Open Educational Practices (OEP)
Feedback loops
Providing students with models and frameworks for providing feedback can be helpful.
The RISE model provides a structured method of giving feedback that directly connects to Bloom's Taxonomy.
There are four possible stages to the feedback:
- REFLECT - Acknowledge & Articulate
- e.g. I really appreciated this specific aspect of your chapter because ….
INQUIRE - Insight Through Analysis
e.g. When you said X, am I understanding that you meant XY?
e.g. Could you tell me more about…..
SUGGEST - Ideas for Improvement
e.g. Have you considered…..You might want to include…..
ELEVATE - Meaning Making
e.g. Perhaps you can expand on this...What are some of the key challenges you faced and how did you address them?
Information retrieved from:
A series of questions to help guide the provision of feedback. Covers intent, content, depth, organization, word choice, punctuation, etc. Link to pdf.
Watch the video below to learn about more about the following formula for giving good feedback.
The Micro Yes: start by asking a short but important question.
Data Point: Name specifically what you saw or heard. Don't use blur words.
Show Impact: Name how the data point impacted you positively or negatively.
End on a Question: Wrap your feedback in a question, this allows for a dialogue and turns the feedback into a joint problem solving collaboration.
Receiving feedback
Being able to be brave enough to reach out for feedback is incredibly challenging for many of us. But Sheila Heen, featured in the videos below, believes there is power in being able to effectively receive feedback. Watch the two videos which highlight the importance of being able to pull feedback in and effectively process it in order to improve from feedback.
- Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024 11:34 AM
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