Systematic Reviews Skills Curriculum
Saving searches - Medline via OVID
Step 1: Create an account.
- Select My Account.
- Select Create Account.
- Fill out the account information.
- Recommended personal account name: SR[ProjectName]. Eg. SRProject
- Recommended password: SR[ProjectName][Year]. Eg. SRProject2018
Step 2: Save your search.
Note: You should have already developed your search.
- Make sure you are logged into your account. Select My Account and enter your login information.
- Select Search.
- In the search box type out and perform each line of your search strategy individually.
- Select all lines of your search by checking off each box.
- Select Save.
- Enter a search name and any relevant comments. Under "Type" select Permanent from the drop down menu.
- Select Save.
Step 3: Edit you search (only if you need to).
- Select My Workspace.
- On the left hand side select Saved Searches.
- Select the pencil icon beside the search you want to edit.
- To insert a row: Select the arrow under the insert column.
- To edit a row: Select the pencil icon beside the row you want to edit.
- To delete a row: select the x under the Delete column.
- To annotate a row: Select the speech bubble under the Annotations column.
Saving searches - CINAHL via Ebsco
Step 1: Create an account.
- Select Sign In.
- Select Create one now beside "Don't have an account?"
- Fill out the account information.
- Recommended personal account name: SR[ProjectName]. Eg. SRProject.
- Recommended password: SR[ProjectName][Year]!. Eg. SRProject2018!
- Must include 1 number, 1 special character, 6 character minimum.
- Remember that you will share this password with project members, don't use a password associated with personal accounts.
- Recommended Secret Question and Answer: Choose "City of Birth" and then set the city to where your project is based.
Step 2: Save your search.
- Make sure that you are signed in and select New Search.
- Run each line of your search strategy as an individual search in order.
- Once you have run every line of your search strategy select Search History.
- Select every line of your search strategy and select Save.
- Give your search a name and, if you wish, a description. Beside "Databases" make sure that only "CINAHL Plus with Full Text" is selected. Beside "Saved Search" select Saved Search (Permanent).
- Select Save.
Step 3: Edit your search (only if you need to).
- Make sure that you are signed in and select Folder.
- On the left hand side select Saved Searches.
- Under the search strategy you want to edit select Edit Saved Search.
- Beside the line you want to edit, under "Actions", select Edit.
- Make any changes and select Save.
- Once you have made all of your changes select Save again.
Exporting Results - CINAHL via Ebsco
Note: Make sure you have already created and saved your search in Ebsco CINAHL.
To export search results as an RIS file:
- Log into your Ebsco account in CINAHL.
- Select Folder to access your saved searches.
- Find your CINAHL search and select Retrieve Saved Search.
- The search you want to run will be the top search. Select Rerun.
- At the top of your results select Share and then select email a link to download exported results.
- Enter your email and whatever subject or message you would like. Make sure to select RIS Format.
- Wait for you email to arrive. Make sure you open the email within 168 hours.
- Open the email and it should include a link. Click the link and a file containing the CINAHL search.
- An RIS file should be in your downloads folder. It is a good idea to rename the file to something like CINAHL results so that you can find it later to import into EndNote.
Exporting Results - MEDLINE via OVID
Note: Make sure that you have created and saved your search.
To export your search results as an RIS file:
- Log into your Ovid via Medline account.
- Select My Workspace from the top menu.
- Select My Searches & Alerts to see your saved searches.
- Select your Medline search and then click run.
- You should see your search here under search history.
- Click Run Search on your last line at the bottom.
- Note the number of results (this will be used when importing results into EndNote)
- If you have fewer than 1000 results, check All. Otherwise, enter ranges from 1-1000, 1001-2000, until you have exported all records (Medline via OVID can only export 1000 results at a time).
- Click Export.
- In the dialogue box, choose Format: RIS, Fields: Complete Reference, and clear the other check boxes. Click Export.
- Save the file, and rename it as appropriate, e.g. medline_results1-1000.ris
- Last Updated: Oct 29, 2024 9:07 AM
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