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Education - Indigenous Education

Find resources related to integrating First Nations, Metis and/or Inuit (FNMI) perspectives and experiences as they related to education and specific curriculum topics It aspires to tie into the scope set out in EDUC 530.



What are authentic First Peoples texts?

Authentic First Peoples texts are historical or contemporary texts that--

*present authentic First Peoples voices (i.e. are created by First Peoples or through the substantial contributions of First Peoples

*depict themes and issues that are important within First Peoples cultures (e.g., loss of identity and affirmation of identity, tradition, healing, role of family, importance of Elders, connection to the land, the nature and place of spirituality as an aspect of wisdom, the relationships between individual and community, the importance of oral tradition, the experience of colonization and decolonization)

*incorporate First Peoples story-telling techniques and features as applicable (e.g., circular structure, repetition, weaving in of spirituality, humour).

---from resources: Authentic First Peoples Resources (FNESC, 2016)

Books & Doucette Resources 

When looking for resources with Indigenous content or by Indigenous authors you can use the library's catalogue using these terms: First Nations juvenile; Inuit juvenile; Metis juvenile; Indians of North America juvenile.

There are additional suggestions to be found on several Pinterest boards from the Doucette Library's Pinterest page based on grade level - K-4, Gr.5-8 and Gr.9-12. Click on the Pinterest boxes below.

When searching for traditional stories or folklore related to First Nations, Metis and Inuit culture I recommend trying to find stories told by aboriginal authors. Using the catalogue to find these books try the following terms: Indians of North America folklore ; Inuit folklore ; Metis folklore