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If the reference includes an article title, paste that into the library's search. If the library has a subscription, a record for the article will appear in the results. Click "full text available" to access the article.
Do you have a reference with a doi, or something that looks like: 10.1126/science.aaq0200? Search the doi in Google to find the article title, then paste that into the library's search. If the library has a subscription, a record for the article will appear in the results. Click "full text available" to access the article.
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University of Calgary students, faculty and staff can request books, articles, and theses from another library, that the UCalgary library doesn't have. This service is offered at no cost to students, faculty and staff. Provide the library with the information and our staff will look for the item for you: go to Interlibrary Loan.
The form can also be accessed from any UCalgary library page:
Research Databases - Find journal articles
Search these databases for references to journal articles, conference proceedings, etc.
- Scopus (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowScopus, an abstract and citation database, includes peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources.
- Web of science This link opens in a new window
- If API is needed, see APIs for Scholarly Resources: Web of Science API Lite
Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Includes:
- BIOSIS Previews (1980-present)
- KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980-present)
- MEDLINE® (1950-present)
- Preprint Citation Index (1991-present)
- SciELO Citation Index (2002-present) - Reaxys This link opens in a new windowThis is more useful as a properties database, but it can be searched for articles.Reaxys is a web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions. Combined data from three sources: The Beilstein Database, The Gmelin Database, and The Patent Chemistry Database.
CAPlus (Chem Abs/SciFinder) Core Journals (and their Abbreviations)
- CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool for searching abbreviations
- Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviations [opens in new tab/window]Maintained by Kevin Lindstrom, Woodward Library, UBC
Latest JACS Articles
Articles from the Journal of the American Chemical Society
Print & Historical Indexes
These sources will help you find older chemical literature. Some are the precursors to the current SciFinder.
- Chemical Abstracts (1907-2009) [opens in new tab/window]Print equivalent of SciFinder
- Catalogue of scientific papers [1800 - 1900] [opens in new tab/window]Online: Full-text at Gallica; browse-only - search function unavailable
- Journal of the Chemical Society: Abstracts. (1871 - 1925) [opens in new tab/window]Even-numbered volumes abstract pure and theoretical chemistry literature
Online: Use SciFinder for searching pre-1890. - Chemisches Zentralblatt [opens in new tab/window]German abstracting journal. And yes, it's in German.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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