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CORE435 - Fall 2024

Search Example: Topic

You are planning to conduct a survey of Canadian universities' academic accommodations for students with disabilities

Finding Articles

Google Scholar


With more than 600,000 full-text articles dating back to 1937, CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature. 

It is a good idea to search CINAHL so that you are focused on nursing and allied health information, have fewer results to review, and can use the citation information as it is more correct in APA than Google Scholar.

Example Searches

disability academic accommodations university

Could include limits:

  • date range
  • be more specific eg: "academic performance"
  • include: intitle: review to find reviews as a starting point


Consider synonyms for each concept:

disabil* or disable*


“academic accommodation*” or “academic success* or accommodation*


Universit* or college* or “higher education” or postsecondary or “post-secondary”