NURS630 - Winter 2025
SAGE Research Methods
SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SRMO links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SRMO focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.
SAGE Video Tutorials (link)
Useful videos to watch from the link above include:
- Sage Research Methods Overview
- How to Start Your Research
- Methods Map and Methods Lists
SAGE Libguide
For more information, tutorials and examples about the SAGE Research Methods, click on the link below
Here's a short video that illustrates how to find information on quasi-experimental design
Finding Articles about a Research Method
Dissertations provide a wealth of information including:
- critical review of the literature
- theoretical frameworks
- research "in action" -- in depth discussion on chosen research method
- critical analysis of why a particular research method was chosen
Finding articles ABOUT a research design/method in CINAHL
- Copy and paste most the following into the first search box:
(MH "Research Methodology") OR (MH "Study Design") OR (MH "Research, Nursing") - Then search your chosen method only in the title in the next search box
Finding articles ABOUT a research design/method in Medline
- Copy and paste most relevant subject heading (listed below) into the Medline search line.
- Then search your chosen method only in the title
- Combine the search lines
Alternatively, type in the search line: as topic.hw.
This will search all of the possible subject headings at the same time.
If you retrieve too many results, you can add the following to the search:
Epidemiologic Research Design/ or Research Design/
Subject Headings About a Research Design
Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic/
Clinical Trials as Topic/
Clinical Studies as Topic/
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/
Non-randomized controlled trials as topic/
Single-Case Studies as Topic/
Observational Studies as Topic/
Multicenter Studies as Topic/
Evaluation Studies as Topic/
Systematic reviews as topic/
Research methods in our collection
The library collection contains books and articles on research methods. These can be narrowed further by adding your subject discipline in the second search line as shown below.
Google Scholar is not that simple to search to find studies ABOUT a research method.
You may want to use Google Scholar for following up on relevant articles you find elsewhere -- look at the cited by and the Related links. Also scan the suggested search phrases at the bottom of the page.
"quasi experimental study designs series"
click on the Cited by links and Related Articles
Consider adding some of the following terms to your search if you retrieve too many hits.
Strength* or weakness* or limitation* or advantage* or disadvantage* or challenges*
- Last Updated: Jan 21, 2025 4:51 PM
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