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General handbooks
About general handbooks
1. If you are looking for the CRC Handbook (or the Handbook or the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics) and information on the resource, scroll down to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics. Click this link for quick access.
2. Most of these are standard sources for finding facts such as m.p., CASRN, derivatives, synthesis, spectra, etc. of a compound. Online sources often have a structure search feature. If using print, flip through the first few pages of the book to find out how it is organized and how acroynms and symbols are used throughout.
Hawkins DT. 1980. Problems in physical property data retrieval. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 20(3):143-145. doi:10.1021/ci60023a005.
Online sources
- Common Chemistry"an open community resource [with] nearly 500,000 chemical substances from CAS REGISTRY® cover[ing] areas of community interest, including common and frequently regulated chemicals, and those relevant to high school and undergraduate chemistry classes"
- KnovelThis collection of texts and handbooks is extensive and includes some of the most well known in chemistry: Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, Chemistry of the Elements, Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, etc. It is searchable by all text, title, author, and tables of contents. Knovel has also made many of its sources interactive with embedded analysis tools and the ability to export the data to the user's own files.
- Merck IndexInformation on over 11,000 chemicals, drugs and biologicals, and over 500 named organic reactions.
- Kaye and Laby’s Table of Physical and Chemical ConstantsThis is no longer being maintained; an archived version is provided at the site above.
A British CRC Handbook. - Reaxys (formerly CrossFire (Beilstein and Gmelin Handbooks online))OPTIONAL - Sign up for an account to change structure editors, save searches, get alerts
Structures, reactions and properties, references to the literature for organic and inorganic compounds from the Beilstein and Gmelin databases. Structure searchable database of chemical substances with references dating back to the 18th century. Still one of the best places to obtain property data. Search by drawing a compound or by compound name. - CHEMINFOComprehensive, summarized occupational health and safety information on chemicals. Produced by Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety occupational health and safety specialists, each chemical profile uses non-technical language to describe potential workplace hazards and control measures.
- Dictionary of organic compounds (Electronic access CANCELLED as of Jan. 1, 2017)Request the print volumes from the HDL instead.
The 6th edition does NOT supercede the 5th edition. - Dictionary of inorganic and organometallic compounds (Electronic access CANCELLED as of Jan. 1, 2017)Request print volumes from the HDL instead
- Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Development"broad coverage of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery for new, as well as experienced, medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, and molecular biologists. Burger's offers a comprehensive, global perspective of drug design and drug development."
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A) Chemistry WebBookAccess to data compiled and distributed by National Institute of Standards and Technology under the Standard Reference Data Program.
- ChemBioFinderFormerly ChemFinder; registration is now required. Data on physical, chemical, and biological properties and structures for over 75,000 substances.
- KnowledgeDoor"...25,183 values with citations spanning 181 quantities..." [CHOICE OAT 2013]
- PHYSPROPOnly accepts CAS RN as search input. Contains structures, names, and properties for >25,000 chemicals.
- Journal of physical and chemical reference data 1972-2016"The objective of the Journal is to provide critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation. Critical reviews of measurement techniques, whose aim is to assess the accuracy of available data in a given technical area, are also included."
- Journal of chemical and engineering data"...devoted to the publication of experimental data and the evaluation and prediction of property values. It is the only American Chemical Society journal primarily concerned with articles containing experimental data on the physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of well defined materials including complex mixtures of known compositions and systems of environmental and biochemical interest."
- Landolt-Bornstein SeriesSOME of the books in this series are freely available. A searchable index is available at:
- MatWebSearchable database of material properties
- International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and TechnologyWide range of properties
- Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB)A comprehensive, scientifically reviewed, factual database containing records for over 4500 toxic or potentially toxic chemicals. From the National Library of Medicine (US).
- Fundamental Physical Constants from NISTA selection of data from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (US).
- NIST Physical Reference DataIncludes physical constants, a periodic table, atomic and molecular spectroscopy data, atomic and molecular data, x-ray and gamma-ray data, and data on radiation dosimetry, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and others.
- Covalent & van der Waals RadiiFrom Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, CCDC
- PubChemInformation on the biological activities of small molecules
- Database of zeolite structures"... structural information on all zeolite structure types. This includes crystallographic data and drawings for all zeolite framework types, simulated powder patterns for representative materials and relevant references."
- PGM Database (Pt group metals)"...published data and internal Johnson Matthey data defining the physical properties and characteristics of platinum group metals and their alloys."
SDS (formerly MSDS) & lab safety
- SDS from Fisher ScientificClick on Safety Data Sheets.
- MSDS from Sigma AldrichSearch by MSDS number or by chemical. If you see an error message, try clearing your browser cache.
