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Open Access Journals
Use Menu Tabs to Browse by Religion/Subject
See also Portals to Free Open Access Journals and Bibliographies and Indexes - good tools for identifying articles on your religion/topic
- Portals to Free Online Journal Articles
- A-B
- C-D
- E-F
- G-H
- I-J
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- O-P
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- S-T
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- Abbreviation Guides
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Portals to Free Online Journal Articles
SEE ALSO lists of journals by specific religion for more specialized portals
- CORE - over 80 million open access articles including many for religious studies
- Directory of Open Access Journals - listing of free academic journals, has a section for philosophy and religion
- e-periodica - fulltext for over 250 Swiss journals including a number of religious studies titles such as Revue Suisse d'histoire religieuse et culturelle
- Erudit - open access to over 200,000 scholarly North American French-language publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Includes religious studies titles such as Théologiques, Laval théologique et philosophique and Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions
- HAL: Archive ouverte en Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société - open archive of work produced by universities and research institutes - can keyword search or browse by discipline - over 25,000 works for Religion.
- Journals for Free - Religion
- JURN - "millions of free academic articles, chapters and theses"
- JSTOR- In advanced search limit Access type to "Content I can access." Can also limit to religion journals.
- Openedition - searches open access academic articles in Humanities and Social Sciences (over 14,000 books and 650 journals) - links to fulltext - Browse Religious studies journals
- Religion Commons - over 111,000 full-text articles
- ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources - particularly useful for identifying open access journals on Islam
- African Journal Archive (Sabinet) - full-text African electronic journals - in Advanced Search - can limit search to open access articles
- African Journals Online
- Canadiana Serials - searches across full text of over 1700 historical Canadian journals (up to 1920) and 300 newspapers(up to 1930)
- CEJSH: The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities - "open-access database publishing English abstracts of articles and reviews that appear mostly in national languages in scientific journals devoted to social sciences and humanities in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine" - many of the articles are open access. Poland's Library of Science includes CEJSH and journals in science, math and health.
- Dialnet - index to Spanish journals (over 240 Religious Studies titles) - many are available open access
- MOA: Making of America Journals - can search for journal articles published from 1850-1877 - significant content for religion
- Nepal Journals Online - 469 journals with over 44,000 articles available in full text
- Open Access Digital Theological Library - over 1,000,000 open access ebooks and 52,000,000 journal articles in religious studies
- RACO - Index to over 585 Catalan journals available open access - provides links to full text of articles
- Redalyc - index to over 1,700 open access journals from Latin and America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
- Theological Journals Search
See also:
- Free Full Text Religion Journalscompiled by John Jaeger
A-B Open Access Journals
- Acta Islamica - articles "encompass all branches of Islamic Studies "
- Acta Patristica et Byzantiana (Continued by Journal of Early Christian History ) full-text is only available to sub-Saharan countries
- Acta Theologica - South African journal
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica
- Advances in the Study of information and Religion - papers from the Conference on Information and Religion held annually at Kent State University
- Affirmation & Critique: A Journal of Christian Thought (Living Stream Ministry)
- Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology - v. 11-20, 1992-2001 - formerly called the East Africa Journal of Theolgoy
- African Studies Quarterly
- Africanus Journal - " strives to promote academic work that is multiethnic, urban-oriented, committed to an inerrant understanding of the Bible and to interpreting it in conversation with the realities of the world in which we live."
- Ahkam: Jurnal Limu Syariah - Islamic Law
- AJS Perspectives: The Magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies - 2010 to the present
- Al-Albab - study of religion
- Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
- Al-Ulum : Journal of Islamic Studies - articles in English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Al-Afkar: Journal for Islamic Studies
- Al Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies
- Al-Itqan: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran - articles in Indonesian
- Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios Arabes
- Al-Tahrir
- Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums (Compact Memory) - 1837- 1922
- Alpha Omega: Rivista di Filosofia e Teologia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
- Altneuland: Monaatsschrift fur die Wirtschafliche Erschliessung Palastinas (Compact Memory) - 1904-1906
- American Jewish Archives Journal
- American Jewish History (formerly called Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society) - vol. 1 -39, 1893-1951; 84, 1996 to present
- American Jewish Yearbook
- American Missionary - 1878-1901 issues
- Anais dos Simpósios da ABHR
- Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
- Analecta Hermeneutica - journal of the International Institute for Hermeneutics , it contains articles from "interdisciplinary, inter-religious and international hermeneutic research"
- Ancient Asia: Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology
- The Ancient History Bulletin Reviews
- Ancient Jew Review
- Andrews University Seminary Studies (The Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary) - latest two years are only available to subscribers
- Anglican Journal - covers 1998 to present, can keyword search issue
- Anistoriton: History, Archaeology Art History
- Annuaire de l'École pratique de hautes études, Section des sciences historiques et philologiques: Résumes des conférences et travaux - can search and browse - classical period, medieval studies, Asian studies, islamic studies, ancient near east
- Annual of Urdu Studies - v. 1, 1981 - V. 29,2014 (ceased in 2014)
- Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University
- Antigüedad y Cristianismo
- Anvil- An Anglican Evangelical Journal for theology and mission - v. 1-29, 1984-2012. Index of all articles
- Approaching Religion -" approaches the field of religion from a broad perspective, engaging contributions from different theoretical and methodological traditions"
- Archimède: Archéologie et histoire ancienne
- Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions - key word search contents or browse by author, subject or volume. 1956-2014 available full-text.
- Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Esetudos Judaicos da UFMG
- Ar-Raniry, International Journal of Islamic Studies
- Ars Disputandi- incorporated into International Journal of Philosophy and Theology
- Ars Orientalis - a scholarly journal on Asian art and archaeology - v. 1 - 41 , 2011 are available open access
- Asbury Journal
- ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions
- Ashland Theological Journal - v. 1-42, 1968-2010
- Asia Pacific Mission Studies - continues East Asian Pastoral Review - "specializes in pastoral renewal and leadership programs for pastoral agents and missionaries of the Asia-Pacific region"
- Asian Art
- Asian Culture and History
- Asian Ethnology - Formerly called Asian Folklore Studies and Folklore Studies
- Asian Folkore Studies now called Asian Ethnology
- Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
- Asian Studies - formerly called Asian and African Studies
- Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft - 24 month embargo. Starting 2025 "will be open access on a year by year basis "
- Aula Orientalis - articles on Semitic languages including Ugarit
- Australasian Pentecostal Studies
- Australian Ejournal of Theology
- Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology
- Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
- Australian Journal of Jewish Studies - 2008-2013
- Australian Religion Studies Review - now called Journal for the Academic Study of Religion - issues 1-17 available open access; later issues contents only
- The Awakener: A Journal Devoted to Meher Baba
- Axis Mundi - student edited journal sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Alberta. Ceased in 2019.
- Babelao: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies - " covers the various fields of oriental studies : philology, palaeography, history of the ancient and oriental world, language history, comparative literature, edition of texts, etc - contents and abstracts only open access
- Baha'i World - v. 1-6, 1925-1936
- Baptist Review of Theology - v. 1-8, 1991-1998 (ceased)
- Bible and Critical Theory
- The Bible and Interpretation - good for current issues
- Bible in the Arts/ Die Bibel in der Kunst
- Bible Lands e-review - "current research on the civilizations of the Bible and Ancient Israel, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East and the Classical World."
- Bible Translator
- Biblica - open access v. 79, 1998 to v. 97, 2016
- Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia (Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University) - Biblical studies and patristic studies
- Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics
- The Biblical Annals - in Polish
- Biblical Repertory - From 1830 -1836 called Biblical Repertory and Theological Review and from 1837-1871 called The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review
- Biblicum Jassyense: Romanian Journal for Biblical Philology and Hermeneutics
- Bibliotheca Sacra - v. 1 , 1844 - v. 78, 1921 (contents only for the rest)
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde - "focused in particular on the linguistics, anthropology, and history of Southeast Asia, and more specifically of Indonesia"
- Binah - academic journal of the Caribeean Evangelical Theological Association, Jamaica Theological Seminary and Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. v. 1-2, 1996-97. Continued by Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology
- Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice v.1 to v.9, 1996-2014
- Bodhi: An interdisciplinary journal
- BOTSA: Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa - from 1996-1999 was titled Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, now called Medieval Review
- Buddhazine: BuddhaNet's Online Magazine
- Buddhist Forum - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (v. 1-5) and Institute of Buddhist Studies, Tring, UK (v. 6)
- Buddhist Studies Review - contents and book reviews only open access
- Bulletin critique de annales Islamologiques - extensive collection of book reviews
- Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle - Jewish Press Site - full-text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers - currently The Palestine Post, The Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle and Paix Et Droit are available
- Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient - 1901-2012
- Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Judaistische Forschung - 19, 201 - 27, 2018
- Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales
- Bulletin of the Anglo Israel Archaeological Society - v. 1 -29.1982-2011 open access
- Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (continued by Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society) - v, 1 - 60, 1958 -2017
- Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
- Bulletin of Tibetology
- BYU Studies Quarterly - all but the three most recent years are available
C-D Open Access Journals
- Cahiers d'etudes du religieux: Rescherches interdisciplinaires
- Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie - "scholarly journal founded in 1985 by Anna Deidel and Hubert Durt specializing in religious studies and intellectual history of East Asia"
- Calvary Baptist Theological Journal
- Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies
- Canadian Journal of Orthodox Christianity
- Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity
- Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology - 2002-2006 - Previously called Binah
- Catharisme – Histoire, Philosophie et Spiritualité d'hier à aujourd'hui - 2018-2020
- Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice - new title: Journal of Catholic Education
- Catholic Social Science Review - interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles and reviews in the social sciences and the humanities. "It is the journal of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists and has an editorial focus on topics relevant to the social teaching of the Catholic Church."
- The Catholic World 1865 -1901 archive is fully searchable
- Cauriensia: Revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiasticas
- Centro Pro Unione Bulletin - "The Centro Pro Unione, founded and directed by the Society of the Atonement, is an ecumenical research and action center. Its purpose is to give space for dialogue, to be a place for study, research and formation in ecumenism: theological, pastoral, social and spiritual."
- CEU (Central European University) Jewish Studies Yearbook - 1 to 4 are available full-text; contents only for 5-7.
- Chafer Theological Seminary Journal - articles in biblical studies and theology
- Chinese Theological Review
- Chrétiens et Sociétés : XIe - XXIe siècles
- Christian Brethren Review - v. 31-40, 1982- 1989
- Christian Brethren Research Fellowship Journal - v. 1- 30, 1963-1980
- Christian History Magazine
- Church, Communication and Culture
- Churchman - 1924 - 2017 "Churchman, the quarterly journal from Church Society, has been in production since 1879. In that time it has established its place as essential reading for Christians who wish to gain a Biblical perspective on a range of matters. Leading writers deal with current issues, historical themes, and the Evangelical doctrine in which we believe." Continued by The Global Anglican in 2020.
- Ciencias Sociales y Religión
- Commentary - monthly "journal of significant thought and opinion on Jewish affairs and contemporary issues"
- Common Ground Journal: Perspectives on the Church in the 21st Century
- Conspectus (South African Theological Seminary)
- Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis and Culture - 1994-2004 full-text copy can be downloaded
- Contemporary Islamic Studies - published 2010-2012
- Contemporary Religions in Japan - renamed Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
- Contemporary Church History Quarterly
- Contemporary Islamic Studies
- Coptic Church Review
- Cosmologics Magazine - science and religion
- Criterion
- Cuadernos Judaicos
- Cuestiones Teológicas
- Culture and Cosmos: A journal of the history of astrology and cultural astronomy - "The magazine will be of considerable interest to historians of ideas, religion, astrology, science and astronomy as well as to archaeologists, sociologists and anthropologists".
