Alberta Flood Resources
A guide to resources for the Alberta flooding.
GIS files
- City 2013 flood extent shapefile on Calgary Open Data portal also at SANDS (UofC only)
- search the Open Data portal for other Calgary flood data
- Alberta Flood Hazard Mapping GIS data files (revised 2015) freely available
- also on SANDS file server (UofC only)
Water data
- Calgary river flows - historical data from City of Calgary Water Services, historic flow rates and discharge
- Alberta Water Stations map from Environment Canada; click the station marker to open up a new tab or window for real-time data
- Alberta's River Basins from Alberta Environment and Parks, water quality, water flows and levels, precipitation data
- Alberta Floods Portal - provides flood Inundation (1 in 100 year, 1 in 50 year, etc. flood events), Likelihood (% chance in next 30 years), Hazard (flood haazard, flood fringe) and Range (difference between large and small floods) web maps
- Water Survey of Canada real-time water levels and flow information. Some historical level and flow data available, but not for all stations. "Discontinued" means the station is no longer operational, but some historical data may be available.
Calgary-area (bounded by 51º29'26"N, 113º22'35"W, 50º47'39"N, 114 43'40"W) station numbers include:
- Bow River: 05BE006 (Discontinued. Bow River below Ghost Dam); 05BH002 (Discontinued. Bow River @ Cushing Bridge near Calgary); 05BH004 (Bow River @ Calgary); 05BH005 (Bow River near Cochrane); 05BH008 (Bow River below Bearspaw Dam); 05BM002 (Bow River below Carseland Dam); 05BM021 (Bow River development main canal below headgates)
- Elbow River: 05BJ001 (Elbow River below Glenmore Dam); 05BJ003 (Discontinued. Elbow River @ Fullerton's Ranch); 05BJ004 (Elbow River @ Bragg Creek); 05BJ005 (Discontinued. Elbow River above Glenmore Dam); 05BJ010 (Elbow River @ Sarcee Bridge); 05BJ011 (Discontinued. Elbow River @ Clem Gardiner Bridge)
- Nose Creek: 05BH003 (Discontinued. Nose Creek @ Calgary); 05BH014 (Nose Creek above Airdrie); 05BH901 (Discontinued. Nose Creek near the mouth)
- Fish Creek: 05BK001 (Fish Creek near Priddis); 05BK002 (Discontinued. Fish Creek near Midnapore); 05BK003 (Discontinued. Fish Creek @ Bow Bottom Trail)
- Other: 05BJ008 (Glenmore Reservoir @ Calgary); 05BE005 (Ghost Lake near Cochrane); 05BE999 (Ghost Tailrace); 05BH006 (Discontinued. Jumpingpound Creek near Jumping Pound); 05BH009 (Discontinued. Jumpingpound Creek near the mouth); 05BH011 (Discontinued. Jumpingpound Creek @ Bateman's Ranch); 05BH015 (Jumpingpound Creek @ Township Rd #252); 05BH904 (Discontinued. Beddington Creek near Calgary); 05BM003 (Discontinued. Western irrigation district canal near Chestermere Lake); 05BM006 (Discontinued. Canada Land and Irrigation Co. canal near intake); 05BM009 (Discontinued. Twelve Mile Coulee spillway near Carseland); 05BM010 (Discontinued. Cairn Hill spillway near Strangmuir); 05BM015 (Western irrigation district canal near headgates); 05BM016 (Discontinued. Western irrigation district canal "A" near headgate); 05BM017 (Discontinued. Western irrigation district canal "B" near headgate); 05BM904 (Chestermere Lake @ south outlet); 05CB005 (Discontinued. Beaverdam Creek near Cochrane); 05CE004 (Discontinued. Rosebud River near Crossfield); 05CE006 (Rosebud River below Carstairs Creek)
It is also possible to download the entire dataset (Hydat). Data is for all stations across Canada. The file may be viewed with MS Access, or the Environment Canada Data Explorer (available from the Hydat download page, "ECDE_EDEC_Installer....msi").
- Last Updated: Nov 21, 2024 3:05 PM
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Subjects: Geographic Information Systems, Geography, Urban Studies