BUSN - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
Resources on human resource management and organizational dynamics
Recruitment and Selection
- Canada Business NetworkThis is an excellent resource from the Government of Canada that provides entrepreneurs with access to reliable, up-to-date and relevant information to help them start and grow their business. Provides extensive information on starting a business.
- Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS)Over 500 occupational profiles including duties, working conditions, personal characteristics, educational requirements, employment and advancement, salary.
- Working in CanadaGovernment of Canada
Search the database for an occupation and location and create a detailed report about job opportunities, job demand, wages, skills requirements, and more. (Based on the National Occupational Classification). - Job BankGovernment of Canada
- Guidelines for recruitment and selectionUniversity of Oregon, Human Resources
- Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (Cornell University)A website for academic information about HR. Use the "Research" tab for publications, reports, articles etc.
- HRM Guide NetworkThe HRM Guide Network is an independent, internet-based organization dedicated to the provision of HR-related information, including free articles, features and links with sections covering Australia, Canada, NZ, UK and US.
- Recruitment and selection for startups: Key steps to hire the best candidate (MaRS)Provides key steps in the recruitment and selection process.
- Federal Skilled Worker Program (Canada)This program selects foreign workers with skilled professional work experience who are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to contribute to the Canadian economy.
- Temporary Foreign Worker Program (Canada)This program allows Canadian employers to hire foreign nationals to fill temporary labour and skill shortages when qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents are not available.
- Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 9:29 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/human_resources
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Subjects: Business