Guide to Research and Writing for the Academic Study of Religion
Does the Library hold the article I need?
For many article titles, simply entering the title into the library search box will link you to the fulltext. BUT for a number of journals both digital and print you can only locate the articles by first searching for the journal title.
There are two methods for locating journal titles:
1. Using the Journal Search option in the top menu bar available from Advanced Search
2. From the main search page you can simply enter the journal title, in this example "Theosophist" into the search box.
Regardless of how you located the entry for the journal, to identify whether the library holds the particular issue you need to either click on the title or the "Available at" to view holdings information listed under request options.
Use the drop down menu under "All" to see all the print volumes in our holdings and then select the volume you need. The system will display the location which will be either Taylor Family Digital Library or the High Density Storage Library. Again, remember that if the Library does not have the journal issue that you need you can order it through Document Delivery, if you have left yourself enough time. (Normally need a few days for journal articles and two weeks to a few month for books).
- Last Updated: Jun 9, 2022 2:27 PM
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