Indigenous Topics
Canadian Government Statistics Sources
Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture. In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are about 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life. In Canada, providing statistics is a federal responsibility. As Canada's central statistical office, Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this function for the whole of Canada and each of the provinces and territories.
Sources Held by Statistics Canada
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, as defined by the 1982 Constitution Act, comprise the Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.”
- Click "Browse by Subject" and navigate to "Aboriginal Peoples of Canada" to access statistical information for the total Aboriginal population and each of the three groups.
- Information is also available on age, sex, geographical locations, and historical data where available.
2011 Canadian Census
- Canadian census from 2011 contains an Aboriginal Peoples subject that isolates Aboriginal data.
- From the Statcan home page, scroll down to find the "Census Program" link.
- Within the census program, navigate to topics and click "Aboriginal Peoples"
- This section contains analytical, raw data, and reference products that can be further broken down.
Aboriginal Peoples Survey
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey is also hosted by Statistics Canada, which provides data on the social and economic conditions and the needs of Aboriginal people in Canada.
- On the “Aboriginal Peoples” page for Statistics Canada, click the “Aboriginal Peoples Survey” to obtain data, which is collected every five years
Alberta Aboriginal Facts Sheet
The Aboriginal Peoples fact sheet provides information on statistics for Aboriginals parsed out to subjects.
- Use search to find other province fact sheets from the page
How to Cite Statistics Canada
This guide has been developed for authors, editors, researchers, academics, students, librarians and data librarians. It describes, in three steps, how to build bibliographic references when citing Statistics Canada products and materials.
- From the StatCan homepage, search "Citation" in the main search bar. This will provide an official publication from the Government department on how to cite Statistics Canada.
Finding statistics on the INAC site
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
INAC is one of 34 federal government departments responsible for meeting the Government of Canada's obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North. INAC's responsibilities are largely determined by numerous statutes, negotiated agreements and relevant legal decisions. Most of INAC's programs and spending are delivered through partnerships with Indigenous communities and federal-provincial or federal-territorial agreements. INAC also works with urban Indigenous peoples, Métis and Non-Status Indians (many of whom live in rural areas).
Modify the following example search to suit your subject |
Suppose we are searching “single aboriginal parents who are employed and not attending full time school”.
- Click menu bar,
- Choose Aboriginal Peoples,
- Choose publications,
- Click ‘all topics’,
- Select the category of ‘statistics’, then click ‘go’.
- Scroll through the list to find publication “Aboriginal Single Mothers in Canada, 1996 - A Statistical Profile”.
Alternative search option: one may search from the home page search menu option “research and statistics”. This search will provide similar and additional results than above. To navigate to the same result as above, click “statistics” and browse by date, or title, or subject.
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Site
In August 2017, the Prime Minister announced the dissolution of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and a plan to create two new departments: Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada. This transformation will take time and includes engagement with Indigenous peoples and others. This page will be updated as a result of structural changes to the departments. Until then if you cannot find what you are searching for from this webpage, please visit the former INAC website. An updating and evolving site that "continues to renew the nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown, government-to-government relationship between Canada and First Nations, Inuit and Métis; modernize Government of Canada structures to enable Indigenous peoples to build capacity and support their vision of self-determination; and lead the Government of Canada's work in the North."
Select Publications
This database contains references to be found in more than 40,700 digitized pages of the original annual reports for the Indian Affairs portfolio for the years 1864 to 1966 and the complete annual reports for the department of Indian Affairs from 1967 to 1990. Useful for finding historical statistics.
- Click menu bar
- click ‘discover the collection’ tab
- click ‘A-Z Index’
- navigate to the letter ‘I’ section
- click “Indian Affairs Annual Reports, 1964-1990”
Government of Canada Publications
Publishing and Depository Services (PDS) is part of the Integrated Services Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada. They provide publications - produced through or by the Government of Canada - laws, regulations and notices affecting their lives, published in the Canada Gazette - Government of Canada advertising and public opinion research.
- Use the main search bar with terms such as
- Statistics
- Aboriginal
- Indians of North America
- to find relevant publications.
- Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 2:48 PM
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