BUSN - Business Environment
This guide provides resources on the 6 areas that constitute the business environment - economic, technological, political/legal, competitive, social-cultural and environmental.
"Government actions which affects the operations of a company or business. These actions may be on local, regional, national or international level. Business owners and managers pay close attention to the political environment to gauge how government actions will affect their company." (Source: BusinessDictionary.com)
Legal information for Alberta's small business community (BusinessLink)Covers the main legal issues guiding the business world in Alberta including starting a business, types of business organization etc.
The Constitutional Distribution of Legislative Powers (Government of Canada Intergovernmental Affairs)(Open Access)
Outlines the federal and provincial legislative jurisdictions. -
Canada West Foundation"Our mandate is to explore public policy issues of particular interest to western Canadians, to test national policies against regional aspirations and to ensure an effective regional voice in national policy discussions and the national political process."
Economist Intelligence Unit: Canada: PoliticsSelect Canada as the country and then click on the "Politics" tab to access analysis and forecast.
Business structures; buying a business; leasing space; contracts; financing.
CanLii(Open Access)
A searchable database to find statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions. Search by region, keyword or statute name to access full-text statutes and regulations. -
Canadian corporate, personal and oil & gas tax structure(U of C authentication required off-campus)
EY Passport database provides tax information for many countries including Canada.
OECD iLibraryOECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It includes books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases produced by the OECD and its special bodies (eg. International Energy Agency and Nuclear Energy Agency). The materials focus on economic and social issues from macroeconomics to trade, education, aging society, communication, information technologies, energy, development, science and innovation.
WestlawNext CanadaWestlawNext Canada is a full text and indexing database that provides access to a variety of law and finding tools. It includes Canadian statutes and regulations, reported decisions from Canadian courts and tribunals, Canadian law journals and law reviews. Westlaw includes nearly 15,000 databases covering most US primary and secondary legal materials and legal research tools. It also includes over 700 full text law reviews and has legal material from the UK, Australia and the EU.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade CanadaFind information on Canadian trade policy, trade agreements, foreign policy and more.
Mackenzie InstituteThe Mackenzie Institute, an independent think tank, brings a strategic and pragmatic approach to security matters that affect both domestic and global audiences. The Mackenzie Institute provides external independent thinking for policy makers, governments, private sector entities, and educational institutions. We propose an open forum for global conversations on the threats and security vulnerabilities we face in order to best advise these various entities.
OpenCanadaOpenCanada is a digital publication sitting at the intersection of public policy, scholarship and journalism. We produce multimedia content to explain, analyze and tell stories about the increasingly complex and rapidly shifting world of foreign policy and international affairs.
Political/Legal Environment - International
Economist Intelligence Unit: Country ReportsThese reports provide background information on the country's economy, politics, risk, regulation, business and industry.
Political Risk Yearbook(Via Business Source Complete database)
To access these reports, go the the Business Source Complete database and enter the country name and add the term "political risk yearbook". Scroll through the list of results to find the latest issue or change the "Relevance" sort to "Date descending".
Electronic country reports for many countries; each report expertly assesses potential political, financial, and economic risks to business investments and trade. -
GlobalEDGE (Michigan State University)A portal that provides access to a wealth of information on global business activities. Includes extensive data at the global and country levels as well as information on major global industry groups.
Go to "Insight Research by Country" to access a country report that includes a section on government.
EY Passport (EY/Passport)--Requires Internet Explorer for best results -- Electronic version of Ernst & Young's popular tax library offers a wealth of tax and business knowledge on more than 150 countries. Sections featured include: Doing Business In, The Global Executive, Worldwide Corporate Tax Guide, Worldwide VAT and GST Guide, Transfer Pricing Global Reference Guide, and Global Oil & Gas Tax Guide.
OECD iLibraryOECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It includes books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases produced by the OECD and its special bodies (eg. International Energy Agency and Nuclear Energy Agency). The materials focus on economic and social issues from macroeconomics to trade, education, aging society, communication, information technologies, energy, development, science and innovation.
HeinOnlineContains the full text of numerous legal journals and monographs, U.S. government documents, foreign and international law materials, legal classics, world trials and more.
- Collections accessible from HeinOnline include: Acts of the Parliament of Canada (Annual Statutes), English Reports, Foreign & International Law Resources Database, Harvard Research in International Law, History of International Law, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), Legal Classics, Revised Statutes of Canada, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, Statutes of the Realm, United Nations Law Collection, U.S. Federal Legislative History Library, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Supreme Court Library, U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library, World Constitutions Illustrated, World Treaty Library
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 3:02 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/business_environment
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