- Internet Resources for MSDSA list of sites that have large collections of MSDS.
- Where to find MSDS on the InternetFrom Interactive Learning Paradigms
- Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazardsPrint and online book. " assembly of all reported risks such as explosion, fire, toxic or high-energy events that result from chemical reactions gone astray, with extensive referencing to the primary literature..."
- Chemical and Engineering News: Safety LettersChemical safety letters that have appeared in C&EN since 1993
- International Chemical Safety Cards"Summarizes essential health and safety information on chemicals for their use at the "shop floor" level by workers and employers in factories, agriculture, construction and other work places." ~600 chemicals
- Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS)From the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provides toxicological information with citations on over 140,000 chemical substances. Access provided by CCOHS (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety.)
- Genium's handbook of safety, health, and environmental data for common hazardous substances (book, 1999)"...focuses on the 5,600 chemicals most commonly referred to and recognized as hazardous. ... alphabetized entries for each chemical with synonyms, physical properties, and uses. ... data regarding human health hazards, ecotoxicity, carcinogenity, exposure limits, odor thresholds, pH values and regulations, plus methods for cleanup disposal and analysis."
- Labsafety-L email list"Labsafety-L serves as a listserv for nearly 1,000 scientists, science educators, and lab professionals throughout the world." Run by the Laboratory Safety Institute.
Safety videos & other resources
- Labsafety-L email list"Labsafety-L serves as a listserv for nearly 1,000 scientists, science educators, and lab professionals throughout the world." Run by the Laboratory Safety Institute.
- RiskSummit 2012 YouTube channel"...dedicated to share creative video clips highlighting each campus' ideas and solutions that help drive down UC's [University of California] cost of risk."
- U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB)Videos of the aftermath of chemical accidents
-'s toolsCalculators and converters; acronyms and abbreviations; tools to help select filters, columns, and vials.
Periodic tables
- NIST Periodic Table: Atomic Properties of the ElementsNIST ([U.S.]National Institute of Standards and Technology) critically evaluated data. This is a pdf file suitable for colour printing for desk or wall-charts.
- Historical Periodic TableOrigin of the name of the element as well as the date of first discovery.
- WebElements Periodic Table (Scholar Edition)Created by Mark Winter and the University of Sheffield, this online resource provides basic information on the elements and periodic properties.
- Photographic periodic table of the elementsPhotos of objects made from each element, as well as stories, descriptions, and data.
- Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words"...each element box has a drawing of one of the element's main human uses or natural occurrences."
- Periodic Table of VideosOne video for each element
- BBC's Chemistry: A Volatile HistoryYouTube videos
- Dynamic Periodic TableIncluded in the table are orbitals, isotopes, quick links to the Wikipedia entry and fourteen properties (use the tab-like links under the title.) Interesting "slider" that shows which elements are above or below a certain value. The "demo" link at the bottom of the page gives a brief overview.
- Animated Periodic Table of the ElementsIt's a little overwhelming at first, but mousing over each element gives you boiling point, oxidation states, atomic weight, density and bonding structure. Click on any of the groups listed in the top-right (halogens, metals, etc.) to see the corresponding elements highlighted. Click on the question mark for help and general assistance.
Print Sources
- Ashford's dictionary of industrial chemicalsCall Number: TP200 .A84 2001"Defines" chemicals by giving structure, CASRN, MW, structural and atomic formulas, uses, derivatives, and synthetic routes from raw materials or named processes and their reactants.
- Basic tables in chemistryCall Number: QD65 .K34 1967
- Carotenoids handbookCall Number: QP671 .C35 C37 2004ISBN: 3764361808"includes all natural carotenoids and common isolation artefacts for which structures have been assigned up to the end of 2001. ... provides selected key references and critically assessed information about natural occurrence and isolation, and spectroscopic data for identification. A standard full-page entry is given for each compound that has been characterised unambiguously, showing - Common name - IUPAC name - Structure, including stereochemistry, when assigned - Spectroscopic data: UV/Vis (with illustration); MS; CD; NMR (type and references) - Chemical synthesis (references) - Natural sources and outline of isolation procedure - Remarks, e.g. further spectroscopic data, stability, properties, derivatives - Selected key references"
- Chemical properties handbook: physical, thermodynamic, environmental, transport, safety, and health related properties for organic and inorganic chemicals (1999)Call Number: TP200 .Y35 1999ISBN: 0070734011
- Colour IndexCall Number: TP910 .S6 1956 V.1-4 plus Suppl.
