Film Studies
Articles and Reviews
To find databases that could be helpful go the the Database link and use the dropdown all subjects and select film to find other databases, or enter film in the search for databases box to find film related databases. It is important to read the database description carefully in order to identify the best selection for your query.
To use an Ebscohost product, eg. Communication and Mass Media complete, expand your search to include all film/communication databases for the most complete search.
Film Literature Index is available in hardcopy (PN 1994 .A1F53) in the TFDL HIgh Density LIbrary, 1973-2004.To request a volume please use the request button. Item will be delivered in 24 hours during business week.
International Index to the Performing Arts provides indexing, abstracts and selected full text for many film journals.
AFI catalog: ( Uof C only) The AFI Catalog, the premier, authoritative resource of American film information, covers the history of American cinema comprehensively from 1893 to 1975, with full or short records for films from 1976-2011. New records are added each year by the AFI's editorial team.
JStor: ( U of C only) contains over 480 film studies journals
Project muse: ( U of C only) covers digital humanities and social sciences. Indexes scholarly journals from many leading university presses and scholarly societies.
Reviews Only
Film Review Index (PN 1995 .F55 1986 -REF) indexes reviews from 1882-1985. This era predates much of the material on the Internet, so this is an essential resource, available in print only.
Here is a list of other indexes
To find reviews in reference titles search Subject Motion pictures - Reviews using Advanced Search
- Last Updated: Nov 22, 2024 7:17 AM
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