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What's on this Page?
These are miscellaneous sites not owned nor subscribed to by the University of Calgary.
Search Engines | Web Sites | Drawing Programs | Safety Videos & Other Resources | Academic Genealogies
Search Engines
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowTo set up Google Scholar to detect UofC subscribed resources, refer to Google Scholar setup (in the Natural Sciences Programme LibGuide)A subset of Google that only indexes academic journals. Pros: searching is very easy - just like for regular Google. Covers journals in many disciplines. Cons: Limited functionality for filtering results. May include some journals of dubious quality.
- Wolfram AlphaWolfram Alpha is a "computational knowledge engine" that does complex calculations and searches for quantitative data. Check out the Engineering, Art, Physics, Materials and Mathematics sections for some ways to do calculations and get information for your projects.
Web Sites
- ACS (American Chemical Society)
- DGRWeb "searchable online version of the ACS Directory of Graduate Research ... the most comprehensive source of information on chemical research and researchers at universities in North America. ... With the DGRweb you can search for faculty, institutions, and research experiences for undergraduates."
- RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)
- ChemSpider - "...built with the intention of aggregating and indexing chemical structures and their associated information into a single searchable repository and making it available to everybody, at no charge." Information includes SMILES, InChI, IUPAC & index names. Search: the database; Predictions: "structure-based predictions of systematic identifiers and physicochemical-based predictions"; ChemRefer: search for free chemistry articles. Launched March 2007. Click here for mobile site.
- InChI Trust - Official site for InChI that "develops and supports the non-proprietary IUPAC InChI standard and promotes its uses to the scientific community"
InChI - Original IUPAC project site for IUPAC's International Chemical Identifier.
FAQs - "dedicated to the International Chemical Identifier aka InChI"; includes an InChI/SMILES to picture converter.
InChI Resolver - to generate and look up InChI strings and InChI keys - Indiana Cheminformatics Education Portal - free cheminformatics educational materials
- Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide - A "resource guide for synthetic organic chemists", this site provides annotations for all of the Web sites it links to. The homepage is organized intuitively for organic chemists: screening the literature, chemical sourcing, set up and monitor the reaction, purification, structure confirmation, write-ups, and publication/communication.
- Canadian Green Chemistry Network - The Canadian chapter of the Green Chemistry Institute "is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote green chemistry to protect human health and environment". The site provides information on GC events, names of CGCN members, and GC examples, as well as the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry.
- Chemists Without Borders - "a public benefit, non-profit, international humanitarian organization designed to alleviate human suffering through the use of proven chemical technologies and related skills."
- Green Chemistry Institute - A not-for-profit corporation for advancing "the implementation of green chemistry principles into all aspects of the chemical enterprise." Affiliated with ACS.
- Green Chemistry, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Green Chemistry resources - an annotated list of GC web resources including educational sites, consumer resources, regulations, and blogs
- Materials Project
- Chemistry - Lists Chemistry conferences worldwide. One can also submit events to be listed.
- NPArC - NRC's searchable online "archive." "NPArC is a searchable online repository containing thousands of NRC-authored publication citations. Use NPArC to link to publications of interest and to set up alerts."
- - "a gateway to over 50 million pages of authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. government agencies, including research and development results."
- National Science Digital Library - "the Nation's [U.S.] online library for education and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics."
- SeparationsNOW - a "free online resource for the separation science community " including news and information on electrophoresis, GC, HPLC, ion chromatography, proteomics & genomics, sample preparation, detectors, and informatics.
- ZINC - "a free database of commercially-available compounds for virtual screening" with "over 4.6 million compounds in ready-to-dock, 3D formats".
- Sense About Science - "Promoting good science and evidence for the public." This site helps the public understand science, and tries to clear misconceptions about science. Their "recent and current priorities include alternative medicine, MRI, detox, nuclear power, evidence in public health advice, weather patterns and an educational resource on peer review."
- Chemical Information Sources Wiki - Gary Wiggins' Chemistry information literacy page
- Molecules with Silly & Unusual Names
- Common Chemistry - 7,800 CAS Registry Numbers "of widespread general public interest." Searchable by chemical name (no structure searching) or CAS RN. Comments about the resource are available on the Chemistry Library News blog.
- Intute (not updated past Jul 2011) - "access to the very best Web resources for education and research, evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists."
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Departments in the United States
Drawing and Naming Programs
Reaxys (a chemical handbook of sorts) has a built-in structure editor.
Accelrys - free for academic use
ACD/ChemSketch - includes a freeware version. Create an account to download.
BKchem - free
MarvinSketch (from ChemAxon) - works with Macs
PubChem structure editor - click on the "Identity/Similarity" tab to access the editor. Exports into many formats including MDL Molfile, SMILES, png, gif., wmf, svg
OPSIN (Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC nomenclature) - enter an IUPAC name, and it will try to return a structure, InChI, and SMILES
Safety Videos & Other Resources
- Labsafety-L email list"Labsafety-L serves as a listserv for nearly 1,000 scientists, science educators, and lab professionals throughout the world." Run by the Laboratory Safety Institute.
- RiskSummit 2012 YouTube channel"...dedicated to share creative video clips highlighting each campus' ideas and solutions that help drive down UC's [University of California] cost of risk."
- U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB)Videos of the aftermath of chemical accidents
-'s toolsCalculators and converters; acronyms and abbreviations; tools to help select filters, columns, and vials.
Videos, Images, & Other Media
- Beilstein TV"Scientific videos directly from the researchers themselves. Scientists take you into the heart of their lab, invite you to fascinating lectures, and share their findings with you in person."
- Periodic Table of VideosOne video for each element.
More periodic tables are available on the Facts & Properties page
Academic Genealogies
Why academic genealogies?
- Useful for those studying the history of science
- May be useful for university or alumni relations
- Useful for familiarizing oneself with names in a subject area
- Chemical GenealogyFocuses on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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