Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
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Associations and Conferences
- Canadian Society for Chemistry Canada’s premiere chemistry event takes on a special significance this year, coinciding with both the CSC meeting’s centennial and the 150th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. CSC 2017 will feature plenary, invited and submitted lectures, jointly organized international symposia, poster sessions, panel discussions, and special events, including a closing day outreach event.
- The Geological Society Higher Education Network The purpose of the Network is to bring together those researching and teaching in the Higher Education sector to develop and discuss best practice in areas of shared interest; and to grow the Society’s engagement with this community.
- International Technology and Engineering Educators Association The annual ITEEA conference provides an unparalleled opportunity for technology and engineering educators to gain comprehensive professional development and networking experiences. ITEEA members pay a reduced rate to attend and can choose from dozens of interest sessions, workshops, and social events. This is a unique opportunity to learn from and share with other technology and engineering STEM education professionals in a variety of formats.
- Life Discovery – Doing Science Conference The biological understanding of our world, from the DNA in cells to the effect of our actions in the biosphere, has advanced rapidly. Our changing world presents exciting opportunities for Life Discovery and challenges for teaching, study and learning. The branches of biology that deal with plants, animals, behavior, ecology and evolution, collectively referred to as organismal and environmental biology, hold many keys to understanding life in a changing world. This conference will highlight the leading science, curriculum design and implementation and data exploration in a research-rich biology education for high school and undergraduate students. A major goal of the conference is to foster communities of practice and encourage the sharing of best practices in biology education across grades.
- Royal Society of Chemistry A not-for-profit organisation with a heritage that spans 175 years, we have an ambitious international vision for the future. Around the world, we invest in educating future generations of scientists. We raise and maintain standards. We partner with industry and academia, promoting collaboration and innovation. We advise governments on policy. And we promote the talent, information and ideas that lead to great advances in science.
- The Western Conference on Science Education Western University will, once again, host this unique conference that pulls passionate faculty, students and educational staff together across disciplines to focus on improvements in post-secondary science education. Although issues in Canadian science will be highlighted, the conference welcomes colleagues working outside the country or outside the traditional disciplines of science.
Select Reports and Papers
- A New Century For Geoscience Education Research - 2011 This review of research in geoscience education has been conducted at the request of the Board on Science Education of the National Research Council.
- Strategy for Enhancing Global Geoscience Education – 2019 The International Union of Geological Sciences Commission on Geoscience Education (IUGS-COGE)
- On the Teaching of Linear Algebra by Jean-Luc Dorier Presenting research on the teaching and learning of linear algebra in the first year of university, this text aims to give university teachers in charge of linear algebra courses a wide range of information from works including theoretical and experimental issues. These works try to better understand the meaning of linear algebra in an epistemological approach, as well as the constraints and the difficulties in its teaching and learning. They also present teaching designs with the analysis of their experimentation. Elements of reflection are given to the reader with keys for his or her own experimentation. Through the variety of the works presented, this book also discusses theoretical issues which are consistent for all research in maths education at tertiary level.ISBN: 1280207728Publication Date: 2000
- Advances in Physiology Education dvances in Physiology Education promotes and disseminates educational scholarship in order to enhance teaching and learning of physiology, neuroscience and pathophysiology. The journal publishes peer-reviewed descriptions of innovations that improve teaching in the classroom and laboratory, essays on education, and review articles based on our current understanding of physiological mechanisms.
- American Journal of Physics Welcome to the American Journal of Physics (AJP). AJP publishes papers that meet the needs and intellectual interests of college and university physics teachers and students. This Journal was established in 1933 under the title the American Physics Teacher, which covers Volumes 1 through 7. The name was changed to the American Journal of Physics in 1940.
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education The aim of BAMBED is to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials. BAMBED seeks and communicates articles on many topics, including: • Innovative techniques in teaching and learning. • New pedagogical approaches. • Research in biochemistry and molecular biology education. • Reviews on emerging areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to provide background for the preparation of lectures, seminars, student presentations, dissertations, etc. • Historical Reviews describing "Paths to Discovery". • Novel and proven laboratory experiments that have both skill-building and discovery-based characteristics. • Reviews of relevant textbooks, software, and websites. • Descriptions of software for educational use. • Descriptions of multimedia materials such as tutorials on various aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology.
