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BUSN - Writing and Presenting

This guide provides resources to help with business communication, focusing on academic integrity, business writing, presentations, citing and referencing, and using web resources.

Trade, Magazine and News

Trade publications

  • Also referred to as industry publications, applied literature or professional publications.
  • Intent: to inform those working in the field/profession of industry trends, events, new products, techniques, and other professional issues.
  • Trade literature is written by people working in the field. The articles in trade and professional journals cover news in the field, brief reports on research, opinions about trends and events, and products.
  • Articles are fairly short, include illustrations, contain teminology used in the industry, and rarely include in-text citations and references.
    Harvard Business Review   Canadian Jeweller
    CA Magazine Food in Canada
    Canadian Mining Journal Oilweek

Popular magazines

  • Popular literature is written by journalists, who are employed by the magazine for which they write. Journalists cover news and current events in a field, general interest articles, profiles of people, places, or events, and political opinions.
  • Intent: to entertain, to report news, or to summarize information.
  • Popular magazines have eye-catching covers, include glossy illustrations and advertising.
  • Articles are short and do not include in-text citations or references. Author credentials are not provided.
    Better Homes and Gardens   Forbes
    National Geographic Time

News sources

  • New sources include newspaper articles, press releases, newswires, broadcast transcripts, news organization blogs etc.
  • Intent: to provide information and facts on current issues at the local,
    national and international levels.

The U of C subscribes to many databases that contain a combination of peer-reviewed, scholarly, trade and popular journals and articles. Most of these databases allow you to limit your search results to peer-reviewed, scholarly/academic articles, trade publications, magazines, news articles etc.

Try searching these databases: