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Baha'i Gardens, Haifa, Israel (Photo by
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Biblical Studies
Biblia Latina, held by Libraries and Cultural Resources, University of Calgary
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Buddhist Texts Including the Legend of Phra Malai, with Illustrations of The Ten Birth Tales from World Digital Library (Library of Congress). Original at the British Library
Book of Hours of Simon de Varie Pt. 2 from World Digital Library. Original at National Library of the Netherlands
See also Biblical Studies
Analects of Confucius from World Digital Library, original at National Diet Library
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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City, from World Digital Library
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Seated Ganesha (Creative Commons) - original held by Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tercümet ül-Viḳāye(The translation of “Wiqāyat al-Riwāyah”) and I’tiḳādiyāt (Beliefs) by Ahmet bin Muhammed Şemsī Pāşā (d. 1580) From: World Digital Library, Original at Walters Art Museum
Manusyaloka, Map of the Human World, from World Digital Library
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Mishneh Torah by Maimonides from World Digital Library (Library of Congress), original held by National Library of Israel
New Religious Movements
Fortesque Bay Sunrise (Wikimedia Commons)
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Print from Tsuki hyakushi from World Digital Library, original at National Diet Library
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Laozi's Classic of the Way and the Virtue from World Digital Library
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Sacred Texts |
Stone carved Faravahar in Persepolis (Wikimedia Commons)
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- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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