BUSN - Energy
Resources on the energy industry, prices, regulations, environment, and more
Energy Industry: Canada
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowBusiness Source® Complete contains far more active, peer-reviewed, business related journals than any other database currently available. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals.
- This product supersedes Business Search Premier.
- InFact / Conference Board of Canada This link opens in a new windowSearch for these energy industry reports in the Conference Board of Canada database:
Canada's oil extraction industry
Canada's gas extraction industry
Canada's mining, oil and gas support activities industry
... and other energy reportsGet inFact’s full suite of economic forecasts and human resources research. This all-access subscription is the ultimate insights package with access to over 10,000 premium research reports and forecasts. - S & P Capital IQAvailable only at Business Library on Stations 13, 14 and the Reference desk. The database provides easy access to both real-time and historical information on companies, markets, transactions, and people worldwide. Find extensive information on companies in the energy industry as well as industry data.The S&P Capital IQ platform combines deep global company information and market research with powerful tools for fundamental analysis, idea generation, and workflow management. The web and Excel-based platform provides easy access to both real-time and historical information on companies, markets, transactions, and people worldwide.
- NetAdvantage This link opens in a new windowThis site includes a variety of S&P products. Data includes both government and corporate bonds, stocks, industry surveys, earnings guide, and mutual funds.This site includes a variety of S&P products. Data includes both government and corporate bonds, stocks, industry surveys, earnings guide, and mutual funds.
- Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (C.A.P.P.)This website is a very comprehensive source of information on the Canadian oil and natural gas industries. Provides industry information, statistical handbook, prices and data, energy supply, innovation, environmental and climate issues and much more.
- Canada Energy Regulator(Open Access)
Canadian regulatory body for the oil, gas and electric utility industries. Find energy prices, industry reports, statistics, acts and regulations and more. - Energy Industry (PriceWaterhouseCoopers)(Open Access)
"Energy Visions brings together leading executives to share their perspectives on the many forces competing for a voice in and share of the global energy market, providing insight on how companies can take charge even in the face of market uncertainty." - Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI)(Open Access)
CERI is a partnership of industry, academia, and government that provides research in energy and related environmental issues. Use the "Research" and "Publications" tabs to access research reports and other publications. - Natural Resources Canada: Energy Sector(Open Access)
Find information on various energy sources, regulations, technologies, statistics, prices etc. - Energy Fact BookDownload the full report from this link.
Provides current statistics and information on all sectors of the Canadian energy industry.
- ARC Energy IdeasBlog from ARC Financial Group focusing on current issues in the energy industry. Peter Tertzakian is a regular contributor to this blog.
- Pembina InstituteThe Pembina Institute's mission is "to advance sustainable energy solutions through innovative research, education, consulting and advocacy". Use the left hand navigation to find information on climate change, renewable energy, oil sands etc. The "Publications" tab provides access to reports, fact sheets, position papers and more. The "Hot Topics" tab accesses information on current sustainable energy topics such as carbon capture and storage etc.
- Energy (Fraser Institute)The Fraser Institute is an independent, non-partisan research and educational organization based in Canada. Includes recent energy policy commentaries and blog posts. Energy research archive dates back to 1996.
- Canada West Foundation"Our mandate is to explore public policy issues of particular interest to western Canadians, to test national policies against regional aspirations and to ensure an effective regional voice in national policy discussions and the national political process."
- Atlantic Institute for Market Studies"AIMS is an independent, non-partisan social and economic public policy think tank based in Halifax, NS. It examines such crucial issues as public education, health care, public finances, equalization, natural resources, Atlantica and demographics."
- Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (C.A.P.P.)This website is a very comprehensive source of information on the Canadian oil and natural gas industries. Provides industry information, statistical handbook, prices and data, energy supply, innovation, environmental and climate issues and much more.
- Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (EPAC)(Open Access)
Formerly known as Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada, the Association represents a wide spectrum of independent oil and gas companies ranging from start-ups to junior and mid-sized producers operating in Canada, the United States and around the world. Includes a membership list. - Canadian Gas Association(Open Access)
A good resource for information on the natural gas industry in Canada. - Canadian Electricity Association(Open Access)
An excellent site for information on the electricity industry in Canada. Find statistics, news, industry reports and outlook, industry issues – economy, environment, society, policies and position papers, and more. - Canadian Nuclear Association(Open Access)
Find information on nuclear technology and the nuclear energy industry, nuclear fact sheets, articles, studies, and more. - Coal Association of Canada(Open Access)
An excellent resource for information on coal, coal mining, coal and the environment and the coal industry in Canada. Also provides links to coal statistics and coal in a global context. - Canadian Renewable Energy AssociationRenewable Industries Canada represent the leaders of Canada’s bioeconomy – producers of renewable fuels and value added products that reduce GHG emissions. Use the "Resources" tab to access reports, studies, fact sheets etc.
- Careers in Oil and Gas(Open Access)
Find information on careers in the oil and gas industry, immigrant integration in to the industry, labour market transition and human resource issues in the petroleum industry.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 11:50 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/energy
- Print Page
Subjects: Business
Tags: alternative_energy, dtc, energy, gas, oil, petroleum, pipelines, renewable_energy