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Online Sources
- International Tables for Crystallography"...articles and tables of data relevant to crystallographic research and to applications of crystallographic methods in all sciences concerned with the structure and properties of materials. Emphasis is given to symmetry, diffraction methods and techniques of crystal structure determination, and the physical and chemical properties of crystals. Each volume also contains discussions of theory, practical explanations and examples ..."
- American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database"...includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals."
- Bilbao Crystallographic ServerIncludes the Incommensurate Structures Database
- CrystalEyeNow integrated with Crystallography Open Database
- Crystallography Open Database (COD)Open access crystallography data, ~43,000 entries
- Database of Zeolite Structures"...structural information on all of the Zeolite Framework Types that have been approved by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association (IZA-SC)."
- eCrystals"archive for Crystal Structures generated by the Southampton Chemical Crystallography Group and the EPSRC UK National Crystallography Service. ...fundamental and derived data resulting from a single crystal X-ray structure determination, but excluding the raw images. The results have not been externally refereed, but the information supplied should enable any reader to check the reliability and validity directly "
- Inorganic Crystal Structure DatabaseDemo version only - access a 3592 structure subset of 97376 total
- MINABS OnlineAbstracts with links to articles
- Mineralogy DatabaseOver 4,400 individual mineral species descriptions with links and images. Includes crystallography, x-ray powder diffraction, chemical composition, properties, New Dana classification, and Strunz classification.
- Reciprocal Net"...a distributed database used by research crystallographers to store information about molecular structures." The search button is at the top-right, above the banner
- MINCRYST"...database for minerals and their structural analogues". Over 8,000 entries.
Online Sources for Crystallography Data - Nucleic Acid & Protein
- Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (NIST)"contains crystal data and the crystallization conditions, which have been compiled from literature. The current version of the BMCD includes 5247 crystal entries from macromolecules for which diffraction quality crystals have been obtained. These include proteins, protein:protein complexes, nucleic acid, nucleic acid:nucleic acid complexes, protein:nucleic acid complexes, and viruses."
- Nucleic Acids Database (NDB)"three-dimensional structural information about nucleic acids"
- Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP)"description of the structural and evolutionary relationships between all proteins whose structure is known. ... a broad survey of all known protein folds, detailed information about the close relatives of any particular protein, and a framework for future research and classification."
- Atlas of Zeolite Framework TypesThis is a part of the Database of Zeolite Structures (above).
- Crystal chemistry and physics of metals and alloys (1972)600 metallic structures and corresponding crystal chemistry
- Crystal data, determinative tables (1963 and 1972, 3d ed.)Data has been incorporated into ICSD, CSD, and CRYSTMET.
1972: v.1 Organic. v.2 Inorganic. v.3 Organic literature through 1974. v.4 Inorganic substances 1967-1969. v.5,6 Organic and organometallic compounds, metallic complexes with organic ligands 1975-81. - Crystal structures (by Wyckoff)A classic.
Crystal structures of inorganic and organic compounds. - Elemental and interplanar spacing index (1989)"For phase identification by electron or X-ray diffraction"
- Mineral powder diffraction file (1986 rev. ed., 1980)A subset of the Powder diffraction file
- -- Mineral powder diffraction file (1986 rev. ed., 1980)Subset of the Powder diffraction file
Associations, Organizations
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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