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Vegetation Data
Open Calgary Citywide Land Cover shapefile
Open Calgary Habitat shapefile - identifies plant communities and environments within the natural areas maintained by Calgary Parks
Urban Forest shapefile (at SANDS, UofC only) - provides detailed information about city trees and shrubs maintained by Calgary Parks
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute data download - wall to wall landcover inventory, 2000 and 2010
DMTI 2020 Vegetation Region, by NTS 1:250k grid | download from SANDS file server (82 covers Calgary)
Alberta Vegetation Inventories files available at SANDS or via our file server:
Alberta Vegetation Inventory files available | download
Native Prairie Vegetation Inventory download
Central Parkland Natural Region Vegetation Inventory download
Grassland Vegetation Inventory files available (at SANDS)
Canada Land Inventory (CLI), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1965-1978 - Classifies land based on their capability for use in agriculture, forestry, recreation, and wildlife; and by their land use. - Format: ESRI ArcInfo interchange file format (.e00), .wmf, and .gif images
GeoBase Land Cover, circa 2000 - vectorized raster data from classified Landsat 5 and 7 orthoimages, for Canadian agricultural and forest areas and northern territories, by NTS 1:250k grid
Circa 2000 Land Cover for Agricultural Regions of Canada - Format: GeoTIFF, FGDB/GDB,GML
Circa 1995 Land Cover of the Prairies - Format: GEOTIFF (.tiff)
2010 Land Cover of Canada Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing, geotif file or web service
2015 Land Cover of Canada, geotif file or web service
2020 Land Cover of Canada, geotif file or web service
2010 Land Use, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, geotif files by UTM zone
National Forestry Database data tables on forest management activities in Canada
Forest Resources Statistical Data Natural Resources Canada
Satellite Forest Information for Canada Canadian Council of Forest Ministers
Intact Forest Landscapes shows the extent of the world's intact forest landscapes for 2000 and 2013
Global Forest Watch provides data and tools for monitoring worldwide forest change
- Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024 11:51 AM
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