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Christianity - Open Access Journals
- Brethren Digital Archives - "Mission of the Brethren Digital Archives is to digitize some or all of the periodicals produced from the beginning of publication to the year 2000 by each of the Brethren bodies who trace their origin to the baptism near Schwarzenau, Germany in 1708"
- The Catholic News Archive - "thousand of newspaper pages from different cities over multiple years"
- Reformed Presbyterian History Archives - open access fulltext of selected issues of Albany Quarterly, Reformed Presbyterian, Covenanter, Reformed Presbyterian and Covenanter, Our Banner, Political Dissenter, Reformed Presbyterian Standard, Christian Nation, Herald of Mission News, Olive Trees, The Hebrew Messenger, America's Great Decision, Covenanter Witness, Minutes of Synod, RP Ministers and History, Blue Banner Faith and Life
- Acta Theologica - South African journal
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica
- Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology - v. 11-20, 1992-2001 - formerly called The East Africa Journal of Theology
- Alpha Omega: Rivista di Filosofia e Teologia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
- American Missionary - 1878-1901
- Andrews University Seminary Studies (The Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary) - latest two volumes are only available to subscribers
- Anglican Journal - 1998 to the present. Can search issues by key word
- Anglican Theological Review - publisher site provides contents and selected full-text
- Antigüedad y Cristianismo - can browse by number or title or author
- Anvil - An Anglican Evangelical Journal for theology and mission - contents and selected fulltext
- Asbury Journal
- Ashland Theological Journal - v. 14, 1981 - v. 42, 2010
- Asia Pacific Mission Studies - continues East Asian Pastoral Review - "specializes in pastoral renewal and leadership programs for pastoral agents and missionaries of the Asia-Pacific region"
- Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
- Australasian Pentecostal Studies
- Australian Ejournal of Theology
- Baptist Quarterly - v. 1, 1922- v. 38, 1999/2000
- Baptist Review of Theology - v. 1-8, 1991-1998 (ceased)
- Benedictines Magazine
- Binah - academic journal of the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association, Jamaica Theological Seminary and Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. v. 1-2, 1996-97. Continued by the Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology
- Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice v.1 to v.9, 1996-2014
- Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français
- Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (continued by Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society) - v, 1 - 56, 1958 -2013
- BYU Studies - " scholarly religious literature in the form of books, journals, and dissertations that is qualified, significant, and inspiring. We want to share these publications to help promote faith, continued learning, and further interest in our LDS history with those in the world who have a positive interest in this work."
- Calvary Baptist Theological Journal
- Caminhando (Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo)
- Canadian Journal of Orthodox Christianity
- Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity
- Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology - 2002-2006. Previously called Binah
- Catharisme – Histoire, Philosophie et Spiritualité d'hier à aujourd'hui
- Catholic Social Science Review - 2009, 2011-2014 - interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles and reviews in the social sciences and the humanities. "It is the journal of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists and has an editorial focus on topics relevant to the social teaching of the Catholic Church."
- The Catholic World - 1865 - 1901 archive is fully searchable
- Cauriensia: Revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiasticas
- Centro Pro Unione Bulletin - "The Centro Pro Unione, founded and directed by the Society of the Atonement, is an ecumenical research and action center. Its purpose is to give space for dialogue, to be a place for study, research and formation in ecumenism: theological, pastoral, social and spiritual."
- Chafer Theological Seminary Journal - contains articles in biblical studies and theology
- Chinese Theological Review
- Chrétiens et Sociétés : XIe - XXIe siècles
- Christian Brethren Review - v. 31-40, 1982- 1989
- Christian Brethren Research Fellowship Journal - v. 1- 30, 1963-1980
- Christian History Magazine - contents and selected open access full-text
- Church, Communication and Culture
- Churchman - 1924 - 2015 "Churchman, the quarterly journal from Church Society, has been in production since 1879. In that time it has established its place as essential reading for Christians who wish to gain a Biblical perspective on a range of matters. Leading writers deal with current issues, historical themes, and the Evangelical doctrine in which we believe." Continued by The Global Anglican in 2020.
