Gender and Sexuality Studies
Reference means...
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Encylopedia, handbook, dictionary, bibliography, companion and guide are all names given to reference material. This means that in the titles of reference sources, you'll find words like these, which indicate the nature of the contents.
Comprehensive, online reference sources often just use the word reference.
Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies "Introduces key terms, debates, and histories for feminist studies in gender and sexuality.Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies introduces readers to a set of terms that will aid them in understanding the central methodological and political stakes currently energizing feminist and queer studies. The volume deepens the analyses of this field by highlighting justice-oriented intersectional movements and foregrounding Black, Indigenous, and women of color feminisms; transnational feminisms; queer of color critique; trans, disability, and fat studies; feminist science studies; and critiques of the state, law, and prisons that emerge from queer and women of color justice movements. Many of the keywords featured in this publication call attention to the fundamental assumptions of humanism's political and intellectual debates—from the racialized contours of property and ownership to eugenicist discourses of improvement and development. Interventions to these frameworks arise out of queer, feminist and anti-racist engagements with matter and ecology as well as efforts to imagine forms of relationality beyond settler colonial and imperialist epistemologies.Reflecting the interdisciplinary breadth of the field, this collection of seventy essays by scholars across the social sciences and the humanities weaves together methodologies from science and technology studies, affect theory, and queer historiographies, as well as Black Studies, Latinx Studies, Asian American, and Indigenous Studies. Taken together, these essays move alongside the distinct histories and myriad solidarities of the fields to construct the much awaited Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies.
A very good place to start...
Canadian Reference Centre (Ebsco Host) "Canadian Reference Centre combines Canadian magazines, newspapers & newswires and reference books to create the largest collection of regional full text content available to Canadian libraries. This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international (U.S. and U.K.) periodicals in full text; full text reference books; 82,968 full text biographies and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos, maps and flags. Provides full text information for over 150 Canadian periodicals and over 400 international periodicals."
Credo Reference Credo Reference (Formerly XreferPlus) is an online reference library comprised of 453 reference books including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and books of quotations, etc. Click here to view a list of all reference titles included in Credo Reference.
Oxford English Dictionary The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and usage of 500,000 words and phrases past and present, from across the English-speaking world.
Oxford Reference "The premium collection enhances the 100+ books in the core collection with an expanding range of key titles in the acclaimned Oxford companions series plus the Oxford dictionary of quotations. This collection is updated regularly with new titles, new editions, new entries, illustrations, weblinks and bibliographies."
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- Keywords for Gender and Sexuality StudiesOnline book
- Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 11:39 AM
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