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Ancient Greek Coins in the Nickle Collection
There are 9,000 ancient Greek coins in the Nickle Numismatic Collection.
The chronology begins with the very first Lydian coins and includes some of the most beautiful and rare examples of Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Greece, plus the coinage under Roman rule.
Balmuth, M. ed., Hacksilber to Coinage: New Insights into the Monetary History of the Near East and Greece (ANS Numismatic Series 24, New York, 2001).
Carradice, I. and M. Price, Coinage in the Greek World (London, 1988).
Clay, T. "Metallurgy and Metallography in Numismatics," in Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e Antichità Classiche 17 (1988), pp. 341-352.
Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins (New York, 1972; 2nd ed. with revisions, London, 1990).
MacDonald, G. "The Original Significance of the Inscriptions on Ancient Coins," Memoires du Congrès International de Numismatique (Brussels, 1910) pp. 218-288.
Milne, J. Greek and Roman Coins and the Study of History (London, 1939).
Newell, E.T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins (New York, 1937).
Sutherland, C. Ancient Numismatics: A Brief Introduction (New York, 1958).
- Coinage in Ancient Greece SlidesA short introduction to ancient Greek coinage, from Lydia's electrum to the Ptolemies in Egypt.
- Last Updated: Jan 8, 2025 3:52 PM
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