1838 This link opens in a new window
American West This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) The American West: Sources from the Everett D. Graff Collection at the Newberry Library, Chicago This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Anatomy tv
Annual Reviews This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) AR
  • Includes fulltext of reviews. Access to subscribed content only.
Anthropological fieldwork online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Anthropology Online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ANTO ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Anthropology Plus This link opens in a new window
APA PsycArticles This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) APA Psyc articles, Ovid PsycARTICLES
APA PsycInfo This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Ovid PsycINFO, APA Psyc Info, APA Psychinfo PsycINFO (Ovid)
Alternate Name(s) Latin America and the Caribbean Gale World scholar. Latin America & the Caribbean Archives of Latin American and Caribbean history, 16th to 20th century Gale primary sources. Latin American and Caribbean history
Alternate Name(s) Archives of human sexuality and identity, Gale primary sources Archives of Sexuality and Gender
Archives Unbound This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Gale primary sources
Archivision digital research library This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Archivision library via ARTstor
Arctic & Northern Studies This link opens in a new window
Arctic Blue Books This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) US human rights, ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DNSA, Digital National Security Archive
ARIBIB This link opens in a new window
Art Abstracts This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Wilson art abstracts, Wilson Web art abstracts Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
Art and architecture archive This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Art & architecture archive, ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Art Index Retrospective This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Wilson Web art index retrospective Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson)
Artefacts Canada This link opens in a new window
ARTEXTE This link opens in a new window
ARTFL Project This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language project
ArtForum Archive (The) This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build ProQuest Artforum archive Art forum archive
Artists in Canada This link opens in a new window
ARTstor This link opens in a new window
ArXiv This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) e-Print Archive
Asian American drama This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Society of Mechanical Engineers online conference publications proceedings
ASME digital collection. eBooks This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Society of Mechanical Engineers online books
ASME digital collection. Journals This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) American Society of Mechanical Engineers ejournals online journals journal program
Associated Press collections online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Gale primary sources
Association of American Law Schools (AALS) This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Heinonline Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
ASTM Compass This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ASTM Digital Library, ASTM Standards and engineering digital library SEDL, American Society for Testing and Materials International digital library, ASTM SEDL digital library, ASTM International digital library
  • Access to subscribed content only
Astrophysics Data System This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System NASA/ADS astrophysics data system
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials This link opens in a new window
Audio Ciné Films This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Audio Cine Films, ACF Streaming, Audio Cine Streaming, Streaming films from Audio Cine
  • Best viewed with Google Chrome
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Audit Analytics: Accounting + Oversight This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) AuditAnalytics Accounting plus oversight Audit Analytics: Account + Oversight Ideagen
Audit Analytics. Audit + Compliance This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) AuditAnalytics Audit & compliance, Audit Analytics Audit and compliance, Ideagen
AustLit This link opens in a new window
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) AveryIndex
Axis: for information on visual artists This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Axis - For Information on British Visual Artists

New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DNSA, Digital National Security Archive
Colonial State Papers This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Documents on British Policy Overseas This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DBPO
Early European Books This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, ProQuest early European books, EEB
Environmental Issues Online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Far Eastern economic review archive (The) This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, The Far Eastern economic review archive
National Defense University Press publications This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) HeinOnline National Defense University Press publications
ProQuest historical newspapers. Toronto star This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Sage Data Axle : Historical Canadian Business This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Sage Data: Data Axle Historical Canadian Business
Scite_ This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s)
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, The Sixties : primary sources and personal narratives 1960-1974, Primary documents and personal narratives 1960-1974
Trade and Globalization Studies Online This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, DNSA, Digital National Security Archive, US-Russia relations, United States-Russia relations
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build
Alternate Name(s) ProQuest primary sources collection, Access and Build, Access & Build, WASI, Alexander Street Press Women and social movements, international