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Disease States and Current Solutions: Patents

Disease States and Current Solutions: Point of Care and Medical Reference Tools

Emerging Solutions: Primary Research and Review Articles

TOPIC: "Energy harvesting for self-powered devices"

STEP 1: Break this topic into concepts and think about synonyms for your key words

STEP 2: Concept A

  • Energy harvesting
    • Tip #1: ask yourself: what kind of energy harvesting?
  • energy harvest* OR triboelectric* OR piezoelectric*

STEP 3: Concept B on the second line of an advanced search form

  • AND
  • self power* OR "implant* OR body-area network*

Background Information: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Martin, E. A, & Oxford University Press Content Provider. (2010). Concise medical dictionary. Oxford University Press.

JamaEvidence Glossary

Lackie, J. M. (2010). A dictionary of biomedicine. Oxford University Press.

Wnek, G. E. (2008). Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 1 (2nd Edition). In Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 1 (2nd Edition). CRC Press LLC.

Fuchs, Jurgen, & Podda, Maurizio. (2004). Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, Volume 1-2. In Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, Volume 1-2. Taylor & Francis Group.

Swarbrick, J., & ebrary, Inc. (2007). Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology. Volume 1. Informa Healthcare.