- Cumhuriyet Ilahiyat Dergisi/Cumhuriyet Theology Journal - focus in on Islamic studies - articles in Turkish
- Current Trends in Islamist Ideology
- Currents in Theology and Mission: The Theological Journal of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and Wartburg Theological Seminary
- Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
- CyberOrient: Online Journal for the Virtual Middle East
- Debates do NER - Núcleo de Estudos da Religião (NER), do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
- Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies - includes book reviews and review articles
- Der Jude: eine Monatscchrift (Compact Memory) - 1916-1928
- Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal
- Dialogia:Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
- Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
- Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
- Didache: Faithful Teaching -" an interdisciplinary academic journal offered on-line that explores the intersections of Christian conviction, culture and education for the Church of the Nazarene and other international Wesleyan communities in higher education"
- Dios y el Hombre
- Direction: a Mennonite Brethren Forum - open access to the articles is available 6 months after publication
- Diskus : The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions - now called Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions
- Disputatio Philosophica: International Journal of Philosophy and Religion
- Diversidade Religiosa: Revista Discente do PPGCR-UFPB
- Dunamis: jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani - evangelical Christian theology
E-F Open Access Journals
- East-West Church Ministry Report -open access full-text for all issues excluding current year - Christianity in Russia and Central and East European countries
- Ecclesiology Today: Journal of the Ecclesiological Society
- Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology, formerly titled Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
- EJOS - Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies
- e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions - v.1, 2013
- e-Makalat Mezhep Arastirmalari Dergisi - Journal of Research of Islamic Sects
- Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law - ceased publication as of 2022
- Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
- Elpis (Department of Orthodox Theology, University of Bialystok) - objective is to" present contemporary Orthodox theology and to propagate the work of theologians, historians and philologists in their fields associated with Orthodoxy"
- Enrahomar: quaderns de filosofia - no. 52 (2014) focusses on religion in public space
- Entangled Religions: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious Contact and Transfer
- Episteme: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman
- Eras - peer-reviewed journal edited by postgraduate students in the School of Philosophical Historical and International Studies, Monash University publishing papers in disciplines including religion and theology and Jewish civilization
- Esra: Monatsschrift des judischen Akademikers (Compact Memory) 1919-1920
- Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies
- Estudos de Religião
- Estudos Teológicos (Progama de Pós-Graduaçāo em Teologia)
- Ethnodoxology: A Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith
- European Bulletin of Himalayan Research - issues from 2000.and earlier - scholarly articles on topics including history of religions in Karakorum, Hindukush, Ladakh, southern Tibet, Kashmir, north-west India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and north-east India.
- European Journal of Science and Theology - open access for all but issues for current year
- European Journal of Theology - contents and selected open access full-text
- Evangel - The British Evangelical Review - contents and selected open access full-text
- The Evangelical Quarterly - contents and selected full text
- Expositor - open access full-text for most issues 1875-1925
- Faculty Dialogue Issues: 8 (Winter 1987) to 20 (Winter 1993/94), 24 (spring 1995) and 25 (Fall 1995) Issues: 9 (Fall 1987), 24 (Spring 1995), 25 (Fall 1995) and 26 (Winter 1996)
- Faith and Thought (formerly Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute - open access full-text to issues up to 2018.
- Farabi: Journal of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought
- FARMS Review - reviews of books on Mormonism - 1989-2011. In 2011 name changed to Mormon Studies Review
- Fohat (Edmonton Theosophical Society) - ceased
- Franciscanum (University of San Buenaventura, Bogota) - theology and philosophy
- Frankel Institute Annual - published by the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
- Die Friestatt: Alljudische Revue: Monasttschrift fur judische Kultur and Politik (Compact Memory) 1913-1914
G-H Open Access Journals
- Global Journal Al-Thaqafah - articles and reviews on "all aspects of Islam, Muslims, and related religious studies." - articles are in Malay, English and Arabic
- Global Journal of Classical Theology: An Online Journal of Evangelical Theology
- Gouden Hoorn : Tijdschrift over Byzantium - Journal about Byzantium - v.1-9, 1993-2001-2002. Ceased publication with v.9.
- Grace Theological Journal - v. 1-12, 1980-1991. Ceased publication in 1991.
- Gurdjieff International Review
- Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies
- Hadith: International Journal of Hadith Researches - in Arabic and Turkish
- Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research
- Harvard Divinity Bulletin - 2003 to date
- Hazara Islamicus: Research Journal, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies - Hazara University Mansehra
- Hebraic Political Studies - "aims to evaluate the place of the Jewish textual tradition, along-side the traditions of Greece and Rome, in political history and the history of political thought"
- Hebrew Annual Review - v.1-14, 1977-1994
- Hebrew Higher Education - v. 11, 2009 to date
- Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
- Hermeneutik - Journal of Qur'an and Interpretation
- Hermeneutische Blatter - full-text since 2001
- Hervormde Teologiese Studies
- Hinduism Today Magazine
- HIPHIL: Old Testament "peer-reviewed academic journal on Old Testament Hebrew Bible Theology, Interpretation, Poetics, History, Interactivity and linguistics with particular emphasis on bridging the gap between the ancient authors and modern readers"
- Hispania Sacra: Revista de Historia Eclesiastica
- Historiae - articles on various aspects of Ancient Religions, religious history
- Hokhma: Revue de réflexion théologique - full-text for a few of the earlier issues - subject/author indexes
- Homiletic
- Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religiã
- HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies - previously called Hervormde Teologiese Studies
- Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
- Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika
I-J Open Access Journals
- ICCTE Journal - Journal of the International Christian Community for Teacher Education
- IESUS ABOENSIS: Åbo Akademi Journal for Historical Jesus Research
- Ignaziana: Rivista di Ricerca Teologica - "intent to stimulate and strengthen research in the Christian tradition inaugurated by St. Ignatius of Loyola"
- Illumine: Journal of the Center for Studies in Religion and Society Graduate Students Association
- Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies
- Ilu: Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones
- In Communion - Orthodox Peace Fellowship
- In Die Skriflig /In Luce Verbi - "accredited journal that serves as the official journal of the Reformed Theological Society. Aims to further Reformational Theology on a scientific basis and thus serving the Church and the kingdom of God"
- Indian Journal of Theology - v. 1-10, 1952-1961
- Indologica Taurinensia: Online Journal of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies
- Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
- Indonesian Journal of Theology
- Inferensi Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamann - "social and religious research journals focuses on the discussion of social-religious research that includes education, law, and economy"
- Inquiring Mind - semi-annual journal for the Vipassana community
- Intellectual Discourse - "scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, education, psychology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and developmental issues"
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion - need to register to get access (free)
- Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies
- International Journal of Dharma Studies - v. 1, 2013 -v. 5, 2017.
