Web Archiving Services
How to Archive
There are many tools available to help you do your own web archiving. We have listed a few below. Contact us at digitize@ucalgary.ca about adding your WARC files to our Web Archive Collections.
For more information on national and international web archiving efforts see:
- Canadian Web Archiving Coalition http://www.carl-abrc.ca/advancing-research/digital-preservation/cwac/
- International Internet Preservation Consortium http://netpreserve.org/
When doing any web archiving we recommend:
- seeking permission from the site owner/copyright holder
- determining if the site contains 3rd party materials under copyright and getting appropriate permission to capture those materials
- following Terms of Service and understanding any applicable Privacy or Copyright Policies
Archiving individual web pages
Wayback Machine (Internet Archive Save Page Now or Browser extension...)
- Single pages
- Data saved and archived with Internet Archive
- Archived content is public
WARCreate (Google Chrome Extension)
- Single pages
- WARC is saved locally
Archiving web sites
Webrecorder Desktop App (https://webrecorder.net/)
- Open-source
- Standalone desktop app (developed as a modification of the Webrecorder (now Conifer) hosted service)
- Create and replay web archives
- Data stored locally
Conifer (https://conifer.rhizome.org/)
- Free online account
- Data saved and archived with Rhizome Inc.
- Private and public options
Heritrix (https://github.com/internetarchive/heritrix3)
- Open-source
- Requires a Linux distribution
- Data stored locally
- Last Updated: Oct 29, 2021 3:20 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/webarchive
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