Bachelor of Health Sciences
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"Known item" search
Search for known items in the Library Catalogue - start at the library homepage (
- Bush, V. (1960) Science, the Endless Frontier : a Report to the President on a Program for Postwar Scientific Research July 1945. National Science Foundation.
- Raphael, D. (2006) Social determinants of health: Present status, unanswered questions, and future directions. International Journal of Health Services. 36: 651–677.
- Nemiroff. (1999). Women’s changing landscapes life stories from three generations. Second Story Press.
- Masoudiyekta, Nosratabadi, M., Tayebpour, M., & Mehranfard, S. (2022). Relationship between health literacy and pregnancy consequences in women referring to comprehensive health service centers. Journal of Health Literacy, 6(4), 69–76.
How would you request a copy of an article or book not available at the University of Calgary Library?
Searching for Evidence - Google Scholar
Searching for Articles in Google Scholar
- Decide on your topic and create your question
- Identify keywords for each of the concepts (ideas or themes) in your question
- Use brackets and boolean operators (AND/OR) to combine your keywords into a search string.
- Scan your results to find papers that seem to best address your question
- Use "Cited By" links to look for related articles
Sample Search
Question: What are effective strategies to improve Type 1 Diabetes management in adolescents?
Locating Full Text of Google Scholar Articles in the University of Calgary Collections
Google Scholar is a subset of Google that only indexes academic journals. Pros: searching is very easy - just like for regular Google. Covers journals in many disciplines. Cons: Limited functionality for filtering results. May include some journals of dubious quality. See below for a screen shot showing how to set up Google Scholar to detect journals that the UofC Library subscribes to. This will allow you to avoid paywalls and access full text..
Searching For Evidence - PubMED
Searching for Articles in PubMED
- Decide on your topic and create your question
- Identify keywords for each of the concepts (ideas or themes) in your question
- Find PubMED in the library's list of databases
- Use brackets and boolean operators (AND/OR) to combine your keywords into a search string.
- Scan your results to find papers that seem to best address your question
- Review the Similar Articles and Cited by articles to locate similar articles on your topic
Sample Search
Question: Can nutrition education programs in schools improve children's eating habits?
PubMED Search: (nutrition OR nutritious food* OR nutritional diet*) AND education AND schools
Finding Peer Reviewed Journals
- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 11:29 AM
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