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Buddhism - Sacred Texts
Tips for locating Tibetan texts
- 84,000 Project - "global non-profit initiative to translate the words of the Buddha and make them available to everyone" - currently focus is on the Kangyur and hundreds of sutras and tantras are available including the Sūtra of The Teaching of Vimalakīrti and The Sūtra on the Threefold Training
- Access to Insight: Readings in Theravada Buddhism - selected texts from the Pali Canon including Bodhi Leaves and Wheel Publications and English translations of selected texts from the Vinaya Pitaka, and Sutta Pittaka (including Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya and Khudaka Nikaya )
- Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page - original text and translations - Grammar, biographical, nuns and women, doctrinal, meditation, Abhidhamma, post-canonial, chanting
- Asian Classics Input Project (ACIP) - Kanjur, Tanjur and native Tibetan classics - use download options on left side of the screen
- BDK English Tripitaka - selected publications
- Buddhist Sutras from Foundation for the Preservation of Mahayana tradition
- Buddhist Canons Research Database -extensive links to Tibetan Buddhist texts and to commentaries in a variety of languages
- Buddhist Digital Resource Centre - extensive lists of texts - register to access full text
- Buddhist Scriptures (BuddhaNet) - Pali Tipitaka, The Dhammapada, Mhasatipatthana Sutta, Heart Sutra
- Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA)
- The Collected Works of Shinran
- Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon
- Electronic Bodhidharma -International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism - links to Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pali Scriptures including Taisho shinshu Daizokyo, Xuzangjing, Yongle Tripitaka, Dragon Sutra, Kanyur, Tengyur, Amitaabha Sutra, Vajraccedikaa-pranaapaaramitaa Sutra, Heart Sutra, Dighanikayo, Majjhimanikayo, Samyuttanikayo, Aguttaranikayo and Khuddakanikaye
- International Dunhuang Project - manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artifacts - including Amitrabha Sutra, Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts, Chinese Manuscripts, Sanskrit Fragments and Saddharma Pundarika Sutra
- Library of Tibetan Classics (Institute of Tibetan Classics)
- Nichiren Buddhism Library - Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, The Lotus Sutra , The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism
- Pali Tipitaka (Vipassana Research Institute)
- Pali Canon Online
- Pali Canon Tipitaka - Outline and explanation of the canon and English translations of selected texts
- Paracanonical Pali Texts - excerpts from Milindapanha, Visuddhimagga, Atthakatha
- Religious Traditions from Internet East Asian History Sourcebook compiled by Paul Halsall
- Resources for East Asian Language and Thought by Charles Muller - Diamond Sutra, Sutra of the Perfect Enlightenment, Analects of Confucius etc.
- Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies - various e-text versions
- Sanskrit Manuscripts from Cambridge Digital Library - the University of Cambridge has over 1600 doctrinal, exegetical, philosophical, scientific and ritual works in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali , Tamil and other ancient and medieval South Asian languages. A catalogue is being produced and a significant percentage of the titles will be digitized.
- SAT Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Text Database - full text of 85 volumes
- Sutta Central
- Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae (TLB) - Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo - "multilingual presentation of Buddhist literature sentence by sentence in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, English etc."
- The Tibetan Buddhist Canon from the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library - Dege Kangyur, Tengyur and Collected Tantras of the Ancients
- Titus : Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text-Und Sprachmaterialien - Includes Buddhist Sanskrit texts as well as Pali texts such as Buddhacarita, Lankavatarasutra, Causparisatsutra Sardulakarnavadana, Udanavarga, Abhisamayalamkara and Mahavamsa
- Dhammapada - translated into English by John Richards
Selections from the Sutta Nipata - translated from the Pali by John D. Ireland
- Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages - compiled by Marcus Bingenheimer - good guide to where translations of specific texts can be found in books, theses and journal articles
- Bibliography of Jodo-Shinshu Scriptures in Western Language translations
- Buddhist Canons Research Database - can search using Wylie, Sanskrit, Chinese and Tibetan script - links to text in Tibetan Buddhist Resource Centre
- Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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