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Finding library resources for Anthropology

Finding books using the library search

Type your keywords into the search box on the home page. You will find both print and e-books using this search.  

NOTE:  To limit search results to books -  select the Item Type "books"



How to find a book in the library

Books are grouped by subject. A call number tells you the book's location.

Read the call number in this order. For example, the book Power and Society has the call number JC251 .L3 

a. Find the JC area using the screen on each of the book floors (4 to 6)

b. Find the range with 251. 
      The label on the side of the shelves might say JC200-JC300.

      The books on these shelves should be on similar topics.

c. On those shelves, look for the 251 section and then L3.
      It should be surrounded by books written by the same author.

eBooks Top Picks

ProQuest E-book Central  
2,000 ebooks on various anthropological topics that you can browse by subject.
Download or read online. 

eHRAF World Cultures 
Collection documents (ebooks, chapters, articles and culture summaries) sorted by culture, region, country and subject.

Very useful when starting research in a new area.

UC Press E-books Collection (1982-2004) 
1,000 ebooks on various anthropological topics that you can browse by subject.
Can read online or print. No download.

University Press Scholarship Online 
over 28,000 ebooks with 500  in Anthropology and 130 in Archaeology

We don't own it?

Fill in an interlibrary loan form for print books and journal articles. We'll find it for you.

Searching further afield

You may need to request materials found in these library catalogues through interlibrary loan. We may not own the materials.

In Canada,
TAL Online -  search everything that is owned by libraries in Alberta

In North America,
WorldCat -  search libraries in the US and Canada. If another library owns it, fill out an interlibrary loan form to bring it here.

Centre for Research Libraries -  find rare and unique resources on humanities and social science topics.

In Europe,
The European Library - search 48 European national libraries and research institutions.

University of Karlsruhe, Union Catalog Search - search some European national libraries.