- CBE Life Sciences Education LSE publishes peer-reviewed articles on life science education at the K–12, undergraduate, and graduate levels. The ASCB believes that learning in biology encompasses diverse fields, including math, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, and the interdisciplinary intersections of biology with these fields. Within biology, LSE focuses on how students are introduced to the study of life sciences, as well as approaches in cell biology, developmental biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and proteomics.
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice The journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education.
- Computer Science Education Computer Science Education aims to publish high-quality papers with a specific focus on teaching and learning within the computing discipline that are accessible and of interest to educators, researchers, and practitioners alike. Depending on their special interests, those working in the field may draw on subject areas as diverse as statistics, educational theory and the cognitive sciences in addition to technical computing knowledge. Papers may present work at different scales, from classroom-based empirical studies through evaluative comparisons of pedagogic approaches across institutions or countries and of different types from the practical to the theoretical. The journal is not dedicated to any single research orientation. Studies based on qualitative data, such as case studies, historical analysis and theoretical, analytical or philosophical material, are equally highly regarded as studies based on quantitative data and experimental methods.
- International Journal of Science Education The International Journal of Science Education (IJSE) is firmly established as an authoritative voice in the world of science education. It bridges the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion. Special emphasis is placed on applicable research relevant to educational practice, guided by educational realities in systems, schools, colleges and universities. The journal comprises empirical research papers, papers on innovations and developments, position papers, theoretical papers and letters to the editors. From time to time, a Special Issue is devoted to a topic of major interest and importance, guest-edited by an acknowledged expert.
- International Journal of Science Education, Part B Communication and Public Engagement International Journal of Science Education Part B: Communication and Public Engagement will address the communication between and the engagement by individuals and groups concerning evidence-based information about the nature, outcomes, and social consequences, of science and technology.
- Journal of Biological Education Journal of Biological Education is firmly established as the authoritative voice in the world of biological education. The journal aims to bridge the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion, in addition to critical examinations of advances in biology research and teaching. Through the coverage of policy and curriculum developments, the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology are brought to the fore.
- Journal of Chemical Education The Journal of Chemical Education is the official journal of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, co-published with the American Chemical Society Publications Division. Launched in 1924, the Journal of Chemical Education is the world’s premier chemical education journal. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. JCE typically addresses chemical content, activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. The Journal serves as a means of communication among people across the world who are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry. This includes instructors of chemistry from middle school through graduate school, professional staff that support these teaching activities, as well as some scientists in commerce, industry, and government.
- Journal of College Science Teaching Articles, interviews, profiles, notes on research and teaching, favorite demonstrations, and news of note for college teachers of science.
- Journal of Geoscience Education The Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) is a peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research, and serves as an international forum for research concerning the pedagogy, assessment, and philosophy of teaching and learning about the geosciences and related domains. Hybrid journal with subscription and Open Access options.
- Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education The Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education is a free open access journal that features original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching, and provide readily adoptable resources in biology education.
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching Journal of Research in Science Teaching, the official journal of NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research, publishes reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching and learning and science education policy. Scholarly manuscripts within the domain of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching include, but are not limited to, investigations employing qualitative, ethnographic, historical, survey, philosophical, or case study research approaches; position papers; policy perspectives; critical reviews of the literature; and comments and criticism.
- Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities The purpose of the JSESD is to provide a forum for presentation of research and exemplary practice in the field of science education as it relates to teaching students with disabilities and a vehicle for dissemination of information to practitioners in the field. A main goal of the JSESD is to publish reports of research. However, reports of practical information, perspectives, product reviews and resources to improve science education and services for students with disabilities are also accepted. The editorial board consists of educators (K-Postsecondary), scientists, and scholars in the area of science education and disabilities service with expertise in diverse disciplines. JSESD will be of interest to all members of academia who work with students with disabilities.
- The Physics Teacher Welcome to The Physics Teacher! TPT publishes peer-reviewed papers on the teaching of introductory physics and on topics such as contemporary physics, applied physics, and the history of physics. Dedicated to strengthening the teaching of introductory physics at all levels, including secondary schools colleges and universities, TPT provides peer-reviewed content and materials to be used in classrooms and instructional laboratories. Typical topics include innovative physics demonstrations, new ways of doing lab experiments, ideas for presenting difficult concepts more clearly, suggestions for implementing newer technology into teaching, giving historical insights that enrich the physics course, and implementing ideas for physics education research in the introductory physics classroom. Special monthly features include Physics Challenge Solutions, Fermi Questions, and Figuring Physics cartoons.
