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Christianity - Bibliographies and Indexes
SEE ALSO: Libraries and Archives and Digital Text Collections
General Christianity - Bibliographies and Indexes
- Index Theologicus (IxTheo): Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen - major index to religion and theology articles (world-wide coverage), essays and books. Particularly useful for German publications. Can limit to open access (small percentage)
- Research in Ministry Online (RIM Online) -indexes theses from over 100 DMin, DMiss and DEdMin programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Searchable by keyword, author, title, subject and institution.
- Riviste On-line - indexes 174 Italian theology and philosophy journals
- SELADOC - index to theological articles from Latin America
- Teologia y religiosidad latinoamericana - Index to Theological Periodicals in Latin America - click on the pull down menu beside Buscar and select Seladoc
- Theoldi - Index to Theological and Interdisciplinary literature produced by the School of Theology at the University of Innsbruck. Covers Biblical Literature BILDI, Systematic and Fundamental theology KALDI, Canon law, and Girard Documentation MIMESIS
- Theological Journals Search - custom Google search of over 250 open access theological journals
- TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network Database) - Searchable database of over 23,800 theological theses/dissertations and conference papers
- Barth - major database of works by and about Barth
- BIBP: Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique - searchable database to 60,000 records from over 1600 journals on patristic studies (Early Christian Church Fathers). While you need to search in French, many of the items are in English
- Bibliografia Misional y Ecumenica 2003 - extensive listing of Spanish works on mission
- Bibliographies for Theology - compiled by William Harmless includes sections for: New Testament (Gospels, Paul, Historical Jesus and Christology), Early Christianity (Patristics - Ignatius, Origen, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, Augustine, Antony, Cyril of Jerusalem and early Christian worship, Melania and women in the early Church), Medieval Christianity (Benedict and Medieval Monasticism. Gregory VII , Anselm, Francis of Assisi, Aquinas, Eckhart), the Reformation (Luther, Bucer, Zwingli, Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola), spirituality and mysticism (including Jewish Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Confucian spirituality), sacraments and liturgy and 20th century theology)
- Bibliographies on Mission Studies compiled by John Roxborogh
- Bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia (2003)
- Bibliography in Ecological Ethics and Eco-Theology
- Bibliography of Ecumenicism and the Ecumenical Movement
- Bibliography of Interconfessional Dialogues
- Bibliography of Thai Christianity by Herb Swanson
- Charles Hartshorne: Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works
- Centre for Process Studies Bibliographies - includes bibliographies on Hartshorne, Cobb, Ecofeminism, Korean thought and Process Studies, Whitehead, Peirce and Process Thought etc.
- Chinese Christian Texts Database - created by Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, " The Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database) is a research database of primary and secondary sources concerning the cultural contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (from 1582 to ca. 1840). The cultural contacts comprise documents in the various fields of cultural interaction: religion, philosophy, science, art, etc. " References for primary works contain description of content, lists of translations or secondary sources, and notes on facsimile editions and information on the author.
- Christian Encounter with African Traditional Religion compiled by Gailyn Van Rheenen- from
- Christian Sexual Ethics Bibliographies from The Feminist Sexual Ethics Project - Includes bibliographies for: Asian and Asian-American Women's Theology and Thought, European-American Christian Women's Theology and Thought, Mujerista and Feminista Theology and Thought, The Bible and Homosexuality and Womanist and African-American Women's Theology and Thought
- Christianity and Ecology bibliography - compiled by Peter W. Bakken - posted at The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
- Christianity in China - compiled by Joseph Adler - includes sections for Nestorian Christianity in China and Catholic and Protestant missionaries in China
- Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages: A Bibliography - compiled by Patrick Nugent, from The ORB: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
- Contemporary Religious Life Annotated Bibliography
- Cross in Ango-Saxon Britain
- Deutsches Liturgisches Institut - Search their library for listings of works (books and journal articles) on liturgy including Jewish liturgy.
