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BUSN - Writing and Presenting

This guide provides resources to help with business communication, focusing on academic integrity, business writing, presentations, citing and referencing, and using web resources.


Media Resources Guide

Prepared by the Media Commons manager at the TFDL, this guide is intended to help students, staff and faculty find media resources useful for creating multi-media projects for teaching, learning and research.

It covers: images, video, music, sound effects, as well as information on the rights and copyright guidelines associated with various media resources.

The Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL) Digital Media Commons

  • provides space, technologies and support for students to explore emerging digital collections, high-end Apple hardware, edit suites, touch tables, cutting edge gaming PCs, retro and contemporary gaming consoles and software.
  • explore new media forms such as animation, soundscapes, graphics design, and digital video.
  • located on the third floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library between the Student Success Centre and Visual and Performing Arts. 
  • for more information or to book an appointment for assistance with using any of the equipment or applications in the Digital Media Commons please contact

Read more about the equipment and software available in the Digital Media Commons

Here is a guide to help learn and use Windows Movie Maker.