- Research in Science and Technological Education Research in Science & Technological Education is an original research journal publishing international perspectives on science and/or technological education. Scholarly research that investigates and interrogates the psychological, sociological, economic and organisational aspects of science and technological education, as well as developments within the global curriculum is encouraged. The journal presents researchers, academics and practitioners working in and with science and technological education with the opportunity to articulate their findings in an international forum. Articles are expected to provide up-to-date and innovative commentaries on effective practices, behaviours and curricula within science and technology education in both formal and informal learning settings.
- SIGCSE: Computer Science Education The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education provides a forum for educators to discuss issues related to the development, implementation, and/or evaluation of computing programs, curricula, and courses, as well as syllabi, laboratories, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy.
- Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology Welcome to Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE), a peer-reviewed web-based collection of ecological educational materials. TIEE is a resource for busy ecology faculty who are looking for new ways to reach their students, or who perhaps want to learn more about teaching and learning. TIEE grew out of several ESA sessions about undergraduate teaching. In these meetings some faculty said that they wanted to actively involve their students more in classes, but didn’t know how. Others knew there was a great deal of good teaching information on the web but did not have the time to find it. Some experienced faculty already trying new ways to teach wanted to push themselves further. We developed TIEE as a result of all of these comments.
Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development by Mijung Kim (Editor); C. H. Diong (Editor) In an era of globalization and urbanization, various social, economic, and environmental challenges surround advances in modern biological sciences. Considering how biological knowledge and practice are intrinsically related to building a sustainable relationship between nature and human society, the roles of biology education need to be rethought to respond to issues and changes to life in this biocentury. This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Twenty Third Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education 2010. The title, Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development, demonstrates how rethinking and reconstruction of biology education in the Asia-Pacific region are increasingly grounded in deep understandings of what counts as valuable local knowledge, practices, culture, and ideologies for national and global issues, and education for sustainable development. The 42 papers by eminent science educators from Australia, China, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and the U.S., represent a diversity of views, understandings, and practices in biology education for sustainable development from school to university in diverse education systems and social-cultural settings in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. The book is an invaluable resource and essential reference for researchers and educators on Asian perspectives and practices on biology education for social and sustainable development.
Call Number: QH320.P16 -- B56 2012ebISBN: 9789460919275Publication Date: 2012-10-20Discipline-Based Education Research by Status, Contributions, and Future Directions of Discipline-Based Education Research Committee; Board on Science Education; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; National Research Council; Natalie R. Nielsen (Editor); Heidi A. Schweingruber (Editor); Susan R. Singer (Editor) The National Science Foundation funded a synthesis study on the status, contributions, and future direction of discipline-based education research (DBER) in physics, biological sciences, geosciences, and chemistry. DBER combines knowledge of teaching and learning with deep knowledge of discipline-specific science content. It describes the discipline-specific difficulties learners face and the specialized intellectual and instructional resources that can facilitate student understanding. Discipline-Based Education Research is based on a 30-month study built on two workshops held in 2008 to explore evidence on promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. This book asks questions that are essential to advancing DBER and broadening its impact on undergraduate science teaching and learning. The book provides empirical research on undergraduate teaching and learning in the sciences, explores the extent to which this research currently influences undergraduate instruction, and identifies the intellectual and material resources required to further develop DBER. Discipline-Based Education Research provides guidance for future DBER research. In addition, the findings and recommendations of this report may invite, if not assist, post-secondary institutions to increase interest and research activity in DBER and improve its quality and usefulness across all natural science disciples, as well as guide instruction and assessment across natural science courses to improve student learning. The book brings greater focus to issues of student attrition in the natural sciences that are related to the quality of instruction. Discipline-Based Education Research will be of interest to educators, policy makers, researchers, scholars, decision makers in universities, government agencies, curriculum developers, research sponsors, and education advocacy groups.