- Dr Williams's Library and Congregational Library Online - major index to over 40,000 books and 67,000 journal articles on English Protestant Nonconformity
- Global Christian Theology: An Annotated Bibliography with Emphasis on Non-White Theologians - compiled by Peter T. Vogt, Herbert V. Klem, Robert V. Rakestraw (Bethel Theological Seminary) - last updated 1998
- GlobeTheoLib and Library - extensive digital library of books and journals on theology and on ethics (political, bioethics, legal, religious, media etc.) worldwide. Most of the identified books and journals articles are freely available
- Lollard Studies - bibliographies of primary and secondary sources for John Wyclif and Jan Hus
- Missiology Bibliography (from
- Natural Sciences and Theology (Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences) - links to websites and bibliography
- Online-Katalog der Bibliothek des Instituts fur Theologie und Frieden - Books and journal articles on the theology of peace, includes works from an ethical perspective
- Parker Library Bibliography of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
- PThK - Predigtadatenbank fur Theologie und Kirche - index to over 6,000 sermons published in periodical literature. Can search by theme, biblical passage, day and author
- Sources Chretiénnes - listing of all the volumes in this series
- The Study of Christian Monasticism - compiled by Ksenia Medvedeva (April 2015)
- Theologians - listing of sources fo background information, texts and secondary materials compiled by Steve Perisho
- Theologie-Systematisch - compiled by Herbert Frohnhofen
- Theopoetics bibliography (ARC: A Creative Collaboration for Theopoetics)
- Waldesians Bibliography - can search by keyword or author and browse index of people, subjects, titles, places
- Women and Christianity - see Women and Religion
- Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa : 1763-2003: a comprehensive English language bibliography
Early Church
- Augustine of Hippo - texts, critical material and images
- Augustine Bibliography - Finding Augustine - comprehensive searchable database
- Augustine's Confessions: a bibliography - bibliography from Latin text and commentary by James J. O'Donnell (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992)
- Bede Bibliography - primary and secondary works
- BIBP: Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique - searchable database to 60,000 records from over 1600 journals on patristic studies (Early Christian Church Fathers). While you need to search in French, many of the items are in English
- Dumbarton Oaks Bibliography on Gender in Byzantium
- Gregory of Nyssa Bibliography
- Nordic Patristic Bibliography - extensive listing of material on the Bible, Apocrypha, Liturgy, Doctrines, and church history before 140 and before and after 311.
- Paul Page - books and articles (including many links to full text) on "The New Perspective on Paul", "Paul and Empire" and "Paul with Judaism"
- Regesta Imperii - searchable database listing books, articles, essays and proceedings covering early and medieval history.
- Seventh-Day Adventist Periodical and Obituary Index - This index covers approximately 40 Seventh-Day Adventist journals and magazines from 1973 to current. Links are provided to fulltext where available
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonite Colonies in Paraguay
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonite Interactions with Indigenous People in Paraguay
- Annotated Bibliography on Mennonites and Politics in Paraguay
- The Hutterite Brethren: An Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to South Dakota Hutterite Colonies - compiled by M.P. Riley in 1965
- Mennonite Historical Bibliography - works acquired by the Canadian Mennonite Bible College up to 2015- arranged by subject
- Mennonite Life Bibliographies - annual bibliographies from the journal Mennonite Life -focus on Canadian, Russian and Prussian Mennonites and 16th Century Anabaptism
- Pietism - Aufsatze zur Geschicte des Pietismus - part of the Bibliothek der Frankeschen Stiftungen - extensive index to books and journal articles on Pietism
- Anglican Church in the North West An Historical Bibliography - compiled by Bruce Russell
- Library of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada Database - index to Anglican Consultative Council resolutions from 1971 to 2005, Lambeth Conference resolutions from 1867 to 1998, official statements from the Anglican Church of Canada, books in the Church House Library (added since 1989) and more than 34,000 articles indexed from newspapers, journals, magazines and newsletters received by Church House Library (since 1989) - see advanced search to limit to archival descriptions, photographs, official statements and/or journal articles
- Wesley Bibliography - compiled by K.J.Collins
- Baptist Bibliography, Compiled by Edward Starr in 1952
- Brethren Bibliography - Church of the Brethren Network
