SEDV Resources
Resources to help SEDV students research their topics for the research project
International Development
- OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new windowThe OECD iLibrary, the new platform giving seamless and comprehensive access to statistical data, books, journals and working papers, is now available. It replaces SourceOECD... OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998.
- IMF eLibrary data This link opens in a new windowFormerly: International Financial Statistics OnlineProvides comprehensive access to International financial statistics (IFS). View and download predefined data reports or create and share your own views of IMF data.
- EconLit This link opens in a new windowEconLit, the American Economic Association's electronic database, is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature. EconLit is a reliable source of citations and abstracts to economic research dating back to 1886. It provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics, and much more. EconLit indexes six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature.
- World BankThe World Bank is a major player in world development. Not without its critics (see the World Bank Boycott site), it is active in all regions of the globe and with all aspects of development including education, health, economics, infrastructure, etc. The site contains many full-text documents, country profiles, and information on the World Bank's programs, research and projects.
- UNdata This link opens in a new windowFind official statistics produced by countries and compiled by United Nations data system, as well as estimates and projections. The domains covered are agriculture, education, energy, industry, labour, national accounts, population and tourism. You can also find indicators such as Millennium Development Goals
- IMF eLibrary data This link opens in a new windowFormerly: International Financial Statistics OnlineProvides comprehensive access to International financial statistics (IFS). View and download predefined data reports or create and share your own views of IMF data.
- Economist Intelligence UnitAn excellent resource for country analysis, industry information, historical data retrieval and special reports.
Not all information is freely available. - World Development Indicators Online (World Bank)"The most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates." Indicators are grouped by: world view, people, environment, economy, states and markets, and global links.
- United Nations Sustainable Development Knowledge PlatformIncludes some excellent publications and national reports.
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 3:02 PM
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