BUSN - Energy
Resources on the energy industry, prices, regulations, environment, and more
Energy Industry: International
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowIn addition to being an excellent source for articles, reports and company profiles, Business Source Complete provides industry reports published by Marketline, Business Monitor International, Barnes and other sources.Business Source® Complete contains far more active, peer-reviewed, business related journals than any other database currently available. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals.
- This product supersedes Business Search Premier.
- Passport This link opens in a new windowOnline business information system providing business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to statistics, market reports, company profiles and information sources. Coverage is global, more than 200 countries are researched..
- S & P Capital IQAvailable only at Business Library on Stations 13, 14 and the Reference desk. The database provides easy access to both real-time and historical information on companies, markets, transactions, and people worldwide. Find extensive information on energy companies and the energy industry.The S&P Capital IQ platform combines deep global company information and market research with powerful tools for fundamental analysis, idea generation, and workflow management. The web and Excel-based platform provides easy access to both real-time and historical information on companies, markets, transactions, and people worldwide.
- OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new windowThe OECD iLibrary, the new platform giving seamless and comprehensive access to statistical data, books, journals and working papers, is now available. It replaces SourceOECD... OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998.
- NetAdvantage This link opens in a new windowThis site includes a variety of S&P products. Data includes both stock reports and industry surveys with a North American focus.This site includes a variety of S&P products. Data includes both government and corporate bonds, stocks, industry surveys, earnings guide, and mutual funds.
- IBISWorld This link opens in a new windowIBISWorld USA provides current industry reports on a wide range of industry sectors. Industry reports include: industry overview; industry performance; products & markets; competitive landscape; major companies; operating conditions; and key statistics.IBISWorld is a wide-ranging collection of U.S. and global industry market research and U.S. risk ratings. It contains business reports in five categories: industry market research, industry risk ratings and company research for the U.S., global industry research (including a special collection of China Industry Reports), and selected economic and demographic data. Market analysis components include overviews, industry performance and outlook, competitive and regulatory environment, major competitors, operational conditions and key statistics. U.S. risk reports discuss industry and market risk, including industry life cycle, growth potential and economic sensitivity. Downloadable report elements include SWOT analyses, statistical tables and graphs.
- OnePetro This link opens in a new windowA unique library of technical documents and journal articles serving the E&P industry. Replaces SPE Library.
- Energy Information Administration (U.S. Department of Energy)(Open Access)
One of the best and most authoritative sites for energy information, providing prices, data, forecasts, reports and analyses on every aspect of the energy industry.
- Annual Energy Outlook (EIA)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)An excellent, comprehensive and globally-oriented site providing energy research, data and statistics, market information, world energy outlook, energy policy analysis and more. Browse for information by topic or country or view a list of publications and papers. Publications available for purchase from IEA.
- World Energy Outlook (IEA)
- OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)Find information on this organization, global oil news etc. Click on the Library tab for world oil outlook, annual statistical report, monthly oil market reports, and more.
- BP Statistical Review of World Energy(Open Access)
Published annually, this is an extensive collection of statistics on the world energy picture - find the data you need on oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, and primary energy. Data is provided in graph and tabular formats. - World Petroleum CouncilUse the "Resources" tab to find Publications and the "Knowledge Centre" - excellent reports and documents including the annual WPC Yearbook.
- Energy Policy Research Foundation(Open Access)
This nonprofit foundation researches and publishes reports on all aspects of the petroleum industry with an emphasis on energy economics and policy. Click on the "Publications" tab to access fulltext reports. - Department of Energy (DOE) National Library of Energy(Open Access)
A searchable database that provides easy access to DOE information in four broad topic areas:
Science and R&D; Energy and Technology for Industry and Homeowners; Energy Market Information and Analysis; Nuclear Security and Environmental Management - Energy in Depth (Independent Petroleum Association of America)(Open Access)
Provides information regarding the responsible development of America’s onshore energy resource base – especially sources of oil and natural gas from shale and other “tight” reservoirs. - American Petroleum Institute(Open Access)
Provides information about the oil and natural gas industries by sector, industry statistics, policy issues, environmental issues, news, etc. - World Coal Association(Open Access)
An excellent comprehensive overview of the global coal industry. The "Resources" tab will provide access the The Coal Resource which is an excellent document, as well as coal statistics, case studies and more.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 11:50 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/energy
- Print Page
Subjects: Business
Tags: alternative_energy, dtc, energy, gas, oil, petroleum, pipelines, renewable_energy