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Christianity Libraries and Archives
- John Richard Allison Library at Regent College - strong collection of material for Puritan studies
- Missions on Microform - listing of major missionary collections on microfilm
- Mundus: Gateway to missionary collections in the United Kingdom - guide to the holdings of over 400 collections of overseas missionary materials held in the United Kingdom
- VthK (Virtueiler Katakog Theologie und Kirche) - Meta-catalogue of over 8 million works including essays held by ecclesiastical and academic libraries in Germany
Major Multi-Denominational Libraries
- Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide - Archives and Library - "research and teaching centre in Cambridge, England dedicated to study, reflection, and practical engagement with the global nature of Christianity in the twenty-first century."
- Deutsches Liturgisches Institut Library - indexes works in books and journals - also includes Jewish liturgy
- Dr. William's Library and Congregational Library Online - major index to books and articles on English Protestant nonconformity - link to manuscripts "Archives List" under search all collections
- Goussen Library Collection - specialized library for oriental church history - digitized texts in "oriental languages such as Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Arabic, Armenian and Georgian languages from the 16th to the 20th century (the focus is on the 18th and the 19th century)." - comprehensive index to hymns and hymnals
- Graduate Theological Union Library
- Institut d'Etudes Augustiennes Online Catalogue (Sorbonne Université) - index to essays and books on the first 1,000 years of Christianity (includes Biblical and Semitic studies)
- Online-Katalog der Bibliothek des Instituts fur Theologie und Frieden - Books and journal articles on the theology of peace, includes works from an ethical perspective
- Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts - comprehensive listing of manuscripts produced prior to 1600. Can limit by a wide variety of fields including "liturgical use" - includes links to digital texts when available.
- Universitatsbibliothek Tuebingen
- Yale University Divinity School Library
individual Denominations
- Center for Adventist Research - "combines the resources of the Adventist Heritage Center and the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office to provide the most extensive collection of Adventist related resources in the world" - located in the James White Library of Andrews University
- James White Library - Seventh Day Adventist resources
- Southern Adventist University - McKee Library
- Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (Tabor College) - "resource center and archive for information about the Mennonite Brethren"
- Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies - Canadian Conference
- Mennonite Library & Archives (Fresno Pacific University)
- Anglican Church of Canada Archives - Search Archives
- Archives of the Episcopal Church - Digital Archives
- General Synod Archives (Anglican Church of Canaa)
- Trinity College (Toronto, Ontario) - limit search to Trinity College Library - Trinity College Library hold Anglican Communion material formerly held by the Anglican Church of Canada Archives
- American Baptist Historical Society
- Atlantic Baptist Archives - A small selection is contained in the Digital Archives
- Billy Graham Center Archives - searchable archives database
- Canadian Baptist Archives (McMaster University)
- James P Boyce Centennial Library (Southern Baptist Seminary) - over 800,000 works in the collection
- Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives - includes Digital Resources (convention annuals, biographies, newspapers and photographs)
- Wheaton College Archives and Wheaton College Library
Catholic Church
- Biblioteca Augustiniana
- Bibliothèques de l’Université catholique de Louvain
- Bibliothèque diocésaine de Quimper et Léon - index to books and journal articles on Biblical Studies and Catholic Theology. While some of the citations are to English language material, the majority are in French
- Carmelite Monastery of Baltimore Archives - holdings "reach back into seventeenth century English and Low Country history as well as seventeenth and eighteenth century Maryland colonial history. This repository holds records relating to the early history of the Catholic Church in the United States including letters and documents of the first U.S. Bishops, the Jesuits and other religious communities.
- Catholic Portal - to free research resources (Books, archival material, pamphlets etc) and Catholic News Archive
- The Catholic University of America Library - see also Digital Collections.
