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NURS285 - Fall 2024

Print Books

Print Books:


Moon, Jennifer A. (2006) Learning journals : A handbook for reflective practice and professional development.  Routledge, London.
LB1060 .M664 2006 Taylor Library


Wright, Jeannie. (2012) Reflective writing in counselling and psycotherapy. London, Sage.
WM450.5 .W9 W951 2012 Health Sciences Library


Bolton, Gillie. (2010) Reflective practice: Writing and professional development.  Los Angeles, Sage.
W20 .B694 2010 Health Sciences Library



Reflection in Nursing Resources

Print Books:

Ghaye, Tony.  (2012) Empowerment through reflection: A guide for practitioners and healthcare teams.  London, Quay Books.
WY87 .E55 2012 Health Sciences Library

Sherwood, Gwen.  (2012)  Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes.  Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
WY16.1 S554 2012 Health Sciences Library

Ghaye, Tony. (2011) When caring is not enough: Examples of reflection in practice. London, Quay Books.
WY86 .W567 2011 Health Sciences Library

Johns, Christoper (2010)  Guided reflection: A narrative approach to advancing professional practice.  Chichester, West Sussex, Wiley-Blackwell.
WY86 .J633 2010 Health Sciences Library

Johns, Christoper (2004) Becoming a reflective practitioner. Oxford, Blackwell.
WY86 .J63 2004 Heath Sciences Library

Lyons, Nona (2009)
Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry: mapping a way of knowing for professional reflective inquiry.  New York, Springer.|
LB1027.23 .H26 Business Library