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Parts of a Research Paper
Reference/Citation - Data about a source.
Abstract - "Teaser" of what the paper is about.
Literature Review - What have others already written about? What do we know? What are the knowledge gaps?
Methodology - What was the approach? How was the study designed?
Results and Discussion - Outcomes (including negative results).
Limitations - "Blind spots" identified.
Conclusion - A look to the future.
Funding - Who paid for this research study?
Reference List - Information used to inform the writing/creation of the piece
Cited by's - Who has cited the paper since it's been published?
The EBM Pyramid
FROM: Applied Evidence Based Medicine Research Guide
The images below illustrate different approaches to visualizing the organization of health sciences research. The "Hierarchy of Evidence" seeks to identify types of study designs appropriate for answering specific types of questions, such as questions about harms. You can read more about evidence hierarchies in the Users' Guides to the Medical Literature (see reference below)
Synopses and summary publications such as guidelines or systematic reviews are synthesizes of the primary literature (original research studies). The goal is to ensure that evidence can be more easily accessed and applied in practice.
Finding Current Best Evidence, Guyatt G, Rennie D, Meade MO, Cook DJ. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 3rd ed; 2015. Available at: Accessed: April 01, 2020
Further Reading:
- Chapter 4. In: Guyatt G, Rennie D, Meade MO, Cook DJ. eds. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2008.
This chapter describes the different levels of evidence-based resources, and which may be used to answer foreground or background questions. This chapter also discusses selection of resources to answer questions quickly at the point of care.
- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 11:29 AM
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