- Common Ground Journal: Perspectives on the Church in the 21st Century
- Compass: A Review of Topical Theology
- Concordia Theological Quarterly
- Conspectus - "scholarly publication that is evangelical in its theological orientation"
- Contemporary Church History Quarterly
- Coptic Church Review
- Criterion (University of Chicago Divinity School) - journal contains Alumnus of the Year lecture, sermons, lectures from conferences
- Crucible: Theology & Ministry: An on-line journal of peer-reviewed articles and other resources on Christian Life and Thought
- Cuadernos de Teologia
- Cuestiones Teológicas
- Currents in Theology and Mission: The Theological Journal of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and Wartburg Theological Seminary
- Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
- Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies - includes book reviews and review articles
- Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal
- Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
- Didache: Faithful Teaching -" an interdisciplinary academic journal offered on-line that explores the intersections of Christian conviction, culture and education for the Church of the Nazarene and other international Wesleyan communities in higher education"
- Dios y el Hombre
- Direction: a Mennonite Brethren Forum - open access to the articles is available 6 months after publication
- Dunamis: jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani - evangelical Christian theology
- East-West Church Ministry Report - open access full-text for all issues excluding current year - Christianity in Russia and Central and East European countries
- Ecclesiology Today: Journal of the Ecclesiological Society
- Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology - formerly called Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
- Elpis (Department of Orthodox Theology, University of Bialystok) - objective is to" present contemporary Orthodox theology and to propagate the work of theologians, historians and philologists in their fields associated with Orthodoxy"
- Estudos Teológicos (Progama de Pós-Graduaçāo em Teologia )
- Etudes d'histoire religieuse
- European Journal of Science and Theology - open access for all but issues for current year
- European Journal of Theology - contents and selected open access full-text
- Evangel - The British Evangelical Review - contents and selected open access full-text
- The Evangelical Quarterly - contents and selected open access full-text
- Faculty Dialogue Issues: 8 (Winter 1987) to 20 (Winter 1993/94), 24 (spring 1995) and 25 (Fall 1995) Issues: 9 (Fall 1987), 24 (Spring 1995), 25 (Fall 1995) and 26 (Winter 1996)
- Faith and Thought (formerly Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute - contents and selected open access full-text
- Fohat (Edmonton Theosophical Society)
- Franciscanum (University of San Buenaventura, Bogota) - theology and philosophy
- Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith
- Global Journal of Classical Theology: An Online Journal of Evangelical Theology
- Gouden Hoorn : Tijdschrift over Byzantium - Journal about Byzantium - v.1-7, 1993-1999
- Grace Theological Journal
- Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research
- Harvard Divinity Bulletin - 2003 to date
- Hispania Sacra: Revista de Historia Eclesiastica
- Hokhma: Revue de réflexion théologique - full text for a few of the earlier issues - subject/author indexes
- Homiletic
- Horizonte ( Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião)
- HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies - previously known as Hervormde Teologiese Studies
- Hugoye: Journal of Syriac studies
- ICCTE Journal - Journal of the International Christian Community for Teacher Education
- Ignaziana: Rivista di Ricerca Teologica - "intent to stimulate and strengthen research in the Christian tradition inaugurated by St. Ignatius of Loyola"
- IBMR Journal (International Bulletin of Mission Research) - open access for issues up to 2011; contents and abstracts only for more current issues
- IESUS ABOENSIS: Åbo Akademi Journal for Historical Jesus Research
- In Communion - Orthodox Peace Fellowship
- In Die Skriflig /In Luce Verbi - "accredited journal that serves as the official journal of the Reformed Theological Society. Aims to further Reformational Theology on a scientific basis and thus serving the Church and the kingdom of God"
- Indian Journal of Theology - contents ( not available for all years) and selected open access full text
- Indonesian Journal of Theology
- International Journal of Frontier Missions
- International Journal of Orthodox Theology
- International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology
- The Japan Christian Review - 59, 1993 to last issue 64, 1998. Articles listed by author.
