BUSN - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
Resources on human resource management and organizational dynamics
Top Picks
Handbook of Human Resource Development by Neal F. Chalofsky
Call Number: Electronic bookISBN: 9781118454022Publication Date: 2014-11-10
- Employment and Social Development Canada(Open Access)
A very comprehensive site providing information on employment, human resource management, labour market, education and training, workplace, diversity and more. - Full-time Employment, Canada 1976 to 2014This Statistics Canada report addresses three questions: (1) How has the full-time employment rate evolved since the mid-1970s overall? (2) How has the full-time employment rate changed across age groups, education levels, sex, and regions? (3) To what extent have movements in full-time employment rates been driven by changes in the socio-demographic characteristics of Canadians and by changes in labour market indicators?
- Human Resource Management for Employers(Government of Canada) (Open Access)
Includes information on hiring, training, managing, payroll/benefits, health & safety, regulations and more. Provides a job bank for employers - Towers Watson(Open Access)
This professional services company website provides research reports on many topics including human resource management.
- InFact / Conference Board of Canada This link opens in a new windowOne of the major topics covered by the Conference Board is "Human Resources Management". Access the eLibrary and then click "Topics" in the left sidebar to access reports on this subject.Get inFact’s full suite of economic forecasts and human resources research. This all-access subscription is the ultimate insights package with access to over 10,000 premium research reports and forecasts.
- International Labor Organization(Open Access)
Find reports, research, labor standards and a statistics database.
- Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 9:29 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/human_resources
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Subjects: Business