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Religious Studies Web Guide

Biblical Studies - Biblographies and Indexes


  • Biblical Bibliographies and Related Material by Charles Conroy - extensive listing of bibliographies as well as links to resources for biblical research
  • Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne - database of articles, books and collected works. Can search by keyword, subject, author, biblical reference, theme and Greek and Hebrew terms.
  • Biblical  compiled by Rob Bradshaw - index to a wide variety of journal articles, links to freely available full-text for over 20,000 articles
  • BILDI: Index Biblicus -  extensive index to Biblical Studies material - indexes 90 journals completely, selectively indexes over 500 other journals and includes articles in collected works and Festschriften.  Since 2024 has incorporated the BiBIL (Lausanne) database of Biblical Studies.
  • École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem (Bibliothèque St Étienne de Jérusalem) - this library catalogue is a comprehensive index to books and journal articles on biblical studies and archaeology
  • Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Integrated Database - index to books, articles, book sections as well as photos, museum and archival resources. Good source to locate research resources on Ancient Near Eastern religions (Egyptian, Zoarastianism etc.), Biblical Studies and early Christianity, and early history of Islam and Judaism.