Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo
Other resources for Qualitative Research
- The U of Calgary subscribes to an excellent resource called Sage Research Methods that includes handbooks, videos, reference books, project planners, cases, and even datasets for all different types of research methods. Here's a direct link to the section overview on qualitative data analysis .
- QualPage - Blog and resources all around qualitative research
- Choosing an appropriate CAQDAS package (There are options other than NVivo)
What do I do next?
You'll soon realize that NVivo is a wonderful tool for helping you organize and understand your qualitative data, but it's not magic. There's no button to press to analyze and make meaning of the codes and queries you've created. You still have to draw conclusions and write up your findings. Here are some starting points for you. None of this is specific to NVivo.
- Writing up Qualitative Research by Harry F. WolcottISBN: 9781412970112Publication Date: 2008-11-19Writing Up Qualitative Research, Third Edition, offers time-tested suggestions on every aspect of the process from beginning to end. In this new edition, author Harry Wolcott continues to focus on the "writing side" of qualitative research, while incorporating new features such as guidelines on how and where to use theory.
- Qualitative Research from Start to Finish by Robert K. YinISBN: 9781606239773Publication Date: 2010-10-06See specifically chapters 10 and 11
- Writing ResearchResults of all materials on the subject from Sage Research Methods
- Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 10:20 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/nvivo
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