Holocaust Studies
Sources around the Web
- American Jewish Committee Archives: an extraordinary range of resources on the past century of American Jewish history
- Anti-Defamation League Home Page (The): serves as an excellent source for identifying current stories, programs and services that the ADL is conducting to counteract anti-semitism. Contains full texts articles, news stories, and newsletters
- Anne Frank Online: information about Anne Frank's life and times
- Anne Frank: Virtual Anne Frank House
- Anne Frank: the only existing film images
- British Library Holocaust Recordings: moving testimonies of Jewish migrants and refugees to Britain, many of whom survived Nazi concentration and labour camps
- Center for Jewish History - searchable catalogue of their extensive collections; see also listing of electronic resources (both subscription and freely available)
- Compact Memory a full text for many Jewish newspapers and journals between 1806 - 1938
- Cybrary of the Holocaust: possibly the richest site in terms of digitized full text and graphics
- Deaf and Holocaust experiences of deaf people during War War II
- Earliest Known Broadcast on Nazi Persecution of Jews
- Eichmann - Trial
- European Shoah legacy Institute
- Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies:a collection of over 4,400 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust.
- German Propaganda Archive: propaganda from Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) Texts of speeches, visual material such as posters and cartoons, excerpts from other writings, and other Web links are organized into subject areas
- Ghetto Fighter's House (The): Holocaust and Jewish Heritage Museum, Israel
- History Place (The): Holocaust Timeline: timeline of the Holocaust
- H-Holocaust Links: annotated list to Holocaust resources
- Holocaust Encyclopedia: this United States Holocaust Museum's online encyclopedia contains articles, film, photographs, individual histories, survivor's testimony..
- Holocaust Resources on the Web: the best list of Holocaust material available online (2010)
- Holocaust Survivor Oral History Project: this Website provides online interview excerpts both in text and audio media for over 150 survivors
- Holocaust Survivors Testimonies from Yad Vashem
- Martyrdome and Resistance - issues of the journal back to 2007
- Nizkor Project (The): a collage of projects focused on the Holocaust and its denial excellent, well-maintained web site clearinghouse for all Holocaust information
- Nuremberg Trials Project : "The Harvard Law School Library's Nuremberg Trials Project is an open-access initiative to create and present digitized images or full-text versions of the Library's Nuremberg documents, descriptions of each document, and general information about the trials."
- Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international center for Holocaust remembrance and the defense of human rights: concerns itself with documenting the Holocaust: photographs; memories; children very powerful site
- Terezin Memorial: the key mission of the Terezin Memorial, the only institution of its kind in the Czech Republic, is to commemorate the victims of the Nazi political and racial persecution during the occupation of the Czech lands in World War II, to promote museum, research and educational activities, and look after the memorial sites connected with the suffering and death of dozens of thousands of victims of violence
- Terezin Newsletter, Historical Articles -diaries excerpts from Terezin prisoners
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: This site allows you to search across our Library, Archives, Art & Artifacts, Film and Video, Oral History, Photo Archives, and Victim List catalog records. Collections Search spans 217,712 records
- Virtual History Archive (USC Shoah Foundation) - "l that allows users to search through and view more than 55,000 video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide. Initially a repository of Holocaust testimony, the Archive has expanded significantly to include survivor and witness testimony from four other genocidal events: the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), the Nanjing Massacre (1937), the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda (1994) and the Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1996)."
- Wansee Protocol (The): English translation of the blueprint for the systematic extermination of Europe's Jews
- Web Genocide Documentation Centre: Resources on Genocide, War Crimes and Mass Killing: offers a vast number of sources and links to other sites
- Yad Vashem, the National Holocaust Memorial of Israel: has the largest collection of Holocaust material in the world.
- YIVO Institute for Jewish Research - search the archives - over 23 million documents, photographs, films
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:38 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/holocaust
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