- International Journal of Frontier Missions
- International Journal of Islamic Thought (Department of Theology and Philosophy, National University of Malaysia and International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians)
- International Journal of Jaina Studies
- International Journal of Mormon Studies: A Peer Reviewed Journal for Scholars of Mormonism - all issues published between 2008-2013
- International Journal of Nusantara Islam "dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and focused on Islamic studies" - English and Arabic
- International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology
- International Journal of Orthodox Theology
- International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage - international, interdisciplinary coverage - "all papers are subject to 'double-blind-review'"
- International Journal of Sino-Western Studies
- International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine Newsletter/Journal (JISHIM)
- Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture
- Inter-Religio : network of Christian organizations for interreligious encounter in Eastern Asia - 1982-2005. Ceased
- Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context
- Irish Biblical Studies - v1. 1, 1979- v. 30 , 2012 - contents and selected articles open access
- The Islamic Culture
- The Islamic Review: Official Magazine of the Woking Muslim Mission, Shah Jehan Mosque, Woking, UK - 1913-1971
- Islamic Research: The International Journal of Islamic Civilization Studies
- Islamic Sciences Journal - in Arabic
- Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman - abstracts in English; text in Indonesian
- Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy (Association of Mormon Counsellors and Therapists) - "addressing the interface between revealed religion and psychology; specifically, issues of spirituality and the influence of doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in psychotherapy"
- Itinerantes: Revista de HIstoria y Religion
- Jahrbuch fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur (Compact Memory) - 1898-1938
- The Japan Christian Review - 59, 1993 to last issue 64, 1998.
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (Previously published as Contemporary Religions in Japan)
- Jewish Action: The Magazine of the Orthodox Union
- Jewish Art - formerly the Journal of Jewish Art - contents only v, 1, 1974 - v. 23/24, 1997/1998 (ceased in 1998)
- Jewish Bible Quarterly
- Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review - v. 9 to v. 20 formerly called Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter
- Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England
- Jewish Political Studies Review
- Jewish Review of Books - contents and selected full-text can be read online
- Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Daily news Bulletin)
- JISASR: The Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions
- Journal Analytica Islamica - Islamic thought, Islamic law, Quran, Hadis
- Journal Asiatique - 1822-1940
- The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry
- Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood now called Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology
- Journal for Christian Theological Research
- Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
- Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies
- The Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
- Journal for Millennial Studies - 1989 to 2001
- Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
- Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
- Journal of Adventist Theological Society
- Journal of Al-Tamaddun - "platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding Islamic history and civilization" - articles in Malay, English and Arabic
- Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies - v. 1-6, 2013-2018 (last issue)
- Journal of Analytic Theology
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Journal of Baha'i Studies
- Journal of Baptist Studies
- Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies
- Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership
- Journal of Book of Mormon Studies - previously called Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture - " dedicated to promoting understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the scriptures and other sacred texts revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith"
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics
- Journal of Buddhist Literature - vol 1, 1999 and vol 2, 2000
- Journal of Catholic Education - formerly Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
- The Journal of CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions)
- Journal of Childhood and Religion
- Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies - formerly Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal and Hwakang Buddhist Journal
- Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture
- Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies (State University of North Sumatra, Indonesia) - English and Arabic
- Journal of Dharma
- Journal of Early Christian History - formerly Acta Patristica et Byzantiana - full-text is only available to sub-Saharan countries
- Journal of Egyptological Studies
- Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)
- Journal of Global Buddhism
- Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies - all except recent two volumes are available for free download
- Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology
- Journal of Icon Studies - published by Museum of Russian Icons - publication paused
- Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies
- Journal of Indonesian Islam
- The Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies
- Journal of Inter-Religious Studies
- Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies
- Journal of Islamic Legal Studies
- Journal of Jewish Communal Service (Berman Jewish Policy Archive)
- Journal of Jewish Education (previous title: Jewish Education) - available from Berman Policy Archives
- Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy v. 1, 1919 only (Continued by Hebrew Union College Annual)
- Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy - Issues also available at Open Music Library
- Journal of Jesuit Studies - Jesuits from the 16th century to date
- Journal of Kabbalah Studies/ Journal des Etudes de la Cabale
- Journal of Liberal Religion (Meadville Lombard Theological School) - 1999-2009 - all published issues
- Journal of Lutheran Ethics
- Journal of Markets and Morality - issues are open access one year after publication
- Journal of Maronite Studies (The Maronite Research Institute) - history, liturgy and theology of the Maronites - 1997-2001 "temporarily suspended"
- Journal of Mormon History - open access for 1974-2014. Published by the Mormon History Association
- Journal of Oriental Studies (Institute of Oriental Philosophy Journal) - v. 10, 2000 to v. 27, 2017
- Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat - religion and health
- Journal of Psychology and Christianity
- Journal of Punjab Studies
- Journal of Race Ethnicity and Religion
- Journal of Religion and Business Ethics
- Journal of Religion and Culture - see under publications in left menu bar for links to available issues
- Journal of Religion and Human Relations - focus on Africa
- Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
- Journal of Religion & Society - includes book reviews - "promotes the study of all religious groups and beliefs among the various peoples of the world, past and present"
- Journal of Religion and Theatre Archive - ceased in 2010.