- Institute Catholique de Paris - index to books and articles
- Catholic Reference Resources (joint project of Roman Catholic Denomination Group of the American Theological Library Association and the Academic Section of the Catholic Library) - use tags to link to works by subject
- Abbot Columba Marmion : select bibliography
- Augustine of Hippo - texts, critical material and images
- Augustine Bibliography - Finding Augustine - comprehensive searchable database
- Augustine's Confessions: a bibliography - bibliography from Latin text and commentary by James J. O'Donnell (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992)
- Augustinus-Literaturdatenbank - index to books and articles on Saint Augustine produced by the Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung at the Julius-Maximilians University Wurzburg
- Benedictines and Art: a select bibliography
- Bibliografie zur deutschsprachigen Mariologie und Marienverehrung
- Bibliographia Thomistica - index to articles and books on Thomas Aquinas
- Bibliography of articles and books written by African American Catholics or about the African American Catholic Community (United Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- Bibliography of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium
- Bibliography on Women and Mary - see also Black Madonna Bibliography and History of Mariology Bibliography (extensive lising of works on Mary in New Testament and art and literature and Medjugorje Bibliography
- Bibliothèque diocésaine de Quimper et Léon - index to books and journal articles on Biblical Studies and Catholic theology. While some of the citations are to English language material, the majority are in French
- BIBP: Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics - indexes over 65,000 records
- Cluny Bibliographie - Benedictines, monastic life in the middle ages
- Crusades from ORB bibliographies - compiled by Lynn Nelson
- Database Kanonisches Recht - over 40,000 citations to books and articles on canon law
- Duns Scotus Bibliography from 1950 to the Present - primary and secondary literature on Duns Scotus and Scotism compiled by Tobias Hoffman (10th edition 2022)
- Franciscan Women: Bibliography- 13th - 18th century - over 5,000 entries can browse by citation, keyword or author or keyword search using the Franciscan Women database
- Gregorian Chant bibliography
- Hagiography Database - Great tool to aid the study of writings about saints and their posthumous cults. 119 saints of the 8th to 10th centuries are included in this database which contains information from the Greek vitae and martyria, collections of miracles and notices from the Synaxarion of Constantinople. Provides searching of the Greek vitae of the saints by keyword or by category such as medicine, monasticism etc. - link to the Greek text is provided for most of the saints.
- Homosexuality and Catholicism : a partially annotated bibliography - very comprehensive bibliography compiled by Paul Halsall
- Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa's Thesis Database
- Joan of Arc - International Joan of Arc Society
- Karl Rahner - Bibliography (Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg)
- Lonergan Bibliography - complete bibliography of all works cited in current and past editions of the Lonergan Studies Newsletter
- Longergan Studies Bibliography - primary and secondary works to 2005 compiled by Terry Tekippe
- Medieval Church - extensive collection of books, articles and web resources compiled by Robert Bradshaw - includes fulltext
- Meister Eckhart Bibliograpy
- Monastic Matrix Bibliographia - "comprehensive database of citations to primary secondary, published and unpublished sources related to medieval religious women and their communities" - cover 400 to 1500 CE
- Monastic Research Bulletin: Bibliography 2003-2008
- Pope John Paul II Bibliography Index
- Rule of St. Benedict: Bibliography - also includes "comprehensive index to the Rule of St. Benedict"
- Thomas Aquinas in English : A bibliography
- Thomas Aquinas Bibliographia Thomistica - extensive bibliography of secondary literature, over 28.000 records - can search author/title/year or all fields
- Vincent of Beauvais Bibliography - Dominican Friar died 1264
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Comprehensive Bibliographies and Indexes:
- Mormon Bibliography 1830-1930 - produced by BYU Library
- Scholars Archive (BYU) - index to BYU journals as well as books, theses and other full text material
- Study of Mormon Studies Bibliography - by Heather J. Stone
Focused Bibliographies and Indexes:
- 19th century Mormon Article Newspaper Index - " bibliography of newspaper articles which deal in some way with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, or with the territory or state of Utah found in national newspapers between 1831–1900. The database inventories nearly 5800 articles" - from the BYU digital collections - includes full-text of the articles.
