Indigenous Languages
Sarcee Language
A selection of Subject Headings for Tsuu T'ina/Sarcee language
Sarsi Language |
Sarcee Language |
Grammar |
Indians of North America |
Vowels |
Cree Indians |
Athapaskan |
English Speakers |
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Select resources from the U of C Catalogue
A Sarcee Grammar by Eung-Do Cook
Call Number: PM2275 .C66 1984ISBN: 0774802006Publication Date: 1984-01-01Likely to become one of the classic works in Amerindian linguistics, this book presents a comprehensive grammar of Sarcee, an Athapaskan language spoken in southern Alberta. Based on the voluminous notes collected by Edward Sapir in 1922 and supplemented by extensive data from Cook's own work with the few remaining speakers of Sarcee, the book not only deals with all major areas of linguistic structure but also offers insights into linguistic changes which have occurred during this century. Primarily descriptive, with numerous examples drawn from text materials to support claims about grammatical structure or rule, the book also contains many accounts of Sarcee and Athapaskan data which bear significantly on current theoretical issues. Although the over-all approach is generative transformational, the material is presented in contemporary analytical and descriptive terminology. Preceded by an introduction defining the orthographic conventions and abbreviations used throughout the book, the following chapters are devoted to a thorough discussion of syntax, phonology, and morphology. The chapters on syntax constitute the only in-depth presentation of such material for any northern Athapaskan language. A major documentation of the geographically and linguistically important Sarcee language, this book will be welcomed by scholars in Athapaskan studies as well as by linguists in general as a significant contribution to the general knowledge of language and linguistic theory.Sarcee verb paradigms by Cook, Eung-Do
Call Number: ACC# MPH-647Publication Date: 1984Held in Special Collections in the Taylor Family Digital Library. This publication outlines ways in which Sarcee verb stems can be classified into paradigmatic subclasses. A copy is also held at the High Density Library. Users who wish to access this copy must place a hold for the item with call number; CA1 /NM 57/72N02Topics in Sarcee syntax by Hofer, Earl Douglas
Call Number: PM2275 .H62 1974APublication Date: 1974DissertationA Study of Sarcee Verb-Stems by Fang-Kuei Li
Call Number: Journal Article: Full Text OnlinePublication Date: 03/1930An investigation of the three tone system in Tsuut'ina (Dene) by McDonough, Joyce; O'Loughlin, Jared; Cox, Christopher
Call Number: Journal Article: Full Text OnlinePublication Date: 05/2013This study is part of the documentation and conservation of Tsuut'ina (formerly Sarcee, Sarsi; ISO 639-3: srs), a northern Dene (Athabascan) language by a collaboration of academic and community members.
Searching the web for terms including "Learn Cree Language", Cree Grammar", "Cree Verbs", and "Cree Lessons" will provide alternative sources.
A small non-profit organization dedicated to the survival of Native American languages, particularly through the use of Internet technology. It is a compendium of online materials about more than 800 indigenous languages of the Western Hemisphere and the people that speak them.
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- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:45 PM
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Subjects: Indigenous Studies, Linguistics