- Journal of Religion, Conflict and Peace
- Journal of Religion in Africa - volumes are free to read online with a free JSTOR personal account
- Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture - older issues are open access
- Journal of Religious Culture
- Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity
- Journal of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage
- Journal of Scriptural Reasoning
- Journal of Semitics - contents and select articles are open access
- The Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS) - formerly The Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS) v.1-50
- Journal of South Asian Studies
- Journal of Southern Religion
- Journal of Synagogue Music - v. 1, 1967 to present
- Journal of Textual Reasoning -"essays in the exegetical analyses of Jewish texts and the practice of textual reasoning as well as statements in the on-going development of the theory of Textual Reasoning"
- Journal of the Adventist Theological Society (JATS)
- Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society (JANES)
- Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions - formerly called Diskus : The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions
- Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (formerly the Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society) - all but most recent two years are available open access
- Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University - "oldest continuously published academic journal in fields of Islamic and religious studies in Turkey" - primarily in Arabic, Turkish, English and Persian
- Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
- Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies - note articles are not made available open access until 60 months after publication
- Journal of the ICPBS (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
- Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies - current issues become open access after 24 months.
- Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting
- The Journal of the Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies (JOCABS)
- Journal of the Pali Text Society - 1882-2009
- Journal of the Tibet Society
- Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society
- Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History - v. 1-9, 1984-1992. All published issues - became Journal of Welsh Religious History
- Journal of Welsh Religious History
- Jouvert: a journal of postcolonial studies - see especially v. 3, special double issue: "Religion between culture and philosophy"
- JRCA: Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity
- JRFM: Journal for Religion, Film and Media - also available from this site
- Judaica: Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)
- Judaica Librarianship: Journal of the Association of Jewish Libraries
- Judaica Ukrainica - Peer-reviewed annual journal in Jewish Studies - articles in Ukrainian and English
- Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin - Islamic thought and religion - articles are in Bahasa Indonesia, English or Arabic
- Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadis
- Jurnal Theologia
- Jurnal Ushuluddin - Islamic Thought, Qur'an, Tafsir, Sufism
K-L Open Access Journals
- Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology
- Kalonymos - German Jewish Studies - 1998 to date
- Tà katoptrizómena, das Magazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie und Ästhetik Man
- Kelam Arastirmalari Dergisis - Turkish journal on Islam
- Kernos: Revue internatinale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique - Site include indexes to Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 1993-2014
- Kırıkkale İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi
- Kom: časopis za religijske nauke - Serbian
- Laval théologique et philosophique - all issues but current are available open access
- Lectio Difficilior: European Electronic Journal for Feminist Exegesis - Biblical Studies from a feminist perspective
- Literature and Belief: A semiannual publication of the Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature
- Living Tradition -Organ of the Roman Theological Forum - no. 9-168, 1987-2014 (2014 appears to be last issue)
- Lutheran Historical Conference Essays and Reports
- Lutheran Theological Review - published by Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, Brock University
M-N Open Access Journals
- Mamluk Studies Review
- Marburg Journal of Religion
- Mariologisches Jahrbuch - 1997 - 2015
- Marion Library Studies -" polyglot journal specializing in original research on Christ, Mary, and the Church - published from 1969-2014
- Marion Studies - "the proceedings of the annual national meeting--of the Mariological Society of America. The Mariological Society of America (MSA) is a Catholic theological association dedicated to studying and making known the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of Christ and the Church and in the history of salvation"
- Martyrdom and Resistance (bi-monthly newsletter of the American International Society for Yad Vashem)
- The Master's Seminary Journal
- Mathal: Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies - covers Islam and Judaism - issues up to 2021. Currently publication is suspended
- MAVCOR Journal - "dedicated to promoting conversation about material and visual cultures of religion."
- McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry
- MEAH: Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebreos (Sección Árabe-Islam)
- MEAH: Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo
- Medieval Philosophy and Theology - v.1- 11, 1991-2003 - all available volumes
- Melanesian Journal of Theology
- Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies
- Melammu: The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization
- Mennonite Historian (Mennonite Heritage Centre and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada)
- Mennonite Historical Bulletin
- Mennonite Life
- Menorah Review - 1984-2015. Publication has ceased.
