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About general handbooks

1. If you are looking for the CRC Handbook (or the Handbook or the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics) and information on the resource, scroll down to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics.  Click this link for quick access. 

2. Most of these are standard sources for finding facts such as m.p., CASRN, derivatives, synthesis, spectra, etc. of a compound. Online sources often have a structure search feature. If using print, flip through the first few pages of the book to find out how it is organized and how acroynms and symbols are used throughout.

Hawkins DT. 1980. Problems in physical property data retrieval. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 20(3):143-145. doi:10.1021/ci60023a005.

Online sources


SDS (formerly MSDS) & lab safety


Safety videos & other resources

Periodic tables


Print Sources
