Using Education Research Complete
This guide outlines how to conduct an effective search using Education Research Complete, as well as some search tips that can be used on most databases.
About This Guide
This guide is designed to help you navigate Education Research Complete while doing research for education related assignments. Many of the search tips included can be used for most other databases as well, including Google!
- The Education Research Complete tab includes information on how to get to ERC, the different types of search and search options, as well as information on filters, field searching, and the Thesaurus function.
- The Search Tips and Tricks tab gives you the tools you need to be a super searcher! This section covers Boolean Operators, Truncation, Wildcards, and Proximity Searching. It also includes a tip on searching for lesson plans!
- The Search Results tab shows you what to do with your results list, and some of the tools you can use on your chosen articles.
- The Help tab shows you where to find help, both through EBSCO and the UCalgary Library. It also links to the contact information for the creator of this guide for further help.
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- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 8:21 AM
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