- The Merton Annual - list of articles available open access
- Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies
- Methodist History Journal - 1962-2015
- Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies
- Michigan Jewish History
- Mid-America Journal of Theology
- MIDÉO: Mélanges de l’Institut dominicain d’études orientales - focuses on Islamic studies with particular interest in ancient and modern Egypt - articles are in English and French
- MIQOT; Jurnal IImu-ilmu Keislaman - Journal of Islamic Studies
- Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebreos (Sección Árabe-Islam)
- Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology
- Misykat: Jurnal limu-limu al-Quran Hadist Syari'ah dan Tarbiyahu
- Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden - 1909 - 1926
- Mizan: Journal for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations
- Monastic Research Bulletin - discontinued as of 2012
- Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums (Compact Memory) 1851 -1939. Selected volumes also available from Internet Archive
- Mormon Pacific Historical Society - "Fostering the study and recording of the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands"
- Mormon Studies Review
- Mukaddime - articles in Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish and English - " focusing on a religious, philosophical, historical and socio-cultural context on the Middle East Region"
- Mutawâtir: Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadis - Quran and Hadith studies
- Mythological Studies Journal
- Mythos: Rivista di Storia della Religioni
- Nazariyat: Journal for the HIstory of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
- New Princeton Review - 1886-1888
- New Theology Review - "is a Catholic online, open-access journal of theology and ministry published by the Catholic Theological Union through the Paul Bechtold Library." v. 10 - 31. Publication suspended with v. 31, 2018
- Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif / Dutch Reformed Theological Journal - continued by Stellenbosch Theological Journal
- Nidan: International Journal for the Study of Hinduism
- Nordisk Judaistik: Scandinavian Jewish Studies
- The North Star: a journal of African-American religious history - 1997-2005
- La Nouvelle Revue Théologique - contents only for recent volumes
O-P Open Access Journals
- Occasional Papers in Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies
- Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe
- Old Testament Essays
- Oliviana: Mouvements et dissidences spirituels, IIIe - XIVe siecles
- Online - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet - discontinued in 2020
- Online Journal of Baha'i Studies - v. 1 and 2 only
- Open Theology
- Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature (majority of articles are in Hebrew)
- Orientalia Suecana
- Ost und West: llustrierte Monatsschrift für das gesamte Judentum (Compact Memory) - 1901-1923
- Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum - religious education with focus on Austria
- Paix Et Droit - Jewish Press Site - full-text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers - currently The Palestine Post, The Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle and Paix Et Droit are available
- Pacific World (Institute of Buddhist Studies)
- Palaestina: Zeitschift fur den Aufbau Palastinas(Compact Memory) - 1902-1938
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly - contents (some years are missing) and issues are mostly open access up to 1920.
- Palestinian Post - Jewish Press Site - full-text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers
- PALITA: Journal of Social-Religion Research - articles in Indonesian, Arabic and English
- Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal - "free on-line journal devoted to the promotion of social-scientific approaches to the study of paranormal experiences, beliefs and phenomena in all of their varied guises."
- Pastoral Music - 26-35, 2001-2011
- PentecoStudies (European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism)- 2002-2009 open access
- Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture
- Performance and Spirituality - articles on " deeper research intersections between performance/theatre/media-based art and religion/spirituality"
- Perichorresis: The Theological Journal of Emanuel University - "only government-accredited Baptist university in Europe"
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith - contents only for most recent issues
- Pharos Journal of Theology - - see under Publications - Archive for earlier issues
- Plura: Revista de Estudos de Religião/Plura: Journal for the Study of Religion (Brazilian Association for the History of Religions)
- Politics and Religion
- Polonia Sacra (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II, Krakow
- Poznanskie Studia Teologiczne (Faculty of Theology, Adam Mickiewicz University)
- Presbyterian and Reformed Review - 1890-1902
- Presbyterian Review - 1880-1889
- Princeton Review - 1830-1882 (Making America Journals)
- Princeton Seminary Bulletin - 1907-2017
- Princeton Theological Review - 1903-1912, 2004-2019
- Prismet - Norwegian journal on pedagogy, religion and theology
- Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research - vol. 1 - Vol. 63, 1928-1997 - can read articles free online
- Protestant Reformed Theological Journal - includes book reviews
- Protestantismo em Revista
- Przeglad Religioznwczy
Q-R Open Access Journals
- Quaker Theology
- Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
- Quranic Knowledge - articles are in Arabic
- Quranica - International Journal of Quranic Research
- The Reconstructionist Journal: A Journal of Contemporary Jewish Thought and Practice (Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association) - v. 59, 1996 - v. 72, 2007 (final issue)
- Refleks - study of the Holiness Movement, Pentecostalism and neo-Pentecostalism
- Reflexus: Revista Semestral de Teologia e Ciências da Religião
- Reflieksi - published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatulah State University, Jakarta - studies on the Quran and Hadith and Islamic philosophy
- Reformation and Revival
- Relat - Revista electronica latinoamericana de teologia - particularly useful for liberation theology
- Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception - " an independent, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of innovative research in reception history, broadly conceived, within and across religious traditions" and "primarily a book review journal"
- Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama
- Religi: Jurnal Studi Islam
- Religiao e Sociedade
- Religio: Jurnal Studi Agam-agma
- Religio: revue pro religionistiku - "international peer-reviewed scholarly journal for the study of religions published by the Czech Association for the Study of Religions in association with the Department for the Study of Religions at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University"
- Religiologiques - 1990-2005
- Religion and Society - primarily in Japanese, a few articles in English
- Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe - music, literature, gender and politics, civil religion, folk religions etc.
- Religion in Communist Lands - 1973-1991 - now called Religion, State and Society - full-text for issues up to v. 34.3 (2006), contents only for later issues
- Religion Watch : a newsletter monitoring trends in contemporary religion
- Religions - "international, open-access scholarly journal, publishing peer reviewed studies of religious thought and practice"
- Religions: A Scholarly Journal "emphasis on interreligious dialogue and the relations between Islam and other faiths"
- Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift (Department of Religious Studies, Aarhus University) - articles mostly in Danish
- Religious Inquiries - "comparative studies of the Western and Islamic theology, mysticism and ethics"
- Religious Studies in Japan
- Research Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Ancient Manuscripts
- RES: Review of Ecumenical Studies (Institute for Ecumenical Research, Ucian Blaga University of Sibiu) - all but the latest issue are open access
- Restoration Quarterly -"is devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of New Testament Christianity, its backgrounds, its history, and its implications for the present age" - select articles are available open access
- The Revealer - "
explores religion and its many roles in society and people’s lives. We feature articles from scholars, journalists, and freelance writers that offer important insights about religion, media, and our world" Published by the Center for Religion and Media at New York University
- Rever: Revista de Estudos da Religiao
- Revista Batista Pioneira: Biblia, Teologia e prática
- Revista Brasileira de História das Religiões
- Revista Catalana de Teologie
- Revista Cientifica Arbitrada de a Fundacion MenteClara
- Revista Cultura y Religión - focus on Chile and Latin America
- Revista de cultura teologica - theology and philosophy
- Revista Iberoamericana de Teologia - can also search for individual articles through Library
- Revista Jesus Histórico
- Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões - 2002 to 2018
- Revue d'Etudes Tibetaines
- Revue d'Histoire et Philosophie Religieuses
- Revue de théologie et de philosophie
- Revue de l' histoire des religions - covers back to 1946, includes an author index
- Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes - 1955-1977
- Revue des Sciences Religieuses
- REMMM: Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée - social science and humanities studies on the Muslim world.