Call Number: Q183.3 .A1 N3585 2012ISBN: 9780309254113Publication Date: 2012-09-27Discovery-Based Learning in the Life Sciences by Kathleen M. Susman For nearly a decade, scientists, educators and policy makers have issued a call to college biology professors to transform undergraduate life sciences education. As a gateway science for many undergraduate students, biology courses are crucial to addressing many of the challenges we face, such as climate change, sustainable food supply and fresh water and emerging public health issues. While canned laboratories and cook-book approaches to college science education do teach students to operate equipment, make accurate measurements and work well with numbers, they do not teach students how to take a scientific approach to an area of interest about the natural world. Science is more than just techniques, measurements and facts; science is critical thinking and interpretation, which are essential to scientific research. Discovery-Based Learning in the Life Sciences presents a different way of organizing and developing biology teaching laboratories, to promote both deep learning and understanding of core concepts, while still teaching the creative process of science. In eight chapters, the text guides undergraduate instructors in creating their own discovery-based experiments. The first chapter introduces the text, delving into the necessity of science education reform. The chapters that follow address pedagogical goals and desired outcomes, incorporating discovery-based laboratory experiences, realistic constraints on such lab experiments, model scenarios, and alternate ways to enhance student understanding. The book concludes with a reflection on four imperatives in life science research-- climate, food, energy and health-- and how we can use these laboratory experiments to address them. Discovery-Based Learning in the Life Sciences is an invaluable guide for undergraduate instructors in the life sciences aiming to revamp their curriculum, inspire their students and prepare them for careers as educated global citizens.
Call Number: QH315 -- .S876 2015ebISBN: 9781118907245Publication Date: 2015-06-30Effective Learning in the Life Sciences by David Adams Effective Learning in the Life Sciences is intended to help ensure that each student achieves his or her true potential by learning how to solve problems creatively in laboratory, field or other workplace setting. Each chapter describes state of the art approaches to learning and teaching and will include case studies, worked examples and a section that lists additional online and other resources. All of the chapters are written from the perspective both of students and academics and emphasize and embrace effective scientific method throughout. This title also draws on experience from a major project conducted by the Centre for Bioscience, with a wide range of collaborators, designed to identify and implement creative teaching in bioscience laboratories and field settings. With a strong emphasis on students thinking for themselves and actively learning about their chosen subject Effective Learning in the Life Sciences provides an invaluable guide to making the university experience as effective as possible.
Call Number: QH315 -- .E33 2011ebISBN: 9781119976653Publication Date: 2011-09-28Evaluating and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by Marye Anne Fox (Editor); Norman Hackerman (Editor); National Research Council Staff; Recognizing, Evaluating, Rewarding, and Developing Excellence in Teaching of Undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Committee; Board on Science Education Staff; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Staff Economic, academic, and social forces are causing undergraduate schools to start a fresh examination of teaching effectiveness. Administrators face the complex task of developing equitable, predictable ways to evaluate, encourage, and reward good teaching in science, math, engineering, and technology. Evaluating, and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics offers a vision for systematic evaluation of teaching practices and academic programs, with recommendations to the various stakeholders in higher education about how to achieve change. What is good undergraduate teaching? This book discusses how to evaluate undergraduate teaching of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology and what characterizes effective teaching in these fields. Why has it been difficult for colleges and universities to address the question of teaching effectiveness? The committee explores the implications of differences between the research and teaching cultures-and how practices in rewarding researchers could be transferred to the teaching enterprise. How should administrators approach the evaluation of individual faculty members? And how should evaluation results be used? The committee discusses methodologies, offers practical guidelines, and points out pitfalls. Evaluating, and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics provides a blueprint for institutions ready to build effective evaluation programs for teaching in science fields.
ISBN: 9780309512114Publication Date: 2002-12-19Handbook of Research on Mathematics Education by Frank K. Lester (Editor) Since the publication of the first Handbook of Research of Mathematics Teaching and Learning in 1992 and edited by Doug Grouws, research in mathematics education has continued to flourish: moving into new domains, digging more deeply into many enduring questions, and asking new ones. At the same time, mathematics education has continued to mature as a field of study. As the field has matured, there has been growing recognition of the importance of reflecting on what distinguishes the mathematics education research from other fields and on what influences the nature of its activities. During the past dozen or so years, advances in information technology have accelerated the pace of change in society and diverse individuals and groups have begun to promote a variety of old and new instructional approaches, programs, and policies for mathematics education. general, and widespread reform in mathematics education in particular. Researchers are being exhorted to gather and analyze data in support of specific agendas. A pressing challenge for the mathematics education researchers has been to reach out to its constituents and provide research-based advice about questions that concerned that constituent community, and to do so in an unbiased, rational, and convincing manner. several chapters. The Overview will contain chapters on the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological underpinnings of mathematics education research. Section II, on Teachers and Teaching, will contain discussion of research on teacher knowledge, teacher affects and beliefs, teacher education and professional development, and what goes on in classrooms. Section III, on Influences on Student Outcomes, will focus on curriculum, tasks, and materials, teaching practices, race, class, gender and other community and culture influences on student outcomes, and mathematics learning in non-school contexts. thinking in early childhood, whole number operations, place value, and number sense, rational number and proportional reasoning, early and later algebraic thinking, problem solving and modeling, justification and proof, geometry and measurement, probability, statistics, and post-secondary mathematics learning. The chapters in section V, Assessment, will consider classroom assessment, high-stakes assessment, and international and national assessments. The final section, Issues and Perspectives, will offer viewpoints on national and local policy, technology, equity and access, and assessment. This section will close with a view from the outside, prepared by a non-researcher.