- The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry
- Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - now titled Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology
- Journal for Christian Theological Research
- Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies
- Journal of Analytic Theology
- Journal of Applied Missiology
- Journal of Asian Mission (AGST Philippines)- " seeks to provide a forum to assess theories and practices of mission applied in the past or proposed for the future, and to encourage reflective thinking among Christian leaders training Asians for missionary task and those working toward the evangelization of Asia." v. 1 to 7. 1999-2005
- Journal of Baptist Studies
- Journal of Catholic Education - formerly Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
- Journal of Early Christian History - formerly Acta Patristica et Byzantiana - full text is only available to sub-Saharan countries
- Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies - all except recent two volumes are available for free download
- Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology
- Journal of Icon Studies - published by Museum of Russian Icons
- Journal of Jesuit Studies - Jesuits from the 16th century to date
- Journal of Liberal Religion (Meadville Lombard Theological School)
- Journal of Lutheran Ethics
- Journal of Maronite Studies (The Maronite Research Institute) - history, liturgy and theology of the Maronites
- Journal of Psychology and Christianity
- Journal of Psychology and Theology
- Journal of Southern Religion
- Journal of the Adventist Theological Society (JATS)
- Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture - " is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting our understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the scriptures revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Contributions dealing with all aspects of these texts and their contents are invited, including textual, historical, cultural, archaeological, and philological studies. Submissions must be consistent with a faithful Latter-day Saint perspective, and make a significant contribution to our understanding, to be considered for publication." Now called Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
- Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (formerly the Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society) - all but most recent two years are available open access
- Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
- Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society
- Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History - v. 1-9, 1984-1992. All published issues
- Journal of Welsh Religious History
- Jurnal Jaffray -" aims to disseminate ideas and research results related to religious studies and Christian Religious Education"
- Kairos: Evengelical Journal of Theology
- Tà katoptrizómena, das Magazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie und Ästhetik
- Laval théologique et philosophique - all issues but current are available open access
- Living Tradition - journal of the Roman Theological Forum
- Lutheran Theological Review - published by Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, Brock University
- Mariologisches Jahrbuch - 1997 - 2015
- Marion Library Studies -" polyglot journal specializing in original research on Christ, Mary, and the Church.
- Marion Studies - "the proceedings of the annual national meeting--of the Mariological Society of America. The Mariological Society of America (MSA) is a Catholic theological association dedicated to studying and making known the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of Christ and the Church and in the history of salvation"
- The Master's Seminary Journal
- Melanesian Journal of Theology
- Melto - 1965-1969, merged with Parole de l'Orient in 1970
- Mennonite Historian (Mennonite Heritage Centre and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada)
- Mennonite Historical Bulletin
- Mennonite Life
- Mennonite Quarterly Review - contents with selected full text / search the index 1926-2000
- The Merton Annual - list of articles available open access
- Methodist History Journal
- Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies
- Mid-America Journal of Theology
- Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology
- Monastic Research Bulletin
- Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif / Dutch Reformed Theological Journal - continued by Stellenbosch Theological Journal
- New Princeton Review
- New Theology Review - "is a Catholic online, open-access journal of theology and ministry published by the Catholic Theological Union through the Paul Bechtold Library. Its mission is to serve the Church by providing, through the publication of articles, a forum for theologians and pastoral ministers to engage the Catholic tradition in respectful, constructive and critical dialogue. Its primary intent and direction is to promote a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and the mission of the Church."
- La Nouvelle Revue Théologique - open access for articles 1958-2003; contents only for later volumes
- Oliviana: Mouvements et dissidences spirituels, IIIe - XIVe siecles
- Open Theology
- Pacific Journal of Baptist Research
- Parole de l'Orient- 1970-2009
- Pastoral Music - open access to all volumes up to September 2012
- Paedagogia Christiania
- Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture
- Perichorresis: The Theological Journal of Emanuel University - "only government-accredited Baptist university in Europe"
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
- Pharos Journal of Theology - see under Publications - Archive for earlier issues
- Polonia Sacra (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II, Krakow
- Poznanskie Studia Teologiczne (Faculty of Theology, Adam Mickiewicz University)
- Presbyterian and Reformed Review
- The Princeton Review - 1830-1882 (Making of America Journals)
- Presbyterian Review
- Princeton Quarterly and Princeton Review - 1882-1887
- Princeton Seminary Bulletin
- Princeton Theological Review - 1903-1912, 2004-2019
- Protestant Reformed Theological Journal - includes book reviews
- Protestantismo em Revista
- Quaker Theology
- Quaderns de Cristianisme i Justica (Quaderns CJ)
- Refleks - study of the Holiness Movement, Pentecostalism and neo-Pentecostalism
- Reflexus: Revista Semestral de Teologia e Ciências da Religião
- Reformation and Revival
- Relat - Revista electronica latinoamericana de teologia - particularly useful for liberation theology
- RES: Review of Ecumenical Studies (Institute for Ecumenical Research, Ucian Blaga University of Sibiu) - all but the latest issue are open access
- Revista Catalana de Teologie
- Revista de cultura teologica - theology and philosophy
- Revista Iberoamericana de Teologia - can also search for individual articles through Library
- Revista Jesus Histórico
- Revue d'Histoire et Philosophie Religieuses - full text available open access from 2002 up to three years after date of publication
- Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes - 1955-1977
- Revue des Sciences Religieuses
- Revue Théologique de Kaslik
- Revue Théologique de Louvain - Issues up to 2013
- Rose +Croix Journal - "focuses on topics that relate to the sciences, history , the arts, mysticism and spirituality, especially interdisciplinary topics" - published by the Rosicrucian Order
- Sacred Architecture
- Saint Anselm Journal
- Salvationist : The Voice of the Army
- Science and Christian Beliefs - open access full text available for volumes older than 5 years.
- Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
- Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography
- Scripta Theologica (Facultad de Teologia, Universidad de Navarra)
- Scriptura: Journal for Contextual Hermeneutics in Southern Africa
- Siwô’: Revista de Teologia
- Slovo: Journal of Old Church Slavonic Institute
- Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
- Southeastern Theological Review
- The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
- Southwestern Journal of Theology
- St. Tikhon's University Review - in Russian
- Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale
- Stellenbosch Theological Journal - continues Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif/Dutch Reformed Theological Journal
- Studia Historiae Ecclesiastiae - "articles in the discipline of Church History/ History of Christianity with an African/South African perspective"
- Studia Redemptorystowskie/Redemptorist Studies: Scientific yearbook of the Warsaw Province of Redemptorists - majority of articles in Polish some in English - see Theology section
- Studia Warminskie - see section for Theology - v. 47, 2010 to present
- Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations
- Studies in Reformed Theology and History - 1993-2005
- Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits
- Teoliteraria: Revista de Literaturas e Teologieas
- Teologia i Człowiek
- Teologia y cultra
- Teologia y Vida - 2000 to date; in Spanish with English abstracts
- Theologica Xaveriana (Faculty of Theology Javeriana University Bogota (Colombia)
- Theological Forum (Theological Faculty, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)
- Theological Studies
- theologie.geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie un Kulturgeshichte
- Theologiques - " Founded in 1993 and headed by an interdisciplinary team, this scientific journal looks at current theological questions in dialogue with the other human sciences. Each issue's theme is examined by writers from different fields reflecting upon a common subject. Théologiques explores the contribution of theological research to the great ethical, social and cultural debates of our day. Open to a diversity of religious and theological traditions and lines of thought, the journal participates in advancing the discourse on God and on believers' experiences. It also studies the ongoing reconstruction of the different fields of knowledge and their impact on the theological process. Most articles are in French; a few appear in English." Open access for all issues except for current year
- Theology in Scotland
- Theopoetics - "interfaith container for the intersection of several conversations with religious reflection: aesthetics, literature, embodiment, creativity studies, and the philosophy of imagination."
- Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society
- Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts
- Tyndale Bulletin -open access full text for all articles from v.1 to 3 years from present
- Union Seminary Quarterly Review - 2010 - 2016. Ceased in 2016
- Verbum et Ecclesia: Academic Journal of the Centre for Ministerial Development - funded by the Centre for Ministerial Development of the Dutch Reformed Church, University of Pretoria
- Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svâto-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta. Seria I: Bogoslovie, Filosofiâ (St Tikhon's University Review) - in Russian
- Via Spiritus: Revista de História da Espiritualidade e do Sentimento Religioso
- Vidimus - articles on and images of medieval stained glass
- Vincentian Heritage - "dedicated to promoting a living interest in the historical and spiritual heritage of the wide-ranging Vincentian family under the patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) and Saint Louise de Marillac (1591-1660)."
- Vox Evangelical
- Wesleyan Theological Journal - includes title and author index. Full text of articles from 1966 to 2010
- Word and World: Theology for Christian Ministry
- WRS Journal - "articles written by WRS (Western Reformed Seminary) professors, other Bible Presbyterian pastors"
- Zeitschrift für christliche Archäeologie und Kunst - v.1 and 2, 1856-1857
- Zeitschrift fuer Pastoraltheologie
- Zeischrit fur Religionspadagogik (Theo-Web)
- Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche - contents v. 1-100
- Zograf - Serbian journal covering the humanities
- Zwingliana: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Protestantismus in der Schweiz und seiner Ausstrahlung -" was founded in 1897 as a academic journal and at the same time a journal for the members of the Zwingli Society (Zwingliverein). The journal is sponsored by the Zwingliverein in conjunction with the Swiss Reformation Studies Institute at the University of Zurich. Zwingliana provides free electronic access to its issues with a three year delay. Currently you will find more than 2200 full text searchable articles in 202 different issues of the journal since 1897
- Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024 4:10 PM
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