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Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Education

A "start here" guide for teaching, learning and research in medicine and health sciences

CAELI: Centre for Artificial Intelligence Ethics, Literacy and Integrity

CAIELI is a collaboration between Libraries & Cultural Resources and Werklund School of Education. This transdisciplinary student-focused initiative aims to encourage effective and ethical use of AI on campus.

The Centre’s innovative programs harness the power of AI to personalize learning and empower students to excel. We aim to cultivate strong digital and information literacy skills that will pave the way for academic success across disciplines.


Generative AI Prompts

Generative AI is artificial intelligence that is capable of generating data (images, text, video, audio etc) in response to a prompt. 

Just like in academic database searching, there are ways to effectively craft a prompt to yield better results. You are encouraged to try different phrasing attempts to become familiar with what prompts work best for your inquiry.

Select Chat Bots and AI Tools for Health Sciences and Literature Discovery