Call Number: QA11.S43 2007ISBN: 9781593111779Publication Date: 2007-01-01Handbook of Research on Math Teaching and Learning by Douglas A. Grouws (Editor) "Research in the area of mathematics education has flourished over the past two decades. The Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning is the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the best research, new developments, and critical conflicts and controversies in mathematics education. Sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and written by leading experts in the field of mathematics education, the Handbook is specifically designed to make important, vital scholarship accessible to mathematics education professors, graduate students, educational researchers, staff development directors, curriculum supervisors, and teachers."
Call Number: QA11 .H36 1992ISBN: 0029223814Publication Date: 1992-03-01Handbook of Research on Science Education by Sandra K. Abell; Norman G. Lederman As a whole, the Handbook of Research on Science Education demonstrates that science education is alive and well and illustrates its vitality. It is an essential resource for the entire science education community, including veteran and emerging researchers, university faculty, graduate students, practitioners in the schools, and science education professionals outside of universities.
ISBN: 9781136781209Publication Date: 2013Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education by Ingo Eilks (Editor); Bill Byers (Editor); Royal Society of Chemistry Staff Two recent initiatives from the EU, namely the Bologna Process and the Lisbon Agenda are likely to have a major influence on European Higher Education. It seems unlikely that traditional teaching approaches, which supported the elitist system of the past, will promote the mobility, widened participation and culture of 'life-long learning' that will provide the foundations for a future knowledge-based economy. There is therefore a clear need to seek new approaches to support the changes which will inevitably occur. The European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) is a network of some 160 university chemistry departments from throughout the EU as well as a number of National Chemical Societies (including the RSC) which provides a discussion forum for all aspects of higher education in chemistry. This handbook is a result of one of their working groups, who identified and collated good practice with respect to innovative methods in Higher Level Chemistry Education. It provides a comprehensive overview of innovations in university chemistry teaching from a broad European perspective. The generation of this book through a European Network, with major national chemical societies and a large number of chemistry departments as members make the book unique. The wide variety of scholars who have contributed to the book, make it interesting and invaluable reading for both new and experienced chemistry lecturers throughout the EU and beyond. The book is aimed at chemistry education at universities and other higher level institutions and at all academic staff and anyone interested in the teaching of chemistry at the tertiary level. Although newly appointed teaching staff are a clear target for the book, the innovative aspects of the topics covered are likely to prove interesting to all committed chemistry lecturers.
Call Number: QD49 .E85 I56 2009ISBN: 9781847559586Publication Date: 2009-07-21Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs by Patrick Blessinger (Volume Editor); John M. Carfora (Volume Editor) Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered active learning environment where deep learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. It has roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and is oriented around three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field studies, case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL begins with an authentic and contextualized problem scenario where learners identify their own issues and questions and the teacher serves as guide in the learning process. It encourages self-regulated learning because the responsibility is on learners to determine issues and research questions and the resources they need to address them. This way learning occurs across all learning domains. This volume covers many issues and concepts of how IBL can be applied to STEM programs. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators, offering practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies on how to implement IBL in different contexts.