- CRC handbook of chemistry and physicsCall Number: QD65 .H23 (latest in Reference) and online (see above)ISBN: 9781420090840
- CRC handbook of terpenoids-diterpenoids (1985)Call Number: Request from HDL
- CRC handbook of terpenoids-monoterpenoids (1982)Call Number: Request from HDL
- CRC handbook of terpenoids--triterpenoids v. 1 and v. 2 (1989)Call Number: Request from HDL
- CRC handbook of thermophysical and thermochemical data (1994)Call Number: Request from HDLISBN: 0849301971
- Dean's analytical chemistry handbookISBN: 0071410600
- Dictionary of alkaloids (1989)Call Number: QD421 .D52 1989 and Index"...documents every alkaloid known through 1987 and presents its structure, physical properties and a brief description of its pharmacology (if any). ... presents an extensive bibliography for the location of fuller information on each alkaloid. The indexes allow access by name, molecular formula, CAS registry number, type of alkaloid, and biological species through the newly developed Species Index. The presentation of data is uniform with and takes as a starting-point the alkaloid entries in the Dictionary of Organic Compounds, 5th ed., (endorsed by BCL3), and the clear structure diagrams bring together the three-dimensional structures of all known alkaloids in a single publication."
- Dictionary of organic compounds, 5th and 6th eds.Call Number: QD246 .D53 [HDL and online]The 6th edition does NOT supercede the 5th edition.
Useful for derivatives of compounds. References to the literature. - Dissociation energies and spectra of diatomic molecules (1968 )Call Number: QD517 .G3 1968
- Encyclopedia of the alkaloids (1975-1983)Call Number: QD421 .G54 1975 v.1-4 [HDL]
- Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen ChemieGmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry. Index: Formula index, 1st supplement (1975-1980)
Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Index: Formula Index (1926-1974)
Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie : Alphabetische Folge zur Systematik der Sachverhalte (1959)
Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie : Systematik der Sachverhalte (1957)
Complete Catalog 1997/98 (may be used as an index) - Handbook of basic tables for chemical analysisCall Number: HDL (2003) and online (2010)ISBN: 0849315735Publication Date: 2003, 2010Tables of derivatives, with brief explanations and references for preparation. Formulas and main methods for preparation are given (this is not a book of techniques.) Derivative tables are split up by compound class (e.g. phenols, carboxylic acids, etc.) and include m.p., b.p. and other properties. Also includes spectra correlation charts, tables of acids, fats and oils, and dissociation constants.
- Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicalsCall Number: HDL and TD196 .O73 V47 1996 [TFDL]Publication Date: 1977, 1983, 1996, 2001
- Handbook of vapor pressures and heats of vaporization of hydrocarbons and related compounds (1971)Call Number: QD305 .H5 H35 1971
- Handbook of vapor pressures and heats of vaporization of hydrocarbons and related compounds (1971)Call Number: QD305 .H5 H35 1971
- Illustrated handbook of physical-chemical properties and environmental fate for organic chemicals (1992)Call Number: TD196 .O73 M33 1992 v.1-5 [TFDL]
- International critical tables of numerical data, physics, chemistry and technologyIncludes a wide range of properties
- Lange's handbook of chemistryCall Number: TP151 .L43 [HDL and TFDL]ISBN: 0071432205Publication Date: 1946, 1967, 1975, 1985, 1992, 1999, 2005
- Merck index: an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicalsISBN: 9780911910001Some properties; useful source of references. Different editions are available at various locations.
- Perry's chemical engineers' handbookCall Number: HDL and onlineISBN: 0070498415"Physical and Chemical Data" section has properties, including vapor pressure.
- Physico-chemical constants of binary systems in concentrated solutions by Jean TimmermansCall Number: QD453 .T5 [HDL and online]Publication Date: 1959-1960V. 1 Two organic compounds (without hydroxyl derivatives)
V. 2 Two organic compounds (at least one a hydroxyl derivative)
V. 3 Systems with metallic compounds
V. 4 Systems with inorganic + organic or inorganic compounds (excepting metallic derivatives) - Properties of gases and liquidsCall Number: TP242 .R4 2001 [HDL and TFDL (1987, 2001)]ISBN: 0070116822Publication Date: 1958, 1987, 2001
- Solubilities of inorganic and organic compounds [1963-1979]Call Number: QD543 .M661 [HDL]Numerous volumes and parts
- Tables of experimental dipole moments (1963)Call Number: QD571 .M164 1963 v.1 and 2There are many errors in this book, therefore use it to access the original referenced papers instead.
- Tables of physical and chemical constants and some mathematical functions (1973)Call Number: QC61 .K23 1973
Property indexes
Lists of properties sources, which may or may not be owned by the UofC.
- ThermoDex (U Texas)"An index of selected thermodynamic and physical property resources "
- Physical Properties Sources Index (PPSI)Lists of sources for properties
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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