- 19th Century Publications about the Book of Mormon - " Published literature relating to the book that appeared during the Prophet Joseph Smith's lifetime is one of the best historical windows for understanding how this ancient American scripture was interpreted, used, and understood by early readers" - from the BYU digital collections
- Latter-day Saint Studies - compiled by James B. Allen, BYU Professor of History emeritus, and J. Michael Hunter of the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University " This database includes citations to articles, books, theses, and Ph.D. dissertations dealing with the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, written from the time of its inception in 1830 to the present. It is intended to be comprehensive, but does not include highly pejorative works, though it does include controversial works that still have historical substance or interest. "
- Works by Koosma Tarasoff - most of his work is focused on the Doukhabours
Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jehovah's Witnesses Research Bibliography, by Robert M. Bowman
- Aufsatzdokumentation zur Geschichte des Pietismus - extensive index to books and journal articles on Pietism
- Annotated Bibliography for the Lutheran Reformation
- Bibliography of Historical North American Lutheran History (Concordia Historical Institute)
- Lutheran Catechism Bibliography
- United Methodist Studies Basic Bibliographies, compiled by Christopher J. Anderson
- Women in the Methodist and Wesleyan Tradition, edited by Susan Warrick
- War and Peace in the Methodist Tradition, compiled by Kenneth E. Rowe
Orthodox Eastern Church
Eastern Orthodox Mysticism and Spirituality - compiled by Alexander Golitzin
- European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism - Bibliographies - includes a number of bibliographies on Pentecostalism in Nigeria, Kerala, Sub-Saharan Africa, Yoruba Land, Ethiopia, Asia, South Asia, Papua New Guinea as well as ones more on history of Pentecostalism
- Pew Research Center - Pentecostalism in Africa: Bibliography, Pentecostalism in Asia: Bibliography and Pentecostalism in Latin America: Bibliography
Reformed Church
- Calvinism Resources Database - comprehensive guide to articles, essays and book reviews on John Calvin and Calvinism - regularly updated
- Christian Reformed Church Periodical Index - over 100,000 records including official publications of the Christian Reformed Church and a number of journals including: Banner, Calvin Theological Journal, Dialogue, Reformed Worship and Voice of the Reformed. Maintained by Hekman Library, Calvin College
- Karl Barth Bibliography (Center for Barth Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary)- literature by and about Karl Barth.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- American Friend Obituary Index - compiled by Thomas Hamm ( Earlham College Libraries)
- Recent Scholarship on Quaker History, compiled by Julie Swierczek
SEE ALSO General Christianity Bibliographies and Indexes
Stone-Campbell Movement
- Restoration Serials Index - index to articles from over 70 journals relevant to study of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement
Syriac Christianity
- BIBP: Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique - searchable database to 60,000 records from over 1600 journals on patristic studies (Early Christian Church Fathers). While you need to search in French, many of the items are in English
- Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity
- Gateway to the Syriac Saints - searchable index to texts and to the saints (provides brief background info and a bibliography)
Unitarian Universalist
- Conrad Wright's Bibliography of UU HIstory
- Unitarian Universalist Resources - guide prepared by Andover-Harvard Theological Library
- Unitarian Universalism Bibliography (Pluralism Project)
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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