Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Teaching with a Scholarly Approach
SoTL is inquiry to understand or improve student learning and the teaching approaches and practices that affect student learning. SoTL is informed by relevant research on teaching and learning, and conducted by members of educational community from across campus who draw from their disciplinary expertise in gathering and analyzing relevant evidence from the learners in their own specific contexts. As scholarship, SoTL is then shared broadly to contribute to the knowledge and practice of post-secondary teaching and learning.
Introductory Reading
- Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. by Pat Hutchings (Editor); Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching StaffISBN: 0931050685Publication Date: 2000-11-01
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in and Across the Disciplines by Kathleen McKinney (Editor); Mary Taylor Huber (Foreword by)
ISBN: 0253006759Publication Date: 2012-12-03
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning vs. Scholarly Teaching
Key Characteristics
Select Introductory Papers
Bass, R. (1999) "The scholarship of teaching: What’s the problem." Inventio: Creative thinking about learning and teaching 1, no. 1: 1-10.
Hutchings, P. & Shulman, L.S. (1999) "The scholarship of teaching: New elaborations, new developments." Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 31, no. 5: 10-15.
Killen, P.O. & Gallagher, E.V. (2013) "Sketching the contours of the scholarship of teaching and learning in theology and religion."Teaching Theology & Religion 16, no. 2: 107-124.
Schulman, L. (2012). "From Minsk to Pinsk: Why a scholarship of teaching and learning?." Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1, no. 1: 48-53.
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