African Studies
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- African Studies Abstracts OnlineASA Online succeeded the printed abstracts journal of the African Studies Centre Leiden, published since 1968, first as Documentatieblad, then as African Studies Abstracts (1994-2002). It provided a quarterly overview of journal articles and edited works on Africa in the field of the social sciences and the humanities available in the ASCL library. ASAO no. 60 (2017) was the last issue.
- AfricaBibAfricaBib is a collection of Africana social science titles, presented in one easily accessible location on the internet. It is the culmination of over forty years of Africana research.
The site consists of two bibliographic databases covering Africana periodical literature (Africana Periodical Literature) and African Women's literature (African Women). You will also find a comprehensive bibliography on women travelers and explorers to Africa (Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa). In June 2012 two bibliographies were added, one on Islam in Africa, compiled by Paul Schrijver, the other on the Kenya Coast, compiled by Jan Hoorweg. In July 2014 Water and Africa was added. Followed in September 2017 by Education in Africa. - African Studies AFST DatabasesThis list is comprised of AFST related databases and it is a starting point for research in the area. The AFST liaison librarian can also meet to discuss which databases would be appropriate for specific research topics.
African Studies Journals/Newspapers
- Historical African American Newspapers OnlineThis guide provides a list of historical African American Newspapers available online as part of digitization projects at libraries and historical societies as well as digitization projects done by Google. The content is available for free, though it is at the discretion of the institution providing the content. The newspapers contained within guide are those that have ceased to operate or are currently running papers with archives available. It does not include papers that are currently running and only offer access to the most recent articles.
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