Call Number: 507.1 BLI 2015ISBN: 9781784418502Publication Date: 2015-10-20- Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future by David C. Gosselin (Editor); Anne E. Egger (Editor); J. John Taber (Editor) Interdisciplinary Teaching about the Earth and Environment for a Sustainable Future presents the outcomes of the InTeGrate project, a community effort funded by the National Science Foundation to improve Earth literacy and build a workforce prepared to tackle environmental and resource issues. The InTeGrate community is built around the shared goal of supporting interdisciplinary learning about Earth across the undergraduate curriculum, focusing on the grand challenges facing society and the important role that the geosciences play in addressing these grand challenges. The chapters in this book explicitly illustrate the intimate relationship between geoscience and sustainability that is often opaque to students. The authors of these chapters are faculty members, administrators, program directors, and researchers from institutions across the country who have collectively envisioned, implemented, and evaluated effective change in their classrooms, programs, institutions, and beyond. This book provides guidance to anyone interested in implementing change--on scales ranging from a single course to an entire program--by infusing sustainability across the curriculum, broadening access to Earth and environmental sciences, and assessing the impacts of those changes.ISBN: 9783030032722Publication Date: 2019-01-24
Notes, Volume 83: Notes : Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics by Jacqueline M. Dewar
ISBN: 9781614443186Publication Date: 2015-01-01- The Oil of Brazil: Exploration, Technical Capacity, and Geosciences Teaching (1864-1968) by Drielli Peyerl This book investigates the role of the National Petroleum Council (CNP) and especially of Petrobras in the construction and shaping of courses in Geosciences, as part of the historical process of the search for and exploration of oil, which began in Brazil in 1864 and ended in 1968 with the discovery of the first offshore well. The book explores the history of the discovery of oil in Brazil together with the historical development of oil research and geosciences in Brazil. It also elucidates significant events and developments which occurred between 1864 and 1968 such as the foundation of the Ouro Preto Mining School, the foundation of the CNP and Petrobras and other scientific societies and universities and their contributions to the formation and constitution of geosciences in Brazil. This book also discusses the massive investments by CNP and Petrobras in technical and scientific research for oil exploration in the Brazilian territory.This unique book appeals to scientists, students and professionals in geosciences, history and related fields.ISBN: 9783030138837Publication Date: 2019-06-03
- Qualitative Inquiry in Geoscience Education Research by Alison Stokes Methodology and location in the context of qualitative data and theoretical frameworks in geoscience education researchCall Number: QE1 .G4GISBN: 9780813724744Publication Date: 2011-02-01
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Tricia A. Ferrett; Mary Taylor Huber (Foreword by); Pat Hutchings (Foreword by); Joanne L. Stewart (Editor) Informed by the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), Connected Science presents a new approach to college science education for the 21st century. This interdisciplinary approach stresses integrative learning and pedagogies that engage students through open-ended inquiry, compelling real-world questions, and data-rich experiences. Faculty from a variety of disciplines and institutions present case studies based on research in the classroom, offering insights into student learning goals and best practices in curriculum design. Synthetic chapters bring together themes from the case studies, present an overview of the connected science approach, and identify strategies and future challenges to help move this work forward.
ISBN: 9780253009463Publication Date: 2013-07-10Teaching and Learning in Higher Education by Elizabeth Cleaver (Editor); Maxine Lintern (Editor); Mike McLinden (Editor) In today's higher education climate academic staff are encouraged to focus not only on the up-to-date content of their teaching, but also to identify the most effective ways to engage students in learning, often alongside other key transferrable skills. This had led to a growing requirement for staff to adopt a scholarly approach to learning and teaching practice, and to undertake scholarship of learning and teaching as part of ongoing professional development. This text explores broad best practice approaches to undertaking enquiry into learning and teaching in higher education. It provides an introduction for staff who have been educated within a range of academic disciplines, often with high-level but very focused knowledge about, and understandings of, research processes to the potentially new world of educational enquiry. This is complemented by chapters exploring what educational enquiry means in the context of different academic disciplines, including physical sciences, mathematics, engineering, the life sciences, the arts, the humanities, the health professions, and law. It also includes: An overview of research methodology including data collection, literature reviews, good ethical practice, and research dissemination Case studies of actual research projects to support understanding of how to carry out educational enquiry in practice. Lecturers, why waste time waiting for the post arrive? Request and receive your e-inspection copy today!
Call Number: LB2331 .T43 2014ISBN: 9781446254639Publication Date: 2014-04-03Teaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory by Dimitris Psillos (Editor); Hans Niedderer (Editor) This book aims to improve the design and organization of innovative laboratory practices and to provide tools and exemplary results for the evaluation of their effectiveness, adequate for labwork in order to promote students' scientific understanding in a variety of countries. The papers are based on research and developmental work carried out in the context of the European Project "Labwork in Science Education" (LSE). This substantial and significant body of research is now made available in English.