Centro Pro Unione Library - "significant collections of ecumenical theology, the history of ecumenical movement, Vatican II, the WCC and an exhaustive documentation of the interconfessional theological dialogue
- International Marian Research Institute Library (University of Dayton) - Browse the Marian Library "recognized nationally and internationally as a center for scholarship on the Blessed Virgin Mary"
- Institute Catholique de Paris - index to books and articles
- Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa Library - indexes books and some articles on Jesuits, Christianity in Africa and African religions. Africa thesis bank
- KU Leuven Libraries - Maurits Sabbe Library (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies) -- over 1 million volumes on theology and religious studies
- Loyola University Chicago - see Digital Collections
- Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche - links to the catalogs of 18 Libraries
- Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II w Krakowie
- Vatican Apostolic Library - Archival Holdings - See also Digital Vatican Library
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- BYU Brigham Young University Libraries Note: BYU Masters Theses on Mormonism - see also rest of BYU digital collections
- Congregational Library and Archive - includes image collection of 1,300 photos, prints and postcards. Can also search Digital Collection
- Dr Williams' Library - " is the pre-eminent research library of English Protestant nonconformity. Established under the will of Dr Daniel Williams, the Library is one of the oldest open to the public still conducted on its original benefaction." See also the Surman Index - brief biographical information on Congregational ministers in Britain
- Simon Fraser University Library - strong book collection for Doukhobors as well as providing an large online collection of over 600 manuscripts, photographs , books, articles, document and interviews dealing with the Doukhobors in Canada.
- Concordia Historical Institute - Research center on the history of Lutheranism in North America, includes the archives of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as well as other archival material relevant for the study of Lutheranism. Library Catalog and Archives Catalog
- Concordia Seminary Library (St. Louis) - includes image collection with 1,300 photos, prints and postcards
- Luther Seminary Library
- General Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church - Search the Archives
- J.B. Cain Archives of Mississippi Methodism
- Methodist Archives and Research Centre at John Rylands University Library of Manchester
- Methodist Archival Material at Duke University
- Pitts Theology Library's Special Collections and Archives - holdings include "The Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection, the largest collection of Reformation-related materials in North America; manuscript collections of John and Charles Wesley, part of one of the foremost collections of Wesleyana in the world; strong collections related to European reformation"
- Moravian Archives - official records for the Moravian Church in America - Northern Province
- Moravian Archives Southern Province
Orthodox Christian
- Consortium of Pentecostal Archives - "provides free access to digitized publications documenting the global Pentecostal and charismatic movements. Member archives have placed 572,927 pages in 24,691 periodical issues, books, and other publications on the CPA website"
- Dixon Pentecostal Research Center (Lee University)
- Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Archive (University of Southern California Libraries) - can limit search results to Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Archive - "online digital archive of primary historical materials - correspondence, organizational records, tracts, sermons, diaries, photographs, oral histories - from different regions of the world"
- International Pentecostal Holiness Church Archives and Research Center - Search collection
- The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives
- Presbyterian Historical Society - 75,000 books, periodicals and archival collections listed in the Catalog - also includes Index to Foreign Missionary Vertical Files Index, Biographical Vertical Files Index and Digital Collection includes images of Church buildings and photographs, texts, maps etc relating to Mission history
- Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden - Reform Protestantism
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Salvation Army
- Booth University College Library, Winnipeg - Booth is a "Christian university college rooted in The Salvation Army’s Wesleyan theological tradition"
- Salvation Army International Heritage Centre Catalogue - material in their archive and library
Stone-Campbell Movement - Libraries and Archives
- Abilene Christian University Library - see also Stone-Campbell Resources (Abilene Christian University) - primary resources including books, journals, pamphlets, photographs, sermons etc.
- Swedenborg Library (Bryn Athyn College) - holds the Academy of the New Church Archives- "1,500 linear feet of records and manuscripts related to the history of the New Church and Swendenborgian movements in the United States"
- Swedenborgian Library and Archives (Center for Swedenborgian Studies) - Search for material through the GTU catalogue
Syriac Christianity
- Beth Mardutho Research Library Online Catalog
- Princeton Theology Seminary - extensive collection of works on Syriac Christianity as well as collections of Syriac manuscripts
Unitarian Universalist
- Meadville/Lombard Theological School - important archive for documents on Unitarian Universalist history
- Unitarian Universalist Institutional Records (Andover-Harvard Theological Library)
United Church
- United Church of Canada Archives
- United Church of Canada Digitized Collections - For comprehensive holdings search - U of Toronto Library search. Can limit search results to Emmanuel Library at Victoria College which "collects all major United Church of Canada publication"
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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