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Map Resources at UCalgary and Beyond

Climate Map Resources

See also: Climate / Weather GIS Resources

Alberta Agro-Climatic Information Service (ACIS)
Current and historical (50 years) weather conditions map and data

Alberta Environment Maps and Data Summaries
Links to current precipitation and temperature maps

Alberta Climate Records
University of Lethbridge visualization of key climate indices for  Alberta from 1950-2010. Data can be downloaded for each 10 x 10 km tile.

Atlas of Alberta Lakes
Online edition of 1990 print edition from University of Alberta Press

Canadian Weather Office
Current weather information and forecasts for Canada from Environment Canada

Canadian Climate Data
National online climate data and archive from Environment Canada. Links to climate normals, summaries and station catalogue
A collaboration between Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), the Computer Research Institute of Montréal (CRIM), Ouranos, the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC), the Prairie Climate Centre (PCC), and HabitatSeven.

Climate Atlas of Canada
Combines climate science, mapping, and storytelling together with Indigenous Knowledges and community-based research and video to inspire awareness and action.

Water Survey of Canada
Hydrometric data, real-time water levels, station indexes and maps available via Environment Canada's site, in partnership with all provinces and territories

Canadian Real Time River Level Data
This site provides public access to both real-time and historical hydrometric (water level and streamflow) data collected at over 1200 locations in Canada

Canadian Wind Data
Long term homogenized surface wind speeds (at standard 10 m level) specifically developed for climate research in Canada. For addition wind energy information, see Canadian Wind Energy Association (Canwea)

The Weather Network
Canadian Weather On-Line with up-to-date weather information, road reports, marine forecasts

United States National Climatic Data Center
The NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world
Provides international weather forecasts for mariners and adventurers including downloadable images for forecasts, wind speed, wave heights, sea temperatures and barometric pressure.

NNDC Climate Data Online Map Service
Free global map data and graphs

Data visualization of global conditions including wind, temperature and pressure

Weather Channel
World weather conditions visualized for wind, temperature

World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC)
Maps, graphs and data archives available, hosted by Environment Canada's Meteorological Service

Space Weather
News and information about the Earth-Sun environment, hosted by NASA Space Weather Bureau