- Revue du monde musulman - 1906-1926
- Revue Philosophique et Théologique de Fribourg - open access except for current year
- Revue Théologique de Louvain - Issues up to 2015
- Ribla: Revista de Interpretação Bíblica Latino-Americana
- Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici - 2006-2009
- Rose +Croix Journal - "focuses on topics that relate to the sciences, history , the arts, mysticism and spirituality, especially interdisciplinary topics" - published by the Rosicrucian Order
- Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion
S-T Open Access Journals
- Sacred Architecture
- Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity
- SAGAR: South Asia Graduate Research Journal (Austin, Texas) - "articles and English translations of texts in South Asian languages. In 2013 began using a peer-reviewed process. Ceased with v. 26, 2918.
- Salvationist : The Voice of the Army
- SAUIFD: Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Sakarya University Faculty of Theology)
- SBL Forum
- SBL Seminar Papers - listing of papers (2002-2010), many of which are available open access full-text
- Science and Christian Beliefs - open access full-text available for volumes older than 3 years.
- Scientia et Fides - articles on science and religion
- Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology - v.1-31, 1983-2013, current issues contents only
- Scripta Biblica
- Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis published by the Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History
- Scriptura: Journal for Contextual Hermeneutics in Southern Africa
- Scripta Theologica (Facultad de Teologia, Universidad de Navarra) - all but latest three years are available open access
- Scripture (Catholic Biblical Association UK) - 1946-68
- The Scribe - Issue 1 to v. 78, 2006 - Journal of Balylonian Jewry
- SeaChanges (official journal of Women Scholars of Religion and Theology)
- Secularism and Nonreligion
- SEDOS(Service of Documentation and Study on Global Mission) Bulletin - number of articles on a wide variety of themes concerning the modern Church including Liberation Theology from multiple perspectives. Focus is on missionary work.
- Sefarad - articles on Hebrew bible, linguistics and philology of Hebrew and Aramaic and the languages, history and culture of Jews in Spain and of Sephardim
- Sephardic Horizons
- Shaman: Journal of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism - 2017 and earlier available full-text.
- Sh'ma Now: A Journal of Jewish Sensibilities
- Sikh Research Journal
- Silk Road: Journal of the Silk Road House - "history and cultures of Eurasia, especially in pre-modern time
- Siwô’: Revista de Teologia
- Slovo: Journal of Old Church Slavonic Institute
- Societas Magica Newsletter - includes early modern occultism and contemporary paganism and well as aspects such as history and sociology of magic, practices and theories and artifacts and texts
- Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
- Soter: religijos mokslo zurnalas= Journal of Religious Science (Vytautas Magnus University)
- South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal
- Southeastern Theological Review
- The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
- Southwestern Journal of Theology
- Spiritual Psychology and Counseling
- Spirituality Studies - cultural and religious contexts of spirituality across all religions
- St. Tikhon's University Review: Theology, Philosophy, Religious Studies
- Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale
- Stellenbosch Theological Journal - continues Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif/Dutch Reformed Theological Journal
- Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo Israel Archaeological Society - v. 1 -35, 1982-2017 open access
- Studia Gilsoniana - promotes the thought of Étienne Gilson
- Studia Historiae Ecclesiastiae - "articles in the discipline of Church History/ History of Christianity with an African/South African perspective"
- Studia Judaica - in Polish
- Studia Orientalia Electronica - " is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal publishing original research articles and reviews in all fields of Asian and African studies. The main areas of interest are: African studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Semitic Studies, Altaic studies, East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Arabic Linguistics, Assyriology, Egyptology, and Japanese Studies."
- Studia Redemptorystowskie/Redemptorist Studies: Scientific yearbook of the Warsaw Province of Redemptorists - majority of articles in Polish some in English - see Theology section
- Studia Religiologica (Institute of Religious Studies of the Jagiellonian University) - articles, reviews and reports on all sub-disciplines of religion in Polish
- Studia Rhetorica Biblia et Semitica
- Studia Warminskie - see section for Theology - v.47, 2010 to present
- Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations : The electronic journal of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations
- Studies in Jewish Education (Melton Centre for Jewish Education) - selected issues - in Hebrew
- Studies in Reformed Theology and History - 1993-2005
- Studies in the Bible and Antiquity - "dedicated to Latter-day Saint research on the Old Testament, New Testament and other texts of topics that illuminate our understanding of the Bible and religion in antiquity"
- Studies in the Philosophy of Religion - majority of articles are in Japanese but in advanced search can limit to English
- Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits
- Sunrise Theosophic Perspectives -" is a forum for sharing thoughts and experiences that help in meeting the challenges of daily life. Exploring the fundamental principles and concepts underlying the world's traditions, it presents a wide range of themes in light of ancient and modern theosophy, promoting compassion and brotherhood that arise from the essential unity of all that is. Issued from 1951 to 2007, SUNRISE is nonsectarian and nonpolitical." Ceased with 2017 issue.
- Le Sycomore - "une revue scientifique traitant de plusieurs domaines d’enquête qui contribuent à la pratique de la traduction de la Bible"
- Sydney Studies in Religion - 1998 to 2009
- Symposia: The Journal of Religion - published by the University of Toronto's Department for the Study of Religion
- Tamid (Societat Catalan d'Estudis Hebraics) - articles on Jews in medieval Catalonia as well as contemporary Hebrew literature
- TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
- Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Keislaman
- Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion
- Teoliteraria: Revista de Literaturas e Teologieas
- Teologia i Człowiek
- Teologia y cultra
- Teologia y vida - 2000 to date
- Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf Dan Pemikiran Islam - studies of Sufism, Islamic thought and texts.
- TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology
- Theologica Xaveriana (Faculty of Theology Javeriana University Bogota (Colombia)
- Theological Forum (Theological Faculty, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)
- Theological Librarianship
- Theological Studies - 1940 up to all but last five years are open access
- Theologiques - " Founded in 1993 and headed by an interdisciplinary team, this scientific journal looks at current theological questions in dialogue with the other human sciences. Each issue's theme is examined by writers from different fields reflecting upon a common subject. Théologiques explores the contribution of theological research to the great ethical, social and cultural debates of our day. Open to a diversity of religious and theological traditions and lines of thought, the journal participates in advancing the discourse on God and on believers' experiences. It also studies the ongoing reconstruction of the different fields of knowledge and their impact on the theological process. Most articles are in French; a few appear in English" Open access for all issues except for current year
- theologie.geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie un Kulturgeshichte
- Theology in Scotland theological issues by many of the finest theologians working today"
- Theopoetics - "interfaith container for the intersection of several conversations with religious reflection: aesthetics, literature, embodiment, creativity studies, and the philosophy of imagination."
- ThéoRèmes : Enjeux des approches empiriques des religions
- Theosophical History - earlier volumes available open access
- The Tibet Mirror - selected full-text for 1927-1963
- Torah u-Madda Journal
- Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought - latest few years not available open access
- Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society - v. 1-7, 1908-1921
- Transcendent Philosophy: Journal of Comparative Philosophy and Mysticism
- Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts
- Tsafon: Revue d'études juives du Nord:une revue d'études juives interdisciplinaire dont les thèmes sont textes bibliques et rabbiniques, religion et relations interreligieuses, histoire du peuple juif de l'Antiquité à nos jours, histoire de l’État d'Israël, littérature contemporaine juive et israélienne
- Tsaqafah: Jurnal Peradaban Islam
- Tyndale Bulletin -open access full text for all articles up to most recent few years
- Tyndale Society Journal - contents and open access for selected articles
U-Z Open Access Journals
- Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi - Review published by the Faculty of Theology
- Ulul Albab Journal Studi Islam - since 2019 articles are in English and Arabic
- Ulum: Journal of Religious Inquiries
- Ulumuna: Journal of Islamic Studies (State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram)
- Union Seminary Quarterly Review - 1945 - 2016. Ceased in 2016
- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom - Annual Report
- U.S. Department of State Annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom
- Uskonnontutkija: Religionsforskaren
- Verbum et Ecclesia: Academic Journal of the Centre for Ministerial Development - funded by the Centre for Ministerial Development of the Dutch Reformed Church, University of Pretoria
- Veritas - journal of the Pontificia Universidade Catolica
- VFAST Transactions of Islamic Research - "Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh and their applications in the daily life"
- Via Spiritus :Revista de História da Espiritualidade e do Sentimento Religioso
- Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of HIndu Science and Religious Studies
- Vidimus - articles on and images of medieval stained glass
- Vincentian Heritage - "dedicated to promoting a living interest in the historical and spiritual heritage of the wide-ranging Vincentian family under the patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) and Saint Louise de Marillac (1591-1660)."
- Voices - published by EATWOT, the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians
- Vox Evangelical - v. 1-27, 1962-1997
- Vulgata in Dialogue: a biblical online review - articles on the Biblia Sacra Vulgata
- Wajibu: A Journal of Social and Religious Concern - issue 17-23 - founded in Nairobi, brief articles focussed on African traditions and the modern world
- WebMosaica: Revista do Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall - v. 1, 2009 - v. 9, 2017
- Die Welt: Zentralorgan der Zionistischen Bewegung (Compact Memory) 1897-1914
- Wesleyan Theological Journal -1966-2010
- Western Buddhist Review - writings on Buddhism as practiced in the modern world
- Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur judische Theologie (Compact Memory) - 1835 -1847
- Women in Judaism: a multidisciplinary journal
- Word and World: Theology for Christian Ministry
- WRS Journal - "articles written by WRS (Western Reformed Seminary) professors, other Bible Presbyterian pastors"
- Yale Journal of Music and Religion
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft - v. 1 -163, 2013, includes Supplement v. 1-11
- Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche - v. 1-100
- Zeitschift für Indologie und Iranstik - Also available from Internet Archives
- Zeitschrift für Islamische Studien
- Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft
- Zeitschrift fuer Papyrologie und Epigraphik - 1988-2000 available open access /full contents listing through JSTOR/ an index to all the volumes is also available
- Zeitschrift fuer Pastoraltheologie
- Zeischrift fur Religionspadagogik (Theo-Web)
- Zwingliana: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Protestantismus in der Schweiz und seiner Ausstrahlung - founded in 1897, the journal is sponsored by the Zwingliverein in conjunction with the Swiss Reformation Studies Institute at the University of Zurich.
- Abbreviations in Theology and Biblical Studies - list of abbreviations for journals and commentaries
- Journal of Early Christian Studies - Abbreviations - comprehensive guide to abbreviations for a variety of religious studies journals and reference tools
Union Lists
- ABTAPL ( Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries) Union List of philosophy, religious studies and theology periodicals held by 53 member libraries. Can browse by journal title or keyword search journal titles.
- AULOTS - union list of religious studies and theology journals held by libraries in Australia and New Zealand - produced by the Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association
- Electronic Journals Library/Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (Electronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek) - produced by German Institute of Global and Area Studies Information Centre - Extensive listing of over 1600 Theology and Religious Studies journals - notes which titles are freely available
- EIRH Plus (formerly The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) - is a listing of academic journals - in advanced search can limit discipline to Religious Studies and Theology journals as well as to open access journals
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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