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Your one-stop for reference sources such as encyclopedias, abbreviations, biographies, dictionaries and more.

Abbreviation Resources


Acronyms Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary - The most recent edition of this dictionary is located in the Taylor Family Digital Library Reference collection. This is a comprehensive source for acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations. Call Number: PE1693 .A2 

Acrolink : Dictionary of Canadian English and French Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations - This resource is located in the Taylor Family Digital Library Reference collection
Call Number: PE1693 .F683 2002

Acronym Finder - The Acronym Finder is a world wide web searchable database of more than 2,421,000 abbreviations and acronyms about computers, technology, telecommunications, and military acronyms and abbreviations

Chemical Abstracts – Core Journals Covered in CA Plus - This web based list contains the journal abbreviation (short title), complete journal title, CODEN, and publication frequency for the key/core journals covered in the CAplus file (Chemical Abstracts) on STN. It is sorted alphabetically by the full title of the publication. This is not the full list of publications covered by CAS! 

Hanford Abbreviation and Acronym Directory - This Abbreviation & Acronym Directory is listing of Hanford Site acronyms and abbreviations. It is not intended to replace other reference materials. It is intended to provide definitions that are not available elsewhere. Another good resource is the World Wide Web Acronym and Abbreviation Server.  Comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet.

Science & Engineering Journal Abbreviations: Compiled by Kevin Lindstrom, science & engineering librarian at the University of British Columbia.

A/N Group, Inc. Small Business & tax abbreviations:
This list contains two sections--Business Abbreviations and Special IRS Abbreviations, below. Be sure to check both lists for tax abbreviations. Use the find feature in your browser to speed the search. Some abbreviations appear twice. Finally, there's a list of Significant Tax Legislation and the accompanying abbreviations.

Elsevier's dictionary of acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and symbols by Fioretta Benedetto Mattia.
The dictionary contains an alphabetical listing of approximately 30,000 (thirty thousand) acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and symbols covering approximately 2,000 fields and subfields.
    PE1693 .E47 2003 (Taylor Family Digital Library -   Reference Collection)

The American heritage abbreviations dictionary
published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
The American Heritage Abbreviations Dictionary presents some 20,000 terms that appear in text messages, chatrooms, Web sites, sports statistics, travel brochures, airports, personal ads, and countless other places in a world where shorthand is the true universal language.
PE2839 .A533 2005 (Taylor Family Digital Library )

Medical abbreviations :
24,000 conveniences at the expense of communications and safety. The book contains 28,000 meanings for 18,000 medically-related abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. It is current and comprehensive in an easy to read format.

    W13 .D38 2003 (Library Use Only Health Sciences Library - Reference collection)