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BUSN - Bloomberg

Tutorials related to finding currency, commodity, equity, energy, economic data


Commonly used commands for energy information: (Remember to hit the green <GO> button after each command).

BI - Energy - most recent energy news

NRGZ - energy industry reports (DOE, BP, IEA, Eurostat)

OIL - oil menu

NATG - natural gas markets

VOLT - electricity markets and statistics

COAL - coal markets

RENE - renewables

DOE - U.S. Department of Energy research & statistics

How to find?

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF)

"A robust database of investment information relating to clean energy and carbon markets ... covers investors, deals, portfolio companies, projects and executives."

- information on  more than 24,000 renewable energy projects around the world.

- covers over 69,000 organizations

- sectors covered include:

- wind

 - solar

 - bioenergy

- geothermal

- hydro

- marine

- carbon capture and storage

- nuclear