BUSN - Business Environment
This guide provides resources on the 6 areas that constitute the business environment - economic, technological, political/legal, competitive, social-cultural and environmental.
- City of Calgary State of the Environment ReportProvides a clear picture of environmental trends in Calgary as they relate to land, air and water.
- Alberta InnovatesAIEES is the lead agency for energy and environmental research and innovation in Alberta. Three strategic areas are renewables and emerging technologies; energy technologies; and water and environmental management. Use the e-Library and research database to search for research papers and reports.
- Alberta Environment ReportsSearch for environmental reports within the list of published reports.
- Canadian Index of Wellbeing (University of Waterloo)Go to the section regarding the Environment.
Discusses the major trends that are reshaping time use, leisure and culture activities among Canadians. The index tracks changes in eight quality of life categories or "domains" including community vitality, democratic engagement, education, environment, healthy populations, leisure and culture, living standards, and time use. - Canadian Environmental Sustainability IndicatorsThese indicators provide information on the state of the environment, and describe Canada's progress on key environmental sustainability issues.
- How Canada Performs: EnvironmentProduced by the Conference Board of Canada, see how Canada performs relative to its peer countries in the area of environmental sustainability.
- Canadian Economics AssociationThe Association has for its object the advancement of economic knowledge through the encouragement of study and research, the issuing of publications, and the furtherance of free and informed discussion of economic questions. The Association as such will not assume a partisan position upon any question of practical politics nor commit its members to any position thereupon.
- Pembina Institute"The Pembina Institute is a Canadian non-profit think tank that advances sustainable energy solutions through research, education, consulting and advocacy. We promote environmental, social and economic sustainability in the public interest by developing practical solutions for communities, individuals, governments and businesses."
- Atlantic Institute for Market Studies"AIMS is an independent, non-partisan social and economic public policy think tank based in Halifax, NS. It examines such crucial issues as public education, health care, public finances, equalization, natural resources, Atlantica and demographics."
- Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024 3:02 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/business_environment
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