Call Number: Q182.3 -- .T43 2002ebISBN: 9781402010187Publication Date: 2003-01-31- Teaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory by Dimitris Psillos (Editor); Hans Niedderer (Editor) This book aims to improve the design and organization of innovative laboratory practices and to provide tools and exemplary results for the evaluation of their effectiveness, adequate for labwork in order to promote students' scientific understanding in a variety of countries. The papers are based on research and developmental work carried out in the context of the European Project "Labwork in Science Education" (LSE). This substantial and significant body of research is now made available in English.ISBN: 9780306481963Publication Date: 2006-05-05
Teaching and Learning STEM by Richard M. Felder; Rebecca Brent Rethink traditional teaching methods to improve student learning and retention in STEM Educational research has repeatedly shown that compared to traditional teacher-centered instruction, certain learner-centered methods lead to improved learning outcomes, greater development of critical high-level skills, and increased retention in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Teaching and Learning STEM presents a trove of practical research-based strategies for designing and teaching courses and assessing students' learning. The book draws on the authors' extensive backgrounds and decades of experience in STEM education and faculty development. Its engaging and well-illustrated descriptions will equip you to implement the strategies in your courses and to deal effectively with problems (including student resistance) that might occur in the implementation. The book will help you: Plan and conduct class sessions in which students are actively engaged, no matter how large the class is Make good use of technology in face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses and flipped classrooms Assess how well students are acquiring the knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding the course is designed to teach Help students develop expert problem-solving skills and skills in communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, high-performance teamwork, and self-directed learning Meet the learning needs of STEM students with a broad diversity of attributes and backgrounds The strategies presented in Teaching and Learning STEM don't require revolutionary time-intensive changes in your teaching, but rather a gradual integration of traditional and new methods. The result will be continual improvement in your teaching and your students' learning.
Call Number: Q181 -- .I56 2012ebISBN: 9781118925836Publication Date: 2016-02-11- Teaching Scientific Inquiry : Inquiry-based Training for Biology Graduate Teaching Assistants Improves Undergraduate Learning Outcomes by Hughes, P.W.Call Number: Q183.4.C2 -- H834 2014ebPublication Date: 2014
Teaching Undergraduate Science by Linda C. Hodges This book is written for all science or engineering faculty who have ever found themselves baffled and frustrated by their undergraduate students' lack of engagement and learning. The author, an experienced scientist, faculty member, and educational consultant, addresses these issues with the knowledge of faculty interests, constraints, and day-to-day concerns in mind. Drawing from the research on learning, she offers faculty new ways to think about the struggles their science students face. She then provides a range of evidence-based teaching strategies that can make the time faculty spend in the classroom more productive and satisfying. Linda Hodges reviews the various learning problems endemic to teaching science, explains why they are so common and persistent, and presents a digest of key ideas and strategies to address them, based on the research she has undertaken into the literature on the cognitive sciences and education. Recognizing that faculty have different views about teaching, different comfort levels with alternative teaching approaches, and are often pressed for time, Linda Hodges takes these constraints into account by first offering a framework for thinking purposefully about course design and teaching choices, and then providing a range of strategies to address very specific teaching barriers - whether it be students' motivation, engagement in class, ability to problem solve, their reading comprehension, or laboratory, research or writing skills. Except for the first and last chapters, the other chapters in this book stand on their own (i.e., can be read in any order) and address a specific challenge students have in learning and doing science. Each chapter summarizes the research explaining why students struggle and concludes by offering several teaching options categorized by how easy or difficult they are to implement. Some, for example, can work in a large lecture class without a great expenditure of time; others may require more preparation and a more adventurous approach to teaching. Each strategy is accompanied by a table categorizing its likely impact, how much time it will take in class or out, and how difficult it will be to implement. Like scientific research, teaching works best when faculty start with a goal in mind, plan an approach building on the literature, use well-tested methodologies, and analyze results for future trials. Linda Hodges' message is that with such intentional thought and a bit of effort faculty can succeed in helping many more students gain exciting new skills and abilities, whether those students are potential scientists or physicians or entrepreneurs. Her book serves as a mini compendium of current research as well as a protocol manual: a readily accessible guide to the literature, the best practices known to date, and a framework for thinking about teaching.
Call Number: Q181 -- .H634 2015ebISBN: 1620361760Publication Date: 2015-08-11Ubiquitous Learning by Cope, Bill and Kalantzis, Mary Distance education -- Computer-assisted instruction. Individualized instruction. Blended learning.
Call Number: LC5803.C65 -- U7 2009ebISBN: 9780252090882Publication Date